import { GlModal } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import OncallSchedulesList from '~/vue_shared/components/oncall_schedules_list.vue'; import RemoveMemberModal from '~/vue_shared/components/remove_member_modal.vue'; const mockSchedules = JSON.stringify({ schedules: [ { id: 1, name: 'Schedule 1', }, ], name: 'User1', }); describe('RemoveMemberModal', () => { const memberPath = '/gitlab-org/gitlab-test/-/project_members/90'; let wrapper; const findForm = () => wrapper.find({ ref: 'form' }); const findGlModal = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlModal); const findOnCallSchedulesList = () => wrapper.findComponent(OncallSchedulesList); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); wrapper = null; }); describe.each` state | memberType | isAccessRequest | isInvite | actionText | removeSubMembershipsCheckboxExpected | unassignIssuablesCheckboxExpected | message | onCallSchedules ${'removing a group member'} | ${'GroupMember'} | ${false} | ${'false'} | ${'Remove member'} | ${true} | ${true} | ${'Are you sure you want to remove Jane Doe from the Gitlab Org / Gitlab Test project?'} | ${`{}`} ${'removing a project member'} | ${'ProjectMember'} | ${false} | ${'false'} | ${'Remove member'} | ${false} | ${true} | ${'Are you sure you want to remove Jane Doe from the Gitlab Org / Gitlab Test project?'} | ${mockSchedules} ${'denying an access request'} | ${'ProjectMember'} | ${true} | ${'false'} | ${'Deny access request'} | ${false} | ${false} | ${"Are you sure you want to deny Jane Doe's request to join the Gitlab Org / Gitlab Test project?"} | ${`{}`} ${'revoking invite'} | ${'ProjectMember'} | ${false} | ${'true'} | ${'Revoke invite'} | ${false} | ${false} | ${'Are you sure you want to revoke the invitation for to join the Gitlab Org / Gitlab Test project?'} | ${mockSchedules} `( 'when $state', ({ actionText, memberType, isAccessRequest, isInvite, message, removeSubMembershipsCheckboxExpected, unassignIssuablesCheckboxExpected, onCallSchedules, }) => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = shallowMount(RemoveMemberModal, { data() { return { modalData: { isAccessRequest, isInvite, message, memberPath, memberType, onCallSchedules, }, }; }, }); }); const parsedSchedules = JSON.parse(onCallSchedules); const isPartOfOncallSchedules = Boolean(isAccessRequest && parsedSchedules.schedules?.length); it(`has the title ${actionText}`, () => { expect(findGlModal().attributes('title')).toBe(actionText); }); it('contains a form action', () => { expect(findForm().attributes('action')).toBe(memberPath); }); it('displays a message to the user', () => { expect(wrapper.find('[data-testid=modal-message]').text()).toBe(message); }); it(`shows ${ removeSubMembershipsCheckboxExpected ? 'a' : 'no' } checkbox to remove direct memberships of subgroups/projects`, () => { expect(wrapper.find('[name=remove_sub_memberships]').exists()).toBe( removeSubMembershipsCheckboxExpected, ); }); it(`shows ${ unassignIssuablesCheckboxExpected ? 'a' : 'no' } checkbox to allow removal from related issues and MRs`, () => { expect(wrapper.find('[name=unassign_issuables]').exists()).toBe( unassignIssuablesCheckboxExpected, ); }); it(`shows ${isPartOfOncallSchedules ? 'all' : 'no'} related on-call schedules`, () => { expect(findOnCallSchedulesList().exists()).toBe(isPartOfOncallSchedules); }); it('submits the form when the modal is submitted', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(findForm().element, 'submit'); findGlModal().vm.$emit('primary'); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); spy.mockRestore(); }); }, ); });