#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'gitlab' require 'pathname' # This script saves the diffs of changes in an MR to the directory specified as the first argument # # It exits with a success code if diffs are found and saved, or if there are no changes, including if the script runs in # a pipeline that is not for a merge request. gitlab_token = ENV.fetch('PROJECT_TOKEN_FOR_CI_SCRIPTS_API_USAGE') gitlab_endpoint = ENV.fetch('CI_API_V4_URL') mr_project_path = ENV['CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_PATH'] mr_iid = ENV['CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID'] puts "CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_PATH is missing." if mr_project_path.to_s.empty? puts "CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID is missing." if mr_iid.to_s.empty? unless mr_project_path && mr_iid puts "Exiting as this does not appear to be a merge request pipeline." exit end abort("ERROR: Please specify a directory to write MR diffs into.") if ARGV.empty? output_diffs_dir = Pathname.new(ARGV.shift).expand_path Gitlab.configure do |config| config.endpoint = gitlab_endpoint config.private_token = gitlab_token end Gitlab.merge_request_changes(mr_project_path, mr_iid).changes.each do |change| next if change['diff'].empty? ext = change['deleted_file'] ? ".deleted.diff" : ".diff" new_path = output_diffs_dir.join("#{change['new_path']}#{ext}") new_path.dirname.mkpath new_path.write(change['diff']) end