# == Schema Information # # Table name: ci_builds # # id :integer not null, primary key # project_id :integer # status :string(255) # finished_at :datetime # trace :text # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # started_at :datetime # runner_id :integer # coverage :float # commit_id :integer # commands :text # job_id :integer # name :string(255) # deploy :boolean default(FALSE) # options :text # allow_failure :boolean default(FALSE), not null # stage :string(255) # trigger_request_id :integer # stage_idx :integer # tag :boolean # ref :string(255) # user_id :integer # type :string(255) # target_url :string(255) # description :string(255) # artifacts_file :text # gl_project_id :integer # artifacts_metadata :text # erased_by_id :integer # erased_at :datetime # module Ci class Build < CommitStatus belongs_to :runner, class_name: 'Ci::Runner' belongs_to :trigger_request, class_name: 'Ci::TriggerRequest' belongs_to :erased_by, class_name: 'User' serialize :options validates :coverage, numericality: true, allow_blank: true validates_presence_of :ref scope :unstarted, ->() { where(runner_id: nil) } scope :ignore_failures, ->() { where(allow_failure: false) } mount_uploader :artifacts_file, ArtifactUploader mount_uploader :artifacts_metadata, ArtifactUploader acts_as_taggable before_destroy { project } after_create :execute_hooks class << self def last_month where('created_at > ?', Date.today - 1.month) end def first_pending pending.unstarted.order('created_at ASC').first end def create_from(build) new_build = build.dup new_build.status = 'pending' new_build.runner_id = nil new_build.trigger_request_id = nil new_build.save end def retry(build) new_build = Ci::Build.new(status: 'pending') new_build.ref = build.ref new_build.tag = build.tag new_build.options = build.options new_build.commands = build.commands new_build.tag_list = build.tag_list new_build.gl_project_id = build.gl_project_id new_build.commit_id = build.commit_id new_build.name = build.name new_build.allow_failure = build.allow_failure new_build.stage = build.stage new_build.stage_idx = build.stage_idx new_build.trigger_request = build.trigger_request new_build.save new_build end end state_machine :status, initial: :pending do after_transition pending: :running do |build| build.execute_hooks end # We use around_transition to create builds for next stage as soon as possible, before the `after_*` is executed around_transition any => [:success, :failed, :canceled] do |build, block| block.call build.commit.create_next_builds(build) if build.commit end after_transition any => [:success, :failed, :canceled] do |build| build.update_coverage build.execute_hooks end end def retryable? project.builds_enabled? && commands.present? end def retried? !self.commit.statuses.latest.include?(self) end def retry Ci::Build.retry(self) end def depends_on_builds # Get builds of the same type latest_builds = self.commit.builds.latest # Return builds from previous stages latest_builds.where('stage_idx < ?', stage_idx) end def trace_html html = Ci::Ansi2html::convert(trace) if trace.present? html || '' end def timeout project.build_timeout end def variables predefined_variables + yaml_variables + project_variables + trigger_variables end def merge_request merge_requests = MergeRequest.includes(:merge_request_diff) .where(source_branch: ref, source_project_id: commit.gl_project_id) .reorder(iid: :asc) merge_requests.find do |merge_request| merge_request.commits.any? { |ci| ci.id == commit.sha } end end def project_id commit.project.id end def project_name project.name end def repo_url auth = "gitlab-ci-token:#{token}@" project.http_url_to_repo.sub(/^https?:\/\//) do |prefix| prefix + auth end end def allow_git_fetch project.build_allow_git_fetch end def update_coverage return unless project coverage_regex = project.build_coverage_regex return unless coverage_regex coverage = extract_coverage(trace, coverage_regex) if coverage.is_a? Numeric update_attributes(coverage: coverage) end end def extract_coverage(text, regex) begin matches = text.scan(Regexp.new(regex)).last matches = matches.last if matches.kind_of?(Array) coverage = matches.gsub(/\d+(\.\d+)?/).first if coverage.present? coverage.to_f end rescue # if bad regex or something goes wrong we dont want to interrupt transition # so we just silentrly ignore error for now end end def has_trace? raw_trace.present? end def raw_trace if File.file?(path_to_trace) File.read(path_to_trace) elsif project.ci_id && File.file?(old_path_to_trace) # Temporary fix for build trace data integrity File.read(old_path_to_trace) else # backward compatibility read_attribute :trace end end def trace trace = raw_trace if project && trace.present? && project.runners_token.present? trace.gsub(project.runners_token, 'xxxxxx') else trace end end def trace_length if raw_trace raw_trace.length else 0 end end def trace=(trace) recreate_trace_dir File.write(path_to_trace, trace) end def recreate_trace_dir unless Dir.exists?(dir_to_trace) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir_to_trace) end end private :recreate_trace_dir def append_trace(trace_part, offset) recreate_trace_dir File.truncate(path_to_trace, offset) if File.exist?(path_to_trace) File.open(path_to_trace, 'a') do |f| f.write(trace_part) end end def dir_to_trace File.join( Settings.gitlab_ci.builds_path, created_at.utc.strftime("%Y_%m"), project.id.to_s ) end def path_to_trace "#{dir_to_trace}/#{id}.log" end ## # Deprecated # # This is a hotfix for CI build data integrity, see #4246 # Should be removed in 8.4, after CI files migration has been done. # def old_dir_to_trace File.join( Settings.gitlab_ci.builds_path, created_at.utc.strftime("%Y_%m"), project.ci_id.to_s ) end ## # Deprecated # # This is a hotfix for CI build data integrity, see #4246 # Should be removed in 8.4, after CI files migration has been done. # def old_path_to_trace "#{old_dir_to_trace}/#{id}.log" end ## # Deprecated # # This contains a hotfix for CI build data integrity, see #4246 # # This method is used by `ArtifactUploader` to create a store_dir. # Warning: Uploader uses it after AND before file has been stored. # # This method returns old path to artifacts only if it already exists. # def artifacts_path old = File.join(created_at.utc.strftime('%Y_%m'), project.ci_id.to_s, id.to_s) old_store = File.join(ArtifactUploader.artifacts_path, old) return old if project.ci_id && File.directory?(old_store) File.join( created_at.utc.strftime('%Y_%m'), project.id.to_s, id.to_s ) end def token project.runners_token end def valid_token? token project.valid_runners_token? token end def can_be_served?(runner) (tag_list - runner.tag_list).empty? end def any_runners_online? project.any_runners? { |runner| runner.active? && runner.online? && can_be_served?(runner) } end def stuck? pending? && !any_runners_online? end def execute_hooks return unless project build_data = Gitlab::BuildDataBuilder.build(self) project.execute_hooks(build_data.dup, :build_hooks) project.execute_services(build_data.dup, :build_hooks) end def artifacts? artifacts_file.exists? end def artifacts_metadata? artifacts? && artifacts_metadata.exists? end def artifacts_metadata_entry(path, **options) Gitlab::Ci::Build::Artifacts::Metadata.new(artifacts_metadata.path, path, **options).to_entry end def erase(opts = {}) return false unless erasable? remove_artifacts_file! remove_artifacts_metadata! erase_trace! update_erased!(opts[:erased_by]) end def erasable? complete? && (artifacts? || has_trace?) end def erased? !self.erased_at.nil? end private def erase_trace! self.trace = nil end def update_erased!(user = nil) self.update(erased_by: user, erased_at: Time.now) end def yaml_variables global_yaml_variables + job_yaml_variables end def global_yaml_variables if commit.config_processor commit.config_processor.global_variables.map do |key, value| { key: key, value: value, public: true } end else [] end end def job_yaml_variables if commit.config_processor commit.config_processor.job_variables(name).map do |key, value| { key: key, value: value, public: true } end else [] end end def project_variables project.variables.map do |variable| { key: variable.key, value: variable.value, public: false } end end def trigger_variables if trigger_request && trigger_request.variables trigger_request.variables.map do |key, value| { key: key, value: value, public: false } end else [] end end def predefined_variables variables = [] variables << { key: :CI_BUILD_TAG, value: ref, public: true } if tag? variables << { key: :CI_BUILD_NAME, value: name, public: true } variables << { key: :CI_BUILD_STAGE, value: stage, public: true } variables << { key: :CI_BUILD_TRIGGERED, value: 'true', public: true } if trigger_request variables end end end