import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import Api from '~/api'; import httpStatus from '~/lib/utils/http_status'; describe('Api', () => { const dummyApiVersion = 'v3000'; const dummyUrlRoot = '/gitlab'; const dummyGon = { api_version: dummyApiVersion, relative_url_root: dummyUrlRoot, }; let originalGon; let mock; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); originalGon = window.gon; window.gon = { ...dummyGon }; }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); window.gon = originalGon; }); describe('buildUrl', () => { it('adds URL root and fills in API version', () => { const input = '/api/:version/foo/bar'; const expectedOutput = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/foo/bar`; const builtUrl = Api.buildUrl(input); expect(builtUrl).toEqual(expectedOutput); }); [null, '', '/'].forEach(root => { it(`works when relative_url_root is ${root}`, () => { window.gon.relative_url_root = root; const input = '/api/:version/foo/bar'; const expectedOutput = `/api/${dummyApiVersion}/foo/bar`; const builtUrl = Api.buildUrl(input); expect(builtUrl).toEqual(expectedOutput); }); }); }); describe('packages', () => { const projectId = 'project_a'; const packageId = 'package_b'; const apiResponse = [{ id: 1, name: 'foo' }]; describe('groupPackages', () => { const groupId = 'group_a'; it('fetch all group packages', () => { const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/groups/${groupId}/packages`; jest.spyOn(axios, 'get'); mock.onGet(expectedUrl).replyOnce(httpStatus.OK, apiResponse); return Api.groupPackages(groupId).then(({ data }) => { expect(data).toEqual(apiResponse); expect(axios.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedUrl, {}); }); }); }); describe('projectPackages', () => { it('fetch all project packages', () => { const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectId}/packages`; jest.spyOn(axios, 'get'); mock.onGet(expectedUrl).replyOnce(httpStatus.OK, apiResponse); return Api.projectPackages(projectId).then(({ data }) => { expect(data).toEqual(apiResponse); expect(axios.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedUrl, {}); }); }); }); describe('buildProjectPackageUrl', () => { it('returns the right url', () => { const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectId}/packages/${packageId}`; const url = Api.buildProjectPackageUrl(projectId, packageId); expect(url).toEqual(expectedUrl); }); }); describe('projectPackage', () => { it('fetch package details', () => { const expectedUrl = `foo`; jest.spyOn(Api, 'buildProjectPackageUrl').mockReturnValue(expectedUrl); jest.spyOn(axios, 'get'); mock.onGet(expectedUrl).replyOnce(httpStatus.OK, apiResponse); return Api.projectPackage(projectId, packageId).then(({ data }) => { expect(data).toEqual(apiResponse); expect(axios.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedUrl); }); }); }); describe('deleteProjectPackage', () => { it('delete a package', () => { const expectedUrl = `foo`; jest.spyOn(Api, 'buildProjectPackageUrl').mockReturnValue(expectedUrl); jest.spyOn(axios, 'delete'); mock.onDelete(expectedUrl).replyOnce(httpStatus.OK, true); return Api.deleteProjectPackage(projectId, packageId).then(({ data }) => { expect(data).toEqual(true); expect(axios.delete).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedUrl); }); }); }); }); describe('group', () => { it('fetches a group', done => { const groupId = '123456'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/groups/${groupId}`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, { name: 'test', });, response => { expect('test'); done(); }); }); }); describe('groupMembers', () => { it('fetches group members', done => { const groupId = '54321'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/groups/${groupId}/members`; const expectedData = [{ id: 7 }]; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, expectedData); Api.groupMembers(groupId) .then(({ data }) => { expect(data).toEqual(expectedData); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('groupMilestones', () => { it('fetches group milestones', done => { const groupId = '16'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/groups/${groupId}/milestones`; const expectedData = [ { id: 12, iid: 3, group_id: 16, title: '10.0', description: 'Version', due_date: '2013-11-29', start_date: '2013-11-10', state: 'active', updated_at: '2013-10-02T09:24:18Z', created_at: '2013-10-02T09:24:18Z', web_url: '', }, ]; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, expectedData); Api.groupMilestones(groupId) .then(({ data }) => { expect(data).toEqual(expectedData); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('groups', () => { it('fetches groups', done => { const query = 'dummy query'; const options = { unused: 'option' }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/groups.json`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, [ { name: 'test', }, ]); Api.groups(query, options, response => { expect(response.length).toBe(1); expect(response[0].name).toBe('test'); done(); }); }); }); describe('namespaces', () => { it('fetches namespaces', done => { const query = 'dummy query'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/namespaces.json`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, [ { name: 'test', }, ]); Api.namespaces(query, response => { expect(response.length).toBe(1); expect(response[0].name).toBe('test'); done(); }); }); }); describe('projects', () => { it('fetches projects with membership when logged in', done => { const query = 'dummy query'; const options = { unused: 'option' }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects.json`; window.gon.current_user_id = 1; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, [ { name: 'test', }, ]); Api.projects(query, options, response => { expect(response.length).toBe(1); expect(response[0].name).toBe('test'); done(); }); }); it('fetches projects without membership when not logged in', done => { const query = 'dummy query'; const options = { unused: 'option' }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects.json`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, [ { name: 'test', }, ]); Api.projects(query, options, response => { expect(response.length).toBe(1); expect(response[0].name).toBe('test'); done(); }); }); }); describe('updateProject', () => { it('update a project with the given payload', done => { const projectPath = 'foo'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectPath}`; mock.onPut(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, { foo: 'bar' }); Api.updateProject(projectPath, { foo: 'bar' }) .then(({ data }) => { expect('bar'); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('projectUsers', () => { it('fetches all users of a particular project', done => { const query = 'dummy query'; const options = { unused: 'option' }; const projectPath = 'gitlab-org%2Fgitlab-ce'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectPath}/users`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, [ { name: 'test', }, ]); Api.projectUsers('gitlab-org/gitlab-ce', query, options) .then(response => { expect(response.length).toBe(1); expect(response[0].name).toBe('test'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('projectMergeRequests', () => { const projectPath = 'abc'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectPath}/merge_requests`; it('fetches all merge requests for a project', done => { const mockData = [{ source_branch: 'foo' }, { source_branch: 'bar' }]; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, mockData); Api.projectMergeRequests(projectPath) .then(({ data }) => { expect(data.length).toEqual(2); expect(data[0].source_branch).toBe('foo'); expect(data[1].source_branch).toBe('bar'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('fetches merge requests filtered with passed params', done => { const params = { source_branch: 'bar', }; const mockData = [{ source_branch: 'bar' }]; mock.onGet(expectedUrl, { params }).reply(httpStatus.OK, mockData); Api.projectMergeRequests(projectPath, params) .then(({ data }) => { expect(data.length).toEqual(1); expect(data[0].source_branch).toBe('bar'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('projectMergeRequest', () => { it('fetches a merge request', done => { const projectPath = 'abc'; const mergeRequestId = '123456'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectPath}/merge_requests/${mergeRequestId}`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, { title: 'test', }); Api.projectMergeRequest(projectPath, mergeRequestId) .then(({ data }) => { expect(data.title).toBe('test'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('projectMergeRequestChanges', () => { it('fetches the changes of a merge request', done => { const projectPath = 'abc'; const mergeRequestId = '123456'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectPath}/merge_requests/${mergeRequestId}/changes`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, { title: 'test', }); Api.projectMergeRequestChanges(projectPath, mergeRequestId) .then(({ data }) => { expect(data.title).toBe('test'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('projectMergeRequestVersions', () => { it('fetches the versions of a merge request', done => { const projectPath = 'abc'; const mergeRequestId = '123456'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectPath}/merge_requests/${mergeRequestId}/versions`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, [ { id: 123, }, ]); Api.projectMergeRequestVersions(projectPath, mergeRequestId) .then(({ data }) => { expect(data.length).toBe(1); expect(data[0].id).toBe(123); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('projectRunners', () => { it('fetches the runners of a project', done => { const projectPath = 7; const params = { scope: 'active' }; const mockData = [{ id: 4 }]; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectPath}/runners`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl, { params }).reply(httpStatus.OK, mockData); Api.projectRunners(projectPath, { params }) .then(({ data }) => { expect(data).toEqual(mockData); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('projectMilestones', () => { it('fetches project milestones', done => { const projectId = 1; const options = { state: 'active' }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/1/milestones`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(200, [ { id: 1, title: 'milestone1', state: 'active', }, ]); Api.projectMilestones(projectId, options) .then(({ data }) => { expect(data.length).toBe(1); expect(data[0].title).toBe('milestone1'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('newLabel', () => { it('creates a new label', done => { const namespace = 'some namespace'; const project = 'some project'; const labelData = { some: 'data' }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/${namespace}/${project}/-/labels`; const expectedData = { label: labelData, }; mock.onPost(expectedUrl).reply(config => { expect(; return [ httpStatus.OK, { name: 'test', }, ]; }); Api.newLabel(namespace, project, labelData, response => { expect('test'); done(); }); }); it('creates a group label', done => { const namespace = 'group/subgroup'; const labelData = { some: 'data' }; const expectedUrl = Api.buildUrl(Api.groupLabelsPath).replace(':namespace_path', namespace); const expectedData = { label: labelData, }; mock.onPost(expectedUrl).reply(config => { expect(; return [ httpStatus.OK, { name: 'test', }, ]; }); Api.newLabel(namespace, undefined, labelData, response => { expect('test'); done(); }); }); }); describe('groupProjects', () => { it('fetches group projects', done => { const groupId = '123456'; const query = 'dummy query'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/groups/${groupId}/projects.json`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, [ { name: 'test', }, ]); Api.groupProjects(groupId, query, {}, response => { expect(response.length).toBe(1); expect(response[0].name).toBe('test'); done(); }); }); }); describe('commit', () => { const projectId = 'user/project'; const sha = 'abcd0123'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${encodeURIComponent( projectId, )}/repository/commits/${sha}`; it('fetches a single commit', () => { mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, { id: sha }); return Api.commit(projectId, sha).then(({ data: commit }) => { expect(; }); }); it('fetches a single commit without stats', () => { mock.onGet(expectedUrl, { params: { stats: false } }).reply(httpStatus.OK, { id: sha }); return Api.commit(projectId, sha, { stats: false }).then(({ data: commit }) => { expect(; }); }); }); describe('issueTemplate', () => { it('fetches an issue template', done => { const namespace = 'some namespace'; const project = 'some project'; const templateKey = ' template #%?.key '; const templateType = 'template type'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/${namespace}/${project}/templates/${templateType}/${encodeURIComponent( templateKey, )}`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, 'test'); Api.issueTemplate(namespace, project, templateKey, templateType, (error, response) => { expect(response).toBe('test'); done(); }); }); }); describe('projectTemplates', () => { it('fetches a list of templates', done => { const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/gitlab-org%2Fgitlab-ce/templates/licenses`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, 'test'); Api.projectTemplates('gitlab-org/gitlab-ce', 'licenses', {}, response => { expect(response).toBe('test'); done(); }); }); }); describe('projectTemplate', () => { it('fetches a single template', done => { const data = { unused: 'option' }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/gitlab-org%2Fgitlab-ce/templates/licenses/test%20license`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, 'test'); Api.projectTemplate('gitlab-org/gitlab-ce', 'licenses', 'test license', data, response => { expect(response).toBe('test'); done(); }); }); }); describe('users', () => { it('fetches users', done => { const query = 'dummy query'; const options = { unused: 'option' }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/users.json`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, [ { name: 'test', }, ]); Api.users(query, options) .then(({ data }) => { expect(data.length).toBe(1); expect(data[0].name).toBe('test'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('user', () => { it('fetches single user', done => { const userId = '123456'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/users/${userId}`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, { name: 'testuser', }); Api.user(userId) .then(({ data }) => { expect('testuser'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('user counts', () => { it('fetches single user counts', done => { const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/user_counts`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, { merge_requests: 4, }); Api.userCounts() .then(({ data }) => { expect(data.merge_requests).toBe(4); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('user status', () => { it('fetches single user status', done => { const userId = '123456'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/users/${userId}/status`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, { message: 'testmessage', }); Api.userStatus(userId) .then(({ data }) => { expect(data.message).toBe('testmessage'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('user projects', () => { it('fetches all projects that belong to a particular user', done => { const query = 'dummy query'; const options = { unused: 'option' }; const userId = '123456'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/users/${userId}/projects`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, [ { name: 'test', }, ]); Api.userProjects(userId, query, options, response => { expect(response.length).toBe(1); expect(response[0].name).toBe('test'); done(); }); }); }); describe('commitPipelines', () => { it('fetches pipelines for a given commit', done => { const projectId = 'example/foobar'; const commitSha = 'abc123def'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/${projectId}/commit/${commitSha}/pipelines`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, [ { name: 'test', }, ]); Api.commitPipelines(projectId, commitSha) .then(({ data }) => { expect(data.length).toBe(1); expect(data[0].name).toBe('test'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('createBranch', () => { it('creates new branch', done => { const ref = 'master'; const branch = 'new-branch-name'; const dummyProjectPath = 'gitlab-org/gitlab-ce'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${encodeURIComponent( dummyProjectPath, )}/repository/branches`; jest.spyOn(axios, 'post'); mock.onPost(expectedUrl).replyOnce(httpStatus.OK, { name: branch, }); Api.createBranch(dummyProjectPath, { ref, branch }) .then(({ data }) => { expect(; expect(, { ref, branch }); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('projectForks', () => { it('gets forked projects', done => { const dummyProjectPath = 'gitlab-org/gitlab-ce'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${encodeURIComponent( dummyProjectPath, )}/forks`; jest.spyOn(axios, 'get'); mock.onGet(expectedUrl).replyOnce(httpStatus.OK, ['fork']); Api.projectForks(dummyProjectPath, { visibility: 'private' }) .then(({ data }) => { expect(data).toEqual(['fork']); expect(axios.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedUrl, { params: { visibility: 'private' }, }); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('createContextCommits', () => { it('creates a new context commit', done => { const projectPath = 'abc'; const mergeRequestId = '123456'; const commitsData = ['abcdefg']; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectPath}/merge_requests/${mergeRequestId}/context_commits`; const expectedData = { commits: commitsData, }; jest.spyOn(axios, 'post'); mock.onPost(expectedUrl).replyOnce(200, [ { id: 'abcdefghijklmnop', short_id: 'abcdefg', title: 'Dummy commit', }, ]); Api.createContextCommits(projectPath, mergeRequestId, expectedData) .then(({ data }) => { expect(data[0].title).toBe('Dummy commit'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('allContextCommits', () => { it('gets all context commits', done => { const projectPath = 'abc'; const mergeRequestId = '123456'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectPath}/merge_requests/${mergeRequestId}/context_commits`; jest.spyOn(axios, 'get'); mock .onGet(expectedUrl) .replyOnce(200, [{ id: 'abcdef', short_id: 'abcdefghi', title: 'Dummy commit title' }]); Api.allContextCommits(projectPath, mergeRequestId) .then(({ data }) => { expect(data[0].title).toBe('Dummy commit title'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('removeContextCommits', () => { it('removes context commits', done => { const projectPath = 'abc'; const mergeRequestId = '123456'; const commitsData = ['abcdefg']; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectPath}/merge_requests/${mergeRequestId}/context_commits`; const expectedData = { commits: commitsData, }; jest.spyOn(axios, 'delete'); mock.onDelete(expectedUrl).replyOnce(204); Api.removeContextCommits(projectPath, mergeRequestId, expectedData) .then(() => { expect(axios.delete).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedUrl, { data: expectedData }); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('release-related methods', () => { const dummyProjectPath = 'gitlab-org/gitlab'; const dummyTagName = 'v1.3'; const baseReleaseUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${encodeURIComponent( dummyProjectPath, )}/releases`; describe('releases', () => { const expectedUrl = baseReleaseUrl; describe('when releases are successfully returned', () => { it('resolves the Promise', () => { mock.onGet(expectedUrl).replyOnce(httpStatus.OK); return Api.releases(dummyProjectPath).then(() => { expect(mock.history.get).toHaveLength(1); }); }); }); describe('when an error occurs while fetching releases', () => { it('rejects the Promise', () => { mock.onGet(expectedUrl).replyOnce(httpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); return Api.releases(dummyProjectPath).catch(() => { expect(mock.history.get).toHaveLength(1); }); }); }); }); describe('release', () => { const expectedUrl = `${baseReleaseUrl}/${encodeURIComponent(dummyTagName)}`; describe('when the release is successfully returned', () => { it('resolves the Promise', () => { mock.onGet(expectedUrl).replyOnce(httpStatus.OK); return Api.release(dummyProjectPath, dummyTagName).then(() => { expect(mock.history.get).toHaveLength(1); }); }); }); describe('when an error occurs while fetching the release', () => { it('rejects the Promise', () => { mock.onGet(expectedUrl).replyOnce(httpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); return Api.release(dummyProjectPath, dummyTagName).catch(() => { expect(mock.history.get).toHaveLength(1); }); }); }); }); describe('createRelease', () => { const expectedUrl = baseReleaseUrl; const release = { name: 'Version 1.0', }; describe('when the release is successfully created', () => { it('resolves the Promise', () => { mock.onPost(expectedUrl, release).replyOnce(httpStatus.CREATED); return Api.createRelease(dummyProjectPath, release).then(() => { expect(; }); }); }); describe('when an error occurs while creating the release', () => { it('rejects the Promise', () => { mock.onPost(expectedUrl, release).replyOnce(httpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); return Api.createRelease(dummyProjectPath, release).catch(() => { expect(; }); }); }); }); describe('updateRelease', () => { const expectedUrl = `${baseReleaseUrl}/${encodeURIComponent(dummyTagName)}`; const release = { name: 'Version 1.0', }; describe('when the release is successfully updated', () => { it('resolves the Promise', () => { mock.onPut(expectedUrl, release).replyOnce(httpStatus.OK); return Api.updateRelease(dummyProjectPath, dummyTagName, release).then(() => { expect(mock.history.put).toHaveLength(1); }); }); }); describe('when an error occurs while updating the release', () => { it('rejects the Promise', () => { mock.onPut(expectedUrl, release).replyOnce(httpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); return Api.updateRelease(dummyProjectPath, dummyTagName, release).catch(() => { expect(mock.history.put).toHaveLength(1); }); }); }); }); describe('createReleaseLink', () => { const expectedUrl = `${baseReleaseUrl}/${dummyTagName}/assets/links`; const expectedLink = { url: '', name: 'An example link', }; describe('when the Release is successfully created', () => { it('resolves the Promise', () => { mock.onPost(expectedUrl, expectedLink).replyOnce(httpStatus.CREATED); return Api.createReleaseLink(dummyProjectPath, dummyTagName, expectedLink).then(() => { expect(; }); }); }); describe('when an error occurs while creating the Release', () => { it('rejects the Promise', () => { mock.onPost(expectedUrl, expectedLink).replyOnce(httpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); return Api.createReleaseLink(dummyProjectPath, dummyTagName, expectedLink).catch(() => { expect(; }); }); }); }); describe('deleteReleaseLink', () => { const dummyLinkId = '4'; const expectedUrl = `${baseReleaseUrl}/${dummyTagName}/assets/links/${dummyLinkId}`; describe('when the Release is successfully deleted', () => { it('resolves the Promise', () => { mock.onDelete(expectedUrl).replyOnce(httpStatus.OK); return Api.deleteReleaseLink(dummyProjectPath, dummyTagName, dummyLinkId).then(() => { expect(mock.history.delete).toHaveLength(1); }); }); }); describe('when an error occurs while deleting the Release', () => { it('rejects the Promise', () => { mock.onDelete(expectedUrl).replyOnce(httpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); return Api.deleteReleaseLink(dummyProjectPath, dummyTagName, dummyLinkId).catch(() => { expect(mock.history.delete).toHaveLength(1); }); }); }); }); }); describe('getRawFile', () => { const dummyProjectPath = 'gitlab-org/gitlab'; const dummyFilePath = 'doc/'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${encodeURIComponent( dummyProjectPath, )}/repository/files/${encodeURIComponent(dummyFilePath)}/raw`; describe('when the raw file is successfully fetched', () => { it('resolves the Promise', () => { mock.onGet(expectedUrl).replyOnce(httpStatus.OK); return Api.getRawFile(dummyProjectPath, dummyFilePath).then(() => { expect(mock.history.get).toHaveLength(1); }); }); }); describe('when an error occurs while getting a raw file', () => { it('rejects the Promise', () => { mock.onPost(expectedUrl).replyOnce(httpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); return Api.getRawFile(dummyProjectPath, dummyFilePath).catch(() => { expect(mock.history.get).toHaveLength(1); }); }); }); }); describe('createProjectMergeRequest', () => { const dummyProjectPath = 'gitlab-org/gitlab'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${encodeURIComponent( dummyProjectPath, )}/merge_requests`; const options = { source_branch: 'feature', target_branch: 'master', title: 'Add feature', }; describe('when the merge request is successfully created', () => { it('resolves the Promise', () => { mock.onPost(expectedUrl, options).replyOnce(httpStatus.CREATED); return Api.createProjectMergeRequest(dummyProjectPath, options).then(() => { expect(; }); }); }); describe('when an error occurs while getting a raw file', () => { it('rejects the Promise', () => { mock.onPost(expectedUrl).replyOnce(httpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); return Api.createProjectMergeRequest(dummyProjectPath).catch(() => { expect(; }); }); }); }); describe('updateIssue', () => { it('update an issue with the given payload', done => { const projectId = 8; const issue = 1; const expectedArray = [1, 2, 3]; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectId}/issues/${issue}`; mock.onPut(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, { assigneeIds: expectedArray }); Api.updateIssue(projectId, issue, { assigneeIds: expectedArray }) .then(({ data }) => { expect(data.assigneeIds).toEqual(expectedArray); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('updateMergeRequest', () => { it('update an issue with the given payload', done => { const projectId = 8; const mergeRequest = 1; const expectedArray = [1, 2, 3]; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectId}/merge_requests/${mergeRequest}`; mock.onPut(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, { assigneeIds: expectedArray }); Api.updateMergeRequest(projectId, mergeRequest, { assigneeIds: expectedArray }) .then(({ data }) => { expect(data.assigneeIds).toEqual(expectedArray); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('tags', () => { it('fetches all tags of a particular project', done => { const query = 'dummy query'; const options = { unused: 'option' }; const projectId = 8; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectId}/repository/tags`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, [ { name: 'test', }, ]); Api.tags(projectId, query, options) .then(({ data }) => { expect(data.length).toBe(1); expect(data[0].name).toBe('test'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('freezePeriods', () => { it('fetches freezePeriods', () => { const projectId = 8; const freezePeriod = { id: 3, freeze_start: '5 4 * * *', freeze_end: '5 9 * 8 *', cron_timezone: 'America/New_York', created_at: '2020-07-10T05:10:35.122Z', updated_at: '2020-07-10T05:10:35.122Z', }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectId}/freeze_periods`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(httpStatus.OK, [freezePeriod]); return Api.freezePeriods(projectId).then(({ data }) => { expect(data[0]).toStrictEqual(freezePeriod); }); }); }); describe('createFreezePeriod', () => { const projectId = 8; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectId}/freeze_periods`; const options = { freeze_start: '* * * * *', freeze_end: '* * * * *', cron_timezone: 'America/Juneau', }; const expectedResult = { id: 10, freeze_start: '* * * * *', freeze_end: '* * * * *', cron_timezone: 'America/Juneau', created_at: '2020-07-11T07:04:50.153Z', updated_at: '2020-07-11T07:04:50.153Z', }; describe('when the freeze period is successfully created', () => { it('resolves the Promise', () => { mock.onPost(expectedUrl, options).replyOnce(httpStatus.CREATED, expectedResult); return Api.createFreezePeriod(projectId, options).then(({ data }) => { expect(data).toStrictEqual(expectedResult); }); }); }); }); describe('createPipeline', () => { it('creates new pipeline', () => { const redirectUrl = 'ci-project/-/pipelines/95'; const projectId = 8; const postData = { ref: 'tag-1', variables: [ { key: 'test_file', value: 'test_file_val', variable_type: 'file' }, { key: 'test_var', value: 'test_var_val', variable_type: 'env_var' }, ], }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectId}/pipeline`; jest.spyOn(axios, 'post'); mock.onPost(expectedUrl).replyOnce(httpStatus.OK, { web_url: redirectUrl, }); return Api.createPipeline(projectId, postData).then(({ data }) => { expect(data.web_url).toBe(redirectUrl); expect(, postData, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }); }); }); }); describe('trackRedisHllUserEvent', () => { const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/usage_data/increment_unique_users`; const event = 'dummy_event'; const postData = { event }; const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }; describe('when usage data increment unique users is called with feature flag disabled', () => { beforeEach(() => { gon.features = { ...gon.features, usageDataApi: false }; }); it('returns null', () => { jest.spyOn(axios, 'post'); mock.onPost(expectedUrl).replyOnce(httpStatus.OK, true); expect(; expect(Api.trackRedisHllUserEvent(event)).toEqual(null); }); }); describe('when usage data increment unique users is called', () => { beforeEach(() => { gon.features = { ...gon.features, usageDataApi: true }; }); it('resolves the Promise', () => { jest.spyOn(axios, 'post'); mock.onPost(expectedUrl, { event }).replyOnce(httpStatus.OK, true); return Api.trackRedisHllUserEvent(event).then(({ data }) => { expect(data).toEqual(true); expect(, postData, { headers }); }); }); }); }); });