# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe HipchatService do describe "Associations" do it { is_expected.to belong_to :project } it { is_expected.to have_one :service_hook } end describe 'Validations' do context 'when service is active' do before do subject.active = true end it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:token) } end context 'when service is inactive' do before do subject.active = false end it { is_expected.not_to validate_presence_of(:token) } end end describe "Execute" do let(:hipchat) { described_class.new } let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:api_url) { 'https://hipchat.example.com/v2/room/123456/notification?auth_token=verySecret' } let(:project_name) { project.full_name.gsub(/\s/, '') } let(:token) { 'verySecret' } let(:server_url) { 'https://hipchat.example.com'} let(:push_sample_data) do Gitlab::DataBuilder::Push.build_sample(project, user) end before do allow(hipchat).to receive_messages( project_id: project.id, project: project, room: 123456, server: server_url, token: token ) WebMock.stub_request(:post, api_url) end it 'tests and return errors' do allow(hipchat).to receive(:execute).and_raise(StandardError, 'no such room') result = hipchat.test(push_sample_data) expect(result[:success]).to be_falsey expect(result[:result].to_s).to eq('no such room') end it 'uses v1 if version is provided' do allow(hipchat).to receive(:api_version).and_return('v1') expect(HipChat::Client).to receive(:new).with( token, api_version: 'v1', server_url: server_url ).and_return(double(:hipchat_service).as_null_object) hipchat.execute(push_sample_data) end it 'uses v2 as the version when nothing is provided' do allow(hipchat).to receive(:api_version).and_return('') expect(HipChat::Client).to receive(:new).with( token, api_version: 'v2', server_url: server_url ).and_return(double(:hipchat_service).as_null_object) hipchat.execute(push_sample_data) end context 'push events' do it "calls Hipchat API for push events" do hipchat.execute(push_sample_data) expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, api_url).once end it "creates a push message" do message = hipchat.send(:create_push_message, push_sample_data) push_sample_data[:object_attributes] branch = push_sample_data[:ref].gsub('refs/heads/', '') expect(message).to include("#{user.name} pushed to branch " \ "#{branch} of " \ "#{project_name}") end end context 'tag_push events' do let(:push_sample_data) do Gitlab::DataBuilder::Push.build( project: project, user: user, oldrev: Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA, newrev: '1' * 40, ref: 'refs/tags/test') end it "calls Hipchat API for tag push events" do hipchat.execute(push_sample_data) expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, api_url).once end it "creates a tag push message" do message = hipchat.send(:create_push_message, push_sample_data) push_sample_data[:object_attributes] expect(message).to eq("#{user.name} pushed new tag " \ "test to " \ "#{project_name}\n") end end context 'issue events' do let(:issue) { create(:issue, title: 'Awesome issue', description: '**please** fix') } let(:issue_service) { Issues::CreateService.new(project, user) } let(:issues_sample_data) { issue_service.hook_data(issue, 'open') } it "calls Hipchat API for issue events" do hipchat.execute(issues_sample_data) expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, api_url).once end it "creates an issue message" do message = hipchat.send(:create_issue_message, issues_sample_data) obj_attr = issues_sample_data[:object_attributes] expect(message).to eq("#{user.name} opened " \ "issue ##{obj_attr["iid"]} in " \ "#{project_name}: " \ "Awesome issue" \ "
please fix
") end end context 'merge request events' do let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, description: '**please** fix', title: 'Awesome merge request', target_project: project, source_project: project) } let(:merge_service) { MergeRequests::CreateService.new(project, user) } let(:merge_sample_data) { merge_service.hook_data(merge_request, 'open') } it "calls Hipchat API for merge requests events" do hipchat.execute(merge_sample_data) expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, api_url).once end it "creates a merge request message" do message = hipchat.send(:create_merge_request_message, merge_sample_data) obj_attr = merge_sample_data[:object_attributes] expect(message).to eq("#{user.name} opened " \ "merge request !#{obj_attr["iid"]} in " \ "#{project_name}: " \ "Awesome merge request" \ "
please fix
") end end context "Note events" do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, creator: user) } context 'when commit comment event triggered' do let(:commit_note) do create(:note_on_commit, author: user, project: project, commit_id: project.repository.commit.id, note: 'a comment on a commit') end it "calls Hipchat API for commit comment events" do data = Gitlab::DataBuilder::Note.build(commit_note, user) hipchat.execute(data) expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, api_url).once message = hipchat.send(:create_message, data) obj_attr = data[:object_attributes] commit_id = Commit.truncate_sha(data[:commit][:id]) title = hipchat.send(:format_title, data[:commit][:message]) expect(message).to eq("#{user.name} commented on " \ "commit #{commit_id} in " \ "#{project_name}: " \ "#{title}" \ "
a comment on a commit
") end end context 'when merge request comment event triggered' do let(:merge_request) do create(:merge_request, source_project: project, target_project: project) end let(:merge_request_note) do create(:note_on_merge_request, noteable: merge_request, project: project, note: "merge request **note**") end it "calls Hipchat API for merge request comment events" do data = Gitlab::DataBuilder::Note.build(merge_request_note, user) hipchat.execute(data) expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, api_url).once message = hipchat.send(:create_message, data) obj_attr = data[:object_attributes] merge_id = data[:merge_request]['iid'] title = data[:merge_request]['title'] expect(message).to eq("#{user.name} commented on " \ "merge request !#{merge_id} in " \ "#{project_name}: " \ "#{title}" \ "
merge request note
") end end context 'when issue comment event triggered' do let(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project) } let(:issue_note) do create(:note_on_issue, noteable: issue, project: project, note: "issue **note**") end it "calls Hipchat API for issue comment events" do data = Gitlab::DataBuilder::Note.build(issue_note, user) hipchat.execute(data) message = hipchat.send(:create_message, data) obj_attr = data[:object_attributes] issue_id = data[:issue]['iid'] title = data[:issue]['title'] expect(message).to eq("#{user.name} commented on " \ "issue ##{issue_id} in " \ "#{project_name}: " \ "#{title}" \ "
issue note
") end context 'with confidential issue' do before do issue.update!(confidential: true) end it 'calls Hipchat API with issue comment' do data = Gitlab::DataBuilder::Note.build(issue_note, user) hipchat.execute(data) message = hipchat.send(:create_message, data) expect(message).to include("
issue note
") end end end context 'when snippet comment event triggered' do let(:snippet) { create(:project_snippet, project: project) } let(:snippet_note) do create(:note_on_project_snippet, noteable: snippet, project: project, note: "snippet note") end it "calls Hipchat API for snippet comment events" do data = Gitlab::DataBuilder::Note.build(snippet_note, user) hipchat.execute(data) expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, api_url).once message = hipchat.send(:create_message, data) obj_attr = data[:object_attributes] snippet_id = data[:snippet]['id'] title = data[:snippet]['title'] expect(message).to eq("#{user.name} commented on " \ "snippet ##{snippet_id} in " \ "#{project_name}: " \ "#{title}" \ "
snippet note
") end end end context 'pipeline events' do let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, user: create(:user)) } let(:data) { Gitlab::DataBuilder::Pipeline.build(pipeline) } context 'for failed' do before do pipeline.drop end it "calls Hipchat API" do hipchat.execute(data) expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, api_url).once end it "creates a build message" do message = hipchat.__send__(:create_pipeline_message, data) project_url = project.web_url project_name = project.full_name.gsub(/\s/, '') pipeline_attributes = data[:object_attributes] ref = pipeline_attributes[:ref] ref_type = pipeline_attributes[:tag] ? 'tag' : 'branch' duration = pipeline_attributes[:duration] user_name = data[:user][:name] expect(message).to eq("#{project_name}: " \ "Pipeline ##{pipeline.id} " \ "of #{ref} #{ref_type} " \ "by #{user_name} failed in #{duration} second(s)") end end context 'for succeeded' do before do pipeline.succeed end it "calls Hipchat API" do hipchat.notify_only_broken_pipelines = false hipchat.execute(data) expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, api_url).once end it "notifies only broken" do hipchat.notify_only_broken_pipelines = true hipchat.execute(data) expect(WebMock).not_to have_requested(:post, api_url).once end end end context "#message_options" do it "is set to the defaults" do expect(hipchat.__send__(:message_options)).to eq({ notify: false, color: 'yellow' }) end it "sets notify to true" do allow(hipchat).to receive(:notify).and_return('1') expect(hipchat.__send__(:message_options)).to eq({ notify: true, color: 'yellow' }) end it "sets the color" do allow(hipchat).to receive(:color).and_return('red') expect(hipchat.__send__(:message_options)).to eq({ notify: false, color: 'red' }) end context 'with a successful build' do it 'uses the green color' do data = { object_kind: 'pipeline', object_attributes: { status: 'success' } } expect(hipchat.__send__(:message_options, data)).to eq({ notify: false, color: 'green' }) end end context 'with a failed build' do it 'uses the red color' do data = { object_kind: 'pipeline', object_attributes: { status: 'failed' } } expect(hipchat.__send__(:message_options, data)).to eq({ notify: false, color: 'red' }) end end end end context 'with UrlBlocker' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:hipchat) { create(:hipchat_service, project: project, properties: { room: 'test' }) } let(:push_sample_data) { Gitlab::DataBuilder::Push.build_sample(project, user) } describe '#execute' do before do hipchat.server = 'http://localhost:9123' end it 'raises UrlBlocker for localhost' do expect(Gitlab::UrlBlocker).to receive(:validate!).and_call_original expect { hipchat.execute(push_sample_data) }.to raise_error(Gitlab::HTTP::BlockedUrlError) end end end end