# frozen_string_literal: true class Wiki extend ::Gitlab::Utils::Override include HasRepository include Repositories::CanHousekeepRepository include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize include GlobalID::Identification extend ActiveModel::Naming DuplicatePageError = Class.new(StandardError) MARKUPS = { # rubocop:disable Style/MultilineIfModifier markdown: { name: 'Markdown', default_extension: :md, extension_regex: Regexp.new('md|mkdn?|mdown|markdown', 'i'), created_by_user: true }, rdoc: { name: 'RDoc', default_extension: :rdoc, extension_regex: Regexp.new('rdoc', 'i'), created_by_user: true }, asciidoc: { name: 'AsciiDoc', default_extension: :asciidoc, extension_regex: Regexp.new('adoc|asciidoc', 'i'), created_by_user: true }, org: { name: 'Org', default_extension: :org, extension_regex: Regexp.new('org', 'i'), created_by_user: true }, textile: { name: 'Textile', default_extension: :textile, extension_regex: Regexp.new('textile', 'i') }, creole: { name: 'Creole', default_extension: :creole, extension_regex: Regexp.new('creole', 'i') }, rest: { name: 'reStructuredText', default_extension: :rst, extension_regex: Regexp.new('re?st(\.txt)?', 'i') }, mediawiki: { name: 'MediaWiki', default_extension: :mediawiki, extension_regex: Regexp.new('(media)?wiki', 'i') }, pod: { name: 'Pod', default_extension: :pod, extension_regex: Regexp.new('pod', 'i') }, plaintext: { name: 'Plain Text', default_extension: :txt, extension_regex: Regexp.new('txt', 'i') } }.freeze unless defined?(MARKUPS) VALID_USER_MARKUPS = MARKUPS.select { |_, v| v[:created_by_user] }.freeze unless defined?(VALID_USER_MARKUPS) unless defined?(ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS_REGEX) ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS_REGEX = Regexp.union(MARKUPS.map { |key, value| value[:extension_regex] }).freeze end CouldNotCreateWikiError = Class.new(StandardError) HOMEPAGE = 'home' SIDEBAR = '_sidebar' TITLE_ORDER = 'title' CREATED_AT_ORDER = 'created_at' DIRECTION_DESC = 'desc' DIRECTION_ASC = 'asc' attr_reader :container, :user # Returns a string describing what went wrong after # an operation fails. attr_reader :error_message # Support run_after_commit callbacks, since we don't have a DB record # we delegate to the container. delegate :run_after_commit, to: :container class << self attr_accessor :container_class def for_container(container, user = nil) "#{container.class.name}Wiki".constantize.new(container, user) end # This is needed to support repository lookup through Gitlab::GlRepository::Identifier def find_by_id(container_id) container_class.find_by_id(container_id)&.wiki end def sluggified_full_path(title, extension) sluggified_title(title) + '.' + extension end def sluggified_title(title) title = Gitlab::EncodingHelper.encode_utf8_no_detect(title.to_s.strip) title = File.absolute_path(title, '/') title = Pathname.new(title).relative_path_from('/').to_s title.tr(' ', '-') end def canonicalize_filename(filename) ::File.basename(filename, ::File.extname(filename)).tr('-', ' ') end def cname(name, char_white_sub = '-', char_other_sub = '-') name.to_s.gsub(/\s/, char_white_sub).gsub(/[<>+]/, char_other_sub) end def preview_slug(title, format) ext = format == :markdown ? "md" : format.to_s name = cname(title) + '.' + ext canonical_name = canonicalize_filename(name) path = if name.include?('/') name.sub(%r{/[^/]+$}, '/') else '' end path + cname(canonical_name, '-', '-') end end def initialize(container, user = nil) raise ArgumentError, "user must be a User, got #{user.class}" if user && !user.is_a?(User) @container = container @user = user end def ==(other) other.is_a?(self.class) && container == other.container end # This is needed in: # - Storage::Hashed # - Gitlab::GlRepository::RepoType#identifier_for_container # # We also need an `#id` to support `build_stubbed` in tests, where the # value doesn't matter. # # NOTE: Wikis don't have a DB record, so this ID can be the same # for two wikis in different containers and should not be expected to # be unique. Use `to_global_id` instead if you need a unique ID. def id container.id end def path container.path + '.wiki' end def create_wiki_repository repository.create_if_not_exists(default_branch) raise CouldNotCreateWikiError unless repository_exists? rescue StandardError => e Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_exception(e, wiki: { container_type: container.class.name, container_id: container.id, full_path: full_path, disk_path: disk_path }) raise CouldNotCreateWikiError end def has_home_page? !!find_page(HOMEPAGE) end def empty? !repository_exists? || list_page_paths(limit: 1).empty? end def exists? !empty? end # Lists wiki pages of the repository. # # limit - max number of pages returned by the method. # sort - criterion by which the pages are sorted. # direction - order of the sorted pages. # load_content - option, which specifies whether the content inside the page # will be loaded. # # Returns an Array of GitLab WikiPage instances or an # empty Array if this Wiki has no pages. def list_pages(direction: DIRECTION_ASC, load_content: false, limit: 0, offset: 0) create_wiki_repository unless repository_exists? paths = list_page_paths(limit: limit, offset: offset) return [] if paths.empty? pages = paths.map do |path| page = Gitlab::Git::WikiPage.new( url_path: sluggified_title(strip_extension(path)), title: canonicalize_filename(path), format: find_page_format(path), path: sluggified_title(path), raw_data: '', name: canonicalize_filename(path), historical: false ) WikiPage.new(self, page) end sort_pages!(pages, direction) pages = pages.take(limit) if limit > 0 fetch_pages_content!(pages) if load_content pages end def sidebar_entries(limit: Gitlab::WikiPages::MAX_SIDEBAR_PAGES, **options) pages = list_pages(**options.merge(limit: limit + 1)) limited = pages.size > limit pages = pages.first(limit) if limited [WikiDirectory.group_pages(pages), limited] end # Finds a page within the repository based on a title # or slug. # # title - The human readable or parameterized title of # the page. # # Returns an initialized WikiPage instance or nil def find_page(title, version = nil, load_content: true) create_wiki_repository unless repository_exists? version = version.presence || default_branch path = find_matched_file(title, version) return if path.blank? blob_options = load_content ? {} : { limit: 0 } blob = repository.blob_at(version, path, **blob_options) commit = repository.commit(blob.commit_id) format = find_page_format(path) page = Gitlab::Git::WikiPage.new( url_path: sluggified_title(strip_extension(path)), title: canonicalize_filename(path), format: format, path: sluggified_title(path), raw_data: blob.data, name: canonicalize_filename(path), historical: version == default_branch ? false : check_page_historical(path, commit), version: Gitlab::Git::WikiPageVersion.new(commit, format) ) WikiPage.new(self, page) end def find_sidebar(version = nil) find_page(SIDEBAR, version) end def find_file(name, version = default_branch, load_content: true) data_limit = load_content ? -1 : 0 blobs = repository.blobs_at([[version, name]], blob_size_limit: data_limit) return if blobs.empty? Gitlab::Git::WikiFile.new(blobs.first) end def create_page(title, content, format = :markdown, message = nil) with_valid_format(format) do |default_extension| if file_exists_by_regex?(title) raise_duplicate_page_error! end capture_git_error(:created) do create_wiki_repository unless repository_exists? sanitized_path = sluggified_full_path(title, default_extension) repository.create_file(user, sanitized_path, content, **multi_commit_options(:created, message, title)) repository.expire_status_cache if repository.empty? after_wiki_activity true rescue Gitlab::Git::Index::IndexError raise_duplicate_page_error! end end rescue DuplicatePageError => e @error_message = _("Duplicate page: %{error_message}" % { error_message: e.message }) false end def update_page(page, content:, title: nil, format: :markdown, message: nil) with_valid_format(format) do |default_extension| title = title.presence || Pathname(page.path).sub_ext('').to_s # If the format is the same we keep the former extension. This check is for formats # that can have more than one extension like Markdown (.md, .markdown) # If we don't do this we will override the existing extension. extension = page.format != format.to_sym ? default_extension : File.extname(page.path).downcase[1..] capture_git_error(:updated) do create_wiki_repository unless repository_exists? repository.update_file( user, sluggified_full_path(title, extension), content, previous_path: page.path, **multi_commit_options(:updated, message, title)) after_wiki_activity true end end end def delete_page(page, message = nil) return unless page capture_git_error(:deleted) do create_wiki_repository unless repository_exists? repository.delete_file(user, page.path, **multi_commit_options(:deleted, message, page.title)) after_wiki_activity true end end def page_title_and_dir(title) return unless title title_array = title.split("/") title = title_array.pop [title, title_array.join("/")] end def hook_attrs { web_url: web_url, git_ssh_url: ssh_url_to_repo, git_http_url: http_url_to_repo, path_with_namespace: full_path, default_branch: default_branch } end override :repository def repository @repository ||= Gitlab::GlRepository::WIKI.repository_for(self) end def repository_storage raise NotImplementedError end def hashed_storage? raise NotImplementedError end override :full_path def full_path container.full_path + '.wiki' end # @deprecated use full_path when you need it for an URL route or disk_path when you want to point to the filesystem alias_method :path_with_namespace, :full_path override :default_branch def default_branch super || Gitlab::DefaultBranch.value(object: container) end def wiki_base_path web_url(only_path: true).sub(%r{/#{Wiki::HOMEPAGE}\z}o, '') end # Callbacks for synchronous processing after wiki changes. # These will be executed after any change made through GitLab itself (web UI and API), # but not for Git pushes. def after_wiki_activity end # Callbacks for background processing after wiki changes. # These will be executed after any change to the wiki repository. def after_post_receive end override :git_garbage_collect_worker_klass def git_garbage_collect_worker_klass Wikis::GitGarbageCollectWorker end def cleanup @repository = nil end def capture_git_error(action, &block) yield block rescue Gitlab::Git::Index::IndexError, Gitlab::Git::CommitError, Gitlab::Git::PreReceiveError, Gitlab::Git::CommandError, ArgumentError => e Gitlab::ErrorTracking.log_exception(e, action: action, wiki_id: id) false end private def multi_commit_options(action, message = nil, title = nil) commit_message = build_commit_message(action, message, title) git_user = Gitlab::Git::User.from_gitlab(user) { branch_name: repository.root_ref || default_branch, message: commit_message, author_email: git_user.email, author_name: git_user.name } end def build_commit_message(action, message, title) message.presence || default_message(action, title) end def default_message(action, title) "#{user.username} #{action} page: #{title}" end def with_valid_format(format, &block) default_extension = Wiki::VALID_USER_MARKUPS.dig(format.to_sym, :default_extension).to_s if default_extension.blank? @error_message = _('Invalid format selected') return false end yield default_extension end def file_exists_by_regex?(title) return false unless repository_exists? escaped_title = Regexp.escape(sluggified_title(title)) regex = Regexp.new("^#{escaped_title}\.#{ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS_REGEX}$", 'i') repository.ls_files(default_branch).any? { |s| s =~ regex } end def raise_duplicate_page_error! raise ::Wiki::DuplicatePageError, _('A page with that title already exists') end def sluggified_full_path(title, extension) self.class.sluggified_full_path(title, extension) end def sluggified_title(title) self.class.sluggified_title(title) end def canonicalize_filename(filename) self.class.canonicalize_filename(filename) end def find_matched_file(title, version) escaped_path = RE2::Regexp.escape(sluggified_title(title)) path_regexp = Gitlab::EncodingHelper.encode_utf8_no_detect("(?i)^#{escaped_path}\\.(#{file_extension_regexp})$") matched_files = repository.search_files_by_regexp(path_regexp, version, limit: 1) return if matched_files.blank? Gitlab::EncodingHelper.encode_utf8_no_detect(matched_files.first) end def find_page_format(path) ext = File.extname(path).downcase[1..] MARKUPS.find { |_, markup| markup[:extension_regex].match?(ext) }&.first end def check_page_historical(path, commit) repository.last_commit_for_path(default_branch, path)&.id != commit&.id end def file_extension_regexp # We could not use ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS_REGEX constant or similar regexp with # Regexp.union. The result combination complicated modifiers: # /(?i-mx:md|mkdn?|mdown|markdown)|(?i-mx:rdoc).../ # Regexp used by Gitaly is Go's Regexp package. It does not support those # features. So, we have to compose another more-friendly regexp to pass to # Gitaly side. Wiki::MARKUPS.map { |_, format| format[:extension_regex].source }.join("|") end def strip_extension(path) path.sub(/\.[^.]+\z/, "") end def list_page_paths(limit: 0, offset: 0) return [] if repository.empty? path_regexp = Gitlab::EncodingHelper.encode_utf8_no_detect("(?i)\\.(#{file_extension_regexp})$") repository.search_files_by_regexp(path_regexp, default_branch, limit: limit, offset: offset) end # After migrating to normal repository RPCs, it's very expensive to sort the # pages by created_at. We have to either ListLastCommitsForTree RPC call or # N+1 LastCommitForPath. Either are efficient for a large repository. # Therefore, we decide to sort the title only. def sort_pages!(pages, direction) # Sort by path to ensure the files inside a sub-folder are grouped and sorted together pages.sort_by!(&:path) pages.reverse! if direction == DIRECTION_DESC end def fetch_pages_content!(pages) blobs = repository .blobs_at(pages.map { |page| [default_branch, page.path] }) .to_h { |blob| [blob.path, blob.data] } pages.each do |page| page.raw_content = blobs[page.path] end end end Wiki.prepend_mod_with('Wiki')