%h3.page-title Notifications settings %p.light GitLab uses the email specified in your profile for notifications %hr = form_tag profile_notifications_path, method: :put, remote: true, class: 'update-notifications form-horizontal global-notifications-form' do = hidden_field_tag :notification_type, 'global' = label_tag :notification_level, 'Notification level', class: 'control-label' .col-sm-10 .radio = label_tag nil, class: '' do = radio_button_tag :notification_level, Notification::N_DISABLED, @notification.disabled?, class: 'trigger-submit' .level-title Disabled %p You will not get any notifications via email .radio = label_tag nil, class: '' do = radio_button_tag :notification_level, Notification::N_PARTICIPATING, @notification.participating?, class: 'trigger-submit' .level-title Participating %p You will only receive notifications from related resources (e.g. from your commits or assigned issues) .radio = label_tag nil, class: '' do = radio_button_tag :notification_level, Notification::N_WATCH, @notification.watch?, class: 'trigger-submit' .level-title Watch %p You will receive all notifications from projects in which you participate .clearfix %hr %p You can also specify notification level per group or per project %br By default all projects and groups uses notification level set above .row.all-notifications .col-md-6 %h4 Groups: %ul.bordered-list - @group_members.each do |users_group| - notification = Notification.new(users_group) = render 'settings', type: 'group', membership: users_group, notification: notification .col-md-6 %h4 Projects: %ul.bordered-list - @project_members.each do |project_member| - notification = Notification.new(project_member) = render 'settings', type: 'project', membership: project_member, notification: notification