#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../config/environment' require 'open3' module LintTemplatesBash module_function EXCLUDED_RULES = [ "SC2046", "SC2086", # will be fixed later: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/352973 "SC1090", "SC1091", # we do not have access to sourced files for analysis. "SC2154", # Referencing undefined variables is common and adding per-line exceptions for them is unintuitive for end-users "SC2164" # CI/CD automatically fails if attempting to change to a directory which does not exist. ].join(",").freeze EXCLUDED_TEMPLATES = [ "dotNET.gitlab-ci.yml" # Powershell ].freeze def run failed_templates = Gitlab::Template::GitlabCiYmlTemplate.all.filter_map do |template| next if EXCLUDED_TEMPLATES.include?(template.full_name) success = check_template(template) template.full_name unless success end if failed_templates.any? puts "The following templates have shellcheck violations:" puts failed_templates.join("\n") exit 1 end end def process_content(content) Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.new(content).execute end def job_script(job) parts = [:before_script, :script, :after_script].map do |key| job[key]&.join("\n") end.compact parts.prepend("#!/bin/bash\n").join("\n") end def shellcheck(script_content) combined_streams, status = Open3.capture2e("shellcheck --exclude='#{EXCLUDED_RULES}' -", stdin_data: script_content) [combined_streams, status.success?] end def check_job(job) shellcheck(job_script(job)) end def check_template(template) parsed = process_content(template.content) results = parsed.jobs.map do |name, job| out, success = check_job(job) unless success puts "The '#{name}' job in #{template.full_name} has shellcheck failures:" puts out end success end results.all? end end LintTemplatesBash.run