# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe TimeboxesHelper do describe "#timebox_date_range" do let(:yesterday) { Date.yesterday } let(:tomorrow) { yesterday + 2 } let(:format) { '%b %-d, %Y' } let(:yesterday_formatted) { yesterday.strftime(format) } let(:tomorrow_formatted) { tomorrow.strftime(format) } context 'milestone' do def result_for(*args) timebox_date_range(build(:milestone, *args)) end it { expect(result_for(due_date: nil, start_date: nil)).to be_nil } it { expect(result_for(due_date: tomorrow)).to eq("expires on #{tomorrow_formatted}") } it { expect(result_for(due_date: yesterday)).to eq("expired on #{yesterday_formatted}") } it { expect(result_for(start_date: tomorrow)).to eq("starts on #{tomorrow_formatted}") } it { expect(result_for(start_date: yesterday)).to eq("started on #{yesterday_formatted}") } it { expect(result_for(start_date: yesterday, due_date: tomorrow)).to eq("#{yesterday_formatted}–#{tomorrow_formatted}") } end end describe '#milestone_counts' do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:counts) { helper.milestone_counts(project.milestones) } context 'when there are milestones' do it 'returns the correct counts' do create_list(:active_milestone, 2, project: project) create(:closed_milestone, project: project) expect(counts).to eq(opened: 2, closed: 1, all: 3) end end context 'when there are only milestones of one type' do it 'returns the correct counts' do create_list(:active_milestone, 2, project: project) expect(counts).to eq(opened: 2, closed: 0, all: 2) end end context 'when there are no milestones' do it 'returns the correct counts' do expect(counts).to eq(opened: 0, closed: 0, all: 0) end end end describe "#group_milestone_route" do let(:group) { build_stubbed(:group) } let(:subgroup) { build_stubbed(:group, parent: group, name: "Test Subgrp") } context "when in subgroup" do let(:milestone) { build_stubbed(:group_milestone, group: subgroup) } it 'generates correct url despite assigned @group' do assign(:group, group) milestone_path = "/groups/#{subgroup.full_path}/-/milestones/#{milestone.iid}" expect(helper.group_milestone_route(milestone)).to eq(milestone_path) end end end end