include ActionDispatch::TestProcess FactoryGirl.define do sequence :sentence, aliases: [:title, :content] do Faker::Lorem.sentence end sequence :name, aliases: [:file_name] do end sequence(:url) { Faker::Internet.uri('http') } factory :user, aliases: [:author, :assignee, :owner, :creator] do email { } name sequence(:username) { |n| "#{Faker::Internet.user_name}#{n}" } password "12345678" password_confirmation { password } confirmed_at { } confirmation_token { nil } trait :admin do admin true end factory :admin, traits: [:admin] end factory :empty_project, class: 'Project' do sequence(:name) { |n| "project#{n}" } path { name.downcase.gsub(/\s/, '_') } namespace creator snippets_enabled true trait :public do visibility_level Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC end trait :internal do visibility_level Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::INTERNAL end trait :private do visibility_level Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE end end # Generates a test repository from the repository stored under `spec/seed_project.tar.gz`. # Once you run `rake gitlab:setup`, you can see what the repository looks like under `tmp/repositories/gitlabhq`. # In order to modify files in the repository, you must untar the seed, modify and remake the tar. # Before recompressing, do not forget to `git checkout master`. # After recompressing, you need to run `RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake gitlab:setup` to regenerate the seeds under tmp. # # If you want to modify the repository only for an specific type of tests, e.g., markdown tests, # consider using a feature branch to reduce the chances of collision with other tests. # Create a new commit, and use the same commit message that you will use for the change in the main repo. # Changing the commig message and SHA of branch `master` may break tests. factory :project, parent: :empty_project do path { 'gitlabhq' } after :create do |project| TestEnv.clear_repo_dir(project.namespace, project.path) TestEnv.reset_satellite_dir TestEnv.create_repo(project.namespace, project.path) end end factory :redmine_project, parent: :project do issues_tracker { "redmine" } issues_tracker_id { "project_name_in_redmine" } end factory :group do sequence(:name) { |n| "group#{n}" } path { name.downcase.gsub(/\s/, '_') } type 'Group' end factory :namespace do sequence(:name) { |n| "namespace#{n}" } path { name.downcase.gsub(/\s/, '_') } owner end factory :users_project do user project project_access { UsersProject::MASTER } end factory :issue do title author project trait :closed do state :closed end trait :reopened do state :reopened end factory :closed_issue, traits: [:closed] factory :reopened_issue, traits: [:reopened] end factory :merge_request do title author source_project factory: :project target_project { source_project } # → git log stable..master --pretty=oneline # b1e6a9dbf1c85e6616497a5e7bad9143a4bd0828 tree css fixes # 8716fc78f3c65bbf7bcf7b574febd583bc5d2812 Added loading animation for notes # cd5c4bac5042c5469dcdf7e7b2f768d3c6fd7088 notes count for wall # 8470d70da67355c9c009e4401746b1d5410af2e3 notes controller refactored # 1e689bfba39525ead225eaf611948cfbe8ac34cf fixed notes logic # f0f14c8eaba69ebddd766498a9d0b0e79becd633 finished scss refactoring # 3a4b4fb4cde7809f033822a171b9feae19d41fff Moving ui styles to one scss file, Added ui class to body # 065c200c33f68c2bb781e35a43f9dc8138a893b5 removed unnecessary hr tags & titles # 1e8b111be85df0db6c8000ef9a710bc0221eae83 Merge branch 'master' of # f403da73f5e62794a0447aca879360494b08f678 Fixed ajax loading image. Fixed wrong wording # e6ea73c77600d413d370249b8e392734f7d1dbee Merge pull request #468 from bencevans/patch-1 # 4a3c05b69355deee25767a74d0512ec4b510d4ef Merge pull request #470 from bgondy/patch-1 # 0347fe2412eb51d3efeccc35210e9268bc765ac5 Update app/views/projects/team.html.haml # 2b5c61bdece1f7eb2b901ceea7d364065cdf76ac Title for a link fixed # 460eeb13b7560b40104044973ff933b1a6dbbcaa Increased count of notes loaded when visit wall page # 21c141afb1c53a9180a99d2cca29ffa613eb7e3a Merge branch 'notes_refactoring' # 292a41cbe295f16f7148913b31eb0fb91f3251c3 Fixed comments for snippets. Tests fixed # d41d8ffb02fa74fd4571603548bd7e401ec99e0c Reply button, Comments for Merge Request diff # b1a36b552be2a7a6bc57fbed6c52dc6ed82111f8 Merge pull request #466 from skroutz/no-rbenv # db75dae913e8365453ca231f101b067314a7ea71 Merge pull request #465 from skroutz/branches_commit_link # 75f040fbfe4b5af23ff004ad3207c3976df097a8 Don't enforce rbenv version # e42fb4fda475370dcb0d8f8f1268bfdc7a0cc437 Fix broken commit link in branches page # 215a01f63ccdc085f75a48f6f7ab6f2b15b5852c move notes login to one controller # 81092c01984a481e312de10a28e3f1a6dda182a3 Status codes for errors, New error pages # 7d279f9302151e3c8f4c5df9c5200a72799409b9 better error handling for not found resource, gitolite error # 9e6d0710e927aa8ea834b8a9ae9f277be617ac7d Merge pull request #443 from CedricGatay/fix/incorrectLineNumberingInDiff # 6ea87c47f0f8a24ae031c3fff17bc913889ecd00 Incorrect line numbering in diff # # → git log master..stable --pretty=oneline # empty source_branch "master" target_branch "stable" trait :with_diffs do end trait :closed do state :closed end trait :reopened do state :reopened end trait :simple do source_branch "simple_merge_request" target_branch "master" end factory :closed_merge_request, traits: [:closed] factory :reopened_merge_request, traits: [:reopened] factory :merge_request_with_diffs, traits: [:with_diffs] end factory :note do project note "Note" author factory :note_on_commit, traits: [:on_commit] factory :note_on_commit_diff, traits: [:on_commit, :on_diff] factory :note_on_issue, traits: [:on_issue], aliases: [:votable_note] factory :note_on_merge_request, traits: [:on_merge_request] factory :note_on_merge_request_diff, traits: [:on_merge_request, :on_diff] trait :on_commit do project factory: :project commit_id "bcf03b5de6c33f3869ef70d68cf06e679d1d7f9a" noteable_type "Commit" end trait :on_diff do line_code "0_184_184" end trait :on_merge_request do project factory: :project noteable_id 1 noteable_type "MergeRequest" end trait :on_issue do noteable_id 1 noteable_type "Issue" end trait :with_attachment do attachment { fixture_file_upload(Rails.root + "spec/fixtures/dk.png", "`/png") } end end factory :event do factory :closed_issue_event do project action { Event::CLOSED } target factory: :closed_issue author factory: :user end end factory :key do title key do "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAIEAiPWx6WM4lhHNedGfBpPJNPpZ7yKu+dnn1SJejgt4596k6YjzGGphH2TUxwKzxcKDKKezwkpfnxPkSMkuEspGRt/aZZ9wa++Oi7Qkr8prgHc4soW6NUlfDzpvZK2H5E7eQaSeP3SAwGmQKUFHCddNaP0L+hM7zhFNzjFvpaMgJw0=" end factory :deploy_key, class: 'DeployKey' do end factory :personal_key do user end factory :key_with_a_space_in_the_middle do key do "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAIEAiPWx6WM4lhHNedGfBpPJNPpZ7yKu+dnn1SJejgt4596k6YjzGGphH2TUxwKzxcKDKKezwkpfnxPkSMkuEspGRt/aZZ9wa ++Oi7Qkr8prgHc4soW6NUlfDzpvZK2H5E7eQaSeP3SAwGmQKUFHCddNaP0L+hM7zhFNzjFvpaMgJw0=" end end factory :another_key do key do "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDmTillFzNTrrGgwaCKaSj+QCz81E6jBc/s9av0+3b1Hwfxgkqjl4nAK/OD2NjgyrONDTDfR8cRN4eAAy6nY8GLkOyYBDyuc5nTMqs5z3yVuTwf3koGm/YQQCmo91psZ2BgDFTor8SVEE5Mm1D1k3JDMhDFxzzrOtRYFPci9lskTJaBjpqWZ4E9rDTD2q/QZntCqbC3wE9uSemRQB5f8kik7vD/AD8VQXuzKladrZKkzkONCPWsXDspUitjM8HkQdOf0PsYn1CMUC1xKYbCxkg5TkEosIwGv6CoEArUrdu/4+10LVslq494mAvEItywzrluCLCnwELfW+h/m8UHoVhZ" end end factory :invalid_key do key do "ssh-rsa this_is_invalid_key==" end end end factory :email do user email do'alias') end factory :another_email do email do'another.alias') end end end factory :milestone do title project trait :closed do state :closed end factory :closed_milestone, traits: [:closed] end factory :system_hook do url end factory :project_hook do url end factory :project_snippet do project author title content file_name end factory :personal_snippet do author title content file_name end factory :snippet do author title content file_name end factory :protected_branch do name project end factory :service do type "" title "GitLab CI" token "x56olispAND34ng" project end factory :service_hook do url service end factory :deploy_keys_project do deploy_key project end end