- page_title s_("UsageQuota|Usage") = render_if_exists 'namespaces/free_user_cap/projects/usage_quota_limitations_banner' = render Pajamas::AlertComponent.new(title: _('Repository usage recalculation started'), variant: :info, alert_options: { class: 'js-recalculation-started-alert gl-mt-4 gl-mb-5 gl-display-none' }) do |c| = c.body do = _('To view usage, refresh this page in a few minutes.') %h1.page-title.gl-font-size-h-display = s_('UsageQuota|Usage Quotas') .row .col-sm-12 = s_('UsageQuota|Usage of project resources across the %{strong_start}%{project_name}%{strong_end} project').html_safe % { strong_start: ''.html_safe, strong_end: ''.html_safe, project_name: @project.name } + '.' %a{ href: help_page_path('user/usage_quotas.md'), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer' } = s_('UsageQuota|Learn more about usage quotas') + '.' = gl_tabs_nav do = gl_tab_link_to '#storage-quota-tab', item_active: true do = s_('UsageQuota|Storage') .tab-content .tab-pane.active#storage-quota-tab #js-project-storage-count-app{ data: { project_path: @project.full_path } }