import { TEST_HOST } from 'spec/test_constants'; import AxiosMockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import Api from '~/api'; import Flash from '~/flash'; import * as actions from '~/notes/stores/actions'; import * as mutationTypes from '~/notes/stores/mutation_types'; import * as notesConstants from '~/notes/constants'; import createStore from '~/notes/stores'; import mrWidgetEventHub from '~/vue_merge_request_widget/event_hub'; import testAction from '../../helpers/vuex_action_helper'; import { resetStore } from '../helpers'; import { discussionMock, notesDataMock, userDataMock, noteableDataMock, individualNote, batchSuggestionsInfoMock, } from '../mock_data'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import * as utils from '~/notes/stores/utils'; import updateIssueConfidentialMutation from '~/sidebar/components/confidential/mutations/update_issue_confidential.mutation.graphql'; import updateMergeRequestLockMutation from '~/sidebar/components/lock/mutations/update_merge_request_lock.mutation.graphql'; import updateIssueLockMutation from '~/sidebar/components/lock/mutations/update_issue_lock.mutation.graphql'; const TEST_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Test error message'; jest.mock('~/flash'); describe('Actions Notes Store', () => { let commit; let dispatch; let state; let store; let axiosMock; beforeEach(() => { store = createStore(); commit = jest.fn(); dispatch = jest.fn(); state = {}; axiosMock = new AxiosMockAdapter(axios); // This is necessary as we query Close issue button at the top of issue page when clicking bottom button setFixtures( '
', ); }); afterEach(() => { resetStore(store); axiosMock.restore(); }); describe('setNotesData', () => { it('should set received notes data', done => { testAction( actions.setNotesData, notesDataMock, { notesData: {} }, [{ type: 'SET_NOTES_DATA', payload: notesDataMock }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('setNoteableData', () => { it('should set received issue data', done => { testAction( actions.setNoteableData, noteableDataMock, { noteableData: {} }, [{ type: 'SET_NOTEABLE_DATA', payload: noteableDataMock }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('setUserData', () => { it('should set received user data', done => { testAction( actions.setUserData, userDataMock, { userData: {} }, [{ type: 'SET_USER_DATA', payload: userDataMock }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('setLastFetchedAt', () => { it('should set received timestamp', done => { testAction( actions.setLastFetchedAt, 'timestamp', { lastFetchedAt: {} }, [{ type: 'SET_LAST_FETCHED_AT', payload: 'timestamp' }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('setInitialNotes', () => { it('should set initial notes', done => { testAction( actions.setInitialNotes, [individualNote], { notes: [] }, [{ type: 'SET_INITIAL_DISCUSSIONS', payload: [individualNote] }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('setTargetNoteHash', () => { it('should set target note hash', done => { testAction( actions.setTargetNoteHash, 'hash', { notes: [] }, [{ type: 'SET_TARGET_NOTE_HASH', payload: 'hash' }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('toggleDiscussion', () => { it('should toggle discussion', done => { testAction( actions.toggleDiscussion, { discussionId: }, { notes: [discussionMock] }, [{ type: 'TOGGLE_DISCUSSION', payload: { discussionId: } }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('expandDiscussion', () => { it('should expand discussion', done => { testAction( actions.expandDiscussion, { discussionId: }, { notes: [discussionMock] }, [{ type: 'EXPAND_DISCUSSION', payload: { discussionId: } }], [{ type: 'diffs/renderFileForDiscussionId', payload: }], done, ); }); }); describe('collapseDiscussion', () => { it('should commit collapse discussion', done => { testAction( actions.collapseDiscussion, { discussionId: }, { notes: [discussionMock] }, [{ type: 'COLLAPSE_DISCUSSION', payload: { discussionId: } }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('async methods', () => { beforeEach(() => { axiosMock.onAny().reply(200, {}); }); describe('closeIssue', () => { it('sets state as closed', done => { store .dispatch('closeIssue', { notesData: { closeIssuePath: '' } }) .then(() => { expect(store.state.noteableData.state).toEqual('closed'); expect(store.state.isToggleStateButtonLoading).toEqual(false); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); describe('reopenIssue', () => { it('sets state as reopened', done => { store .dispatch('reopenIssue', { notesData: { reopenIssuePath: '' } }) .then(() => { expect(store.state.noteableData.state).toEqual('reopened'); expect(store.state.isToggleStateButtonLoading).toEqual(false); done(); }) .catch(; }); }); }); describe('emitStateChangedEvent', () => { it('emits an event on the document', () => { document.addEventListener('issuable_vue_app:change', event => { expect({ id: '1', state: 'closed' }); expect(event.detail.isClosed).toEqual(false); }); store.dispatch('emitStateChangedEvent', { id: '1', state: 'closed' }); }); }); describe('toggleStateButtonLoading', () => { it('should set loading as true', done => { testAction( actions.toggleStateButtonLoading, true, {}, [{ type: 'TOGGLE_STATE_BUTTON_LOADING', payload: true }], [], done, ); }); it('should set loading as false', done => { testAction( actions.toggleStateButtonLoading, false, {}, [{ type: 'TOGGLE_STATE_BUTTON_LOADING', payload: false }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('toggleIssueLocalState', () => { it('sets issue state as closed', done => { testAction(actions.toggleIssueLocalState, 'closed', {}, [{ type: 'CLOSE_ISSUE' }], [], done); }); it('sets issue state as reopened', done => { testAction( actions.toggleIssueLocalState, 'reopened', {}, [{ type: 'REOPEN_ISSUE' }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('toggleBlockedIssueWarning', () => { it('should set issue warning as true', done => { testAction( actions.toggleBlockedIssueWarning, true, {}, [{ type: 'TOGGLE_BLOCKED_ISSUE_WARNING', payload: true }], [], done, ); }); it('should set issue warning as false', done => { testAction( actions.toggleBlockedIssueWarning, false, {}, [{ type: 'TOGGLE_BLOCKED_ISSUE_WARNING', payload: false }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('fetchData', () => { describe('given there are no notes', () => { const lastFetchedAt = '13579'; beforeEach(() => { axiosMock .onGet(notesDataMock.notesPath) .replyOnce(200, { notes: [], last_fetched_at: lastFetchedAt }); }); it('should commit SET_LAST_FETCHED_AT', () => testAction( actions.fetchData, undefined, { notesData: notesDataMock }, [{ type: 'SET_LAST_FETCHED_AT', payload: lastFetchedAt }], [], )); }); describe('given there are notes', () => { const lastFetchedAt = '12358'; beforeEach(() => { axiosMock .onGet(notesDataMock.notesPath) .replyOnce(200, { notes: discussionMock.notes, last_fetched_at: lastFetchedAt }); }); it('should dispatch updateOrCreateNotes, startTaskList and commit SET_LAST_FETCHED_AT', () => testAction( actions.fetchData, undefined, { notesData: notesDataMock }, [{ type: 'SET_LAST_FETCHED_AT', payload: lastFetchedAt }], [ { type: 'updateOrCreateNotes', payload: discussionMock.notes }, { type: 'startTaskList' }, ], )); }); }); describe('poll', () => { beforeEach(done => { axiosMock .onGet(notesDataMock.notesPath) .reply(200, { notes: [], last_fetched_at: '123456' }, { 'poll-interval': '1000' }); store .dispatch('setNotesData', notesDataMock) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('calls service with last fetched state', done => { store .dispatch('poll') .then(() => new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve))) .then(() => { expect(store.state.lastFetchedAt).toBe('123456'); jest.advanceTimersByTime(1500); }) .then( () => new Promise(resolve => { requestAnimationFrame(resolve); }), ) .then(() => { const expectedGetRequests = 2; expect(axiosMock.history.get.length).toBe(expectedGetRequests); expect(axiosMock.history.get[expectedGetRequests - 1].headers).toMatchObject({ 'X-Last-Fetched-At': '123456', }); }) .then(() => store.dispatch('stopPolling')) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('setNotesFetchedState', () => { it('should set notes fetched state', done => { testAction( actions.setNotesFetchedState, true, {}, [{ type: 'SET_NOTES_FETCHED_STATE', payload: true }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('removeNote', () => { const endpoint = `${TEST_HOST}/note`; beforeEach(() => { axiosMock.onDelete(endpoint).replyOnce(200, {}); document.body.setAttribute('data-page', ''); }); afterEach(() => { axiosMock.restore(); document.body.setAttribute('data-page', ''); }); it('commits DELETE_NOTE and dispatches updateMergeRequestWidget', done => { const note = { path: endpoint, id: 1 }; testAction( actions.removeNote, note, store.state, [ { type: 'DELETE_NOTE', payload: note, }, ], [ { type: 'updateMergeRequestWidget', }, { type: 'updateResolvableDiscussionsCounts', }, ], done, ); }); it('dispatches removeDiscussionsFromDiff on merge request page', done => { const note = { path: endpoint, id: 1 }; document.body.setAttribute('data-page', 'projects:merge_requests:show'); testAction( actions.removeNote, note, store.state, [ { type: 'DELETE_NOTE', payload: note, }, ], [ { type: 'updateMergeRequestWidget', }, { type: 'updateResolvableDiscussionsCounts', }, { type: 'diffs/removeDiscussionsFromDiff', }, ], done, ); }); }); describe('deleteNote', () => { const endpoint = `${TEST_HOST}/note`; beforeEach(() => { axiosMock.onDelete(endpoint).replyOnce(200, {}); document.body.setAttribute('data-page', ''); }); afterEach(() => { axiosMock.restore(); document.body.setAttribute('data-page', ''); }); it('dispatches removeNote', done => { const note = { path: endpoint, id: 1 }; testAction( actions.deleteNote, note, {}, [], [ { type: 'removeNote', payload: { id: 1, path: '', }, }, ], done, ); }); }); describe('createNewNote', () => { describe('success', () => { const res = { id: 1, valid: true, }; beforeEach(() => { axiosMock.onAny().reply(200, res); }); it('commits ADD_NEW_NOTE and dispatches updateMergeRequestWidget', done => { testAction( actions.createNewNote, { endpoint: `${TEST_HOST}`, data: {} }, store.state, [ { type: 'ADD_NEW_NOTE', payload: res, }, ], [ { type: 'updateMergeRequestWidget', }, { type: 'startTaskList', }, { type: 'updateResolvableDiscussionsCounts', }, ], done, ); }); }); describe('error', () => { const res = { errors: ['error'], }; beforeEach(() => { axiosMock.onAny().replyOnce(200, res); }); it('does not commit ADD_NEW_NOTE or dispatch updateMergeRequestWidget', done => { testAction( actions.createNewNote, { endpoint: `${TEST_HOST}`, data: {} }, store.state, [], [], done, ); }); }); }); describe('toggleResolveNote', () => { const res = { resolved: true, }; beforeEach(() => { axiosMock.onAny().reply(200, res); }); describe('as note', () => { it('commits UPDATE_NOTE and dispatches updateMergeRequestWidget', done => { testAction( actions.toggleResolveNote, { endpoint: `${TEST_HOST}`, isResolved: true, discussion: false }, store.state, [ { type: 'UPDATE_NOTE', payload: res, }, ], [ { type: 'updateResolvableDiscussionsCounts', }, { type: 'updateMergeRequestWidget', }, ], done, ); }); }); describe('as discussion', () => { it('commits UPDATE_DISCUSSION and dispatches updateMergeRequestWidget', done => { testAction( actions.toggleResolveNote, { endpoint: `${TEST_HOST}`, isResolved: true, discussion: true }, store.state, [ { type: 'UPDATE_DISCUSSION', payload: res, }, ], [ { type: 'updateResolvableDiscussionsCounts', }, { type: 'updateMergeRequestWidget', }, ], done, ); }); }); }); describe('updateMergeRequestWidget', () => { it('calls mrWidget checkStatus', () => { jest.spyOn(mrWidgetEventHub, '$emit').mockImplementation(() => {}); actions.updateMergeRequestWidget(); expect(mrWidgetEventHub.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('mr.discussion.updated'); }); }); describe('setCommentsDisabled', () => { it('should set comments disabled state', done => { testAction( actions.setCommentsDisabled, true, null, [{ type: 'DISABLE_COMMENTS', payload: true }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('updateResolvableDiscussionsCounts', () => { it('commits UPDATE_RESOLVABLE_DISCUSSIONS_COUNTS', done => { testAction( actions.updateResolvableDiscussionsCounts, null, {}, [{ type: 'UPDATE_RESOLVABLE_DISCUSSIONS_COUNTS' }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('convertToDiscussion', () => { it('commits CONVERT_TO_DISCUSSION with noteId', done => { const noteId = 'dummy-note-id'; testAction( actions.convertToDiscussion, noteId, {}, [{ type: 'CONVERT_TO_DISCUSSION', payload: noteId }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('updateOrCreateNotes', () => { it('Updates existing note', () => { const note = { id: 1234 }; const getters = { notesById: { 1234: note } }; actions.updateOrCreateNotes({ commit, state, getters, dispatch }, [note]); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([[mutationTypes.UPDATE_NOTE, note]]); }); it('Creates a new note if none exisits', () => { const note = { id: 1234 }; const getters = { notesById: {} }; actions.updateOrCreateNotes({ commit, state, getters, dispatch }, [note]); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([[mutationTypes.ADD_NEW_NOTE, note]]); }); describe('Discussion notes', () => { let note; let getters; beforeEach(() => { note = { id: 1234 }; getters = { notesById: {} }; }); it('Adds a reply to an existing discussion', () => { state = { discussions: [note] }; const discussionNote = { ...note, type: notesConstants.DISCUSSION_NOTE, discussion_id: 1234, }; actions.updateOrCreateNotes({ commit, state, getters, dispatch }, [discussionNote]); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [mutationTypes.ADD_NEW_REPLY_TO_DISCUSSION, discussionNote], ]); }); it('fetches discussions for diff notes', () => { state = { discussions: [], notesData: { discussionsPath: 'Hello world' } }; const diffNote = { ...note, type: notesConstants.DIFF_NOTE, discussion_id: 1234 }; actions.updateOrCreateNotes({ commit, state, getters, dispatch }, [diffNote]); expect(dispatch.mock.calls).toEqual([ ['fetchDiscussions', { path: state.notesData.discussionsPath }], ]); }); it('Adds a new note', () => { state = { discussions: [] }; const discussionNote = { ...note, type: notesConstants.DISCUSSION_NOTE, discussion_id: 1234, }; actions.updateOrCreateNotes({ commit, state, getters, dispatch }, [discussionNote]); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([[mutationTypes.ADD_NEW_NOTE, discussionNote]]); }); }); }); describe('replyToDiscussion', () => { const payload = { endpoint: TEST_HOST, data: {} }; it('updates discussion if response contains disussion', done => { const discussion = { notes: [] }; axiosMock.onAny().reply(200, { discussion }); testAction( actions.replyToDiscussion, payload, { notesById: {}, }, [{ type: mutationTypes.UPDATE_DISCUSSION, payload: discussion }], [ { type: 'updateMergeRequestWidget' }, { type: 'startTaskList' }, { type: 'updateResolvableDiscussionsCounts' }, ], done, ); }); it('adds a reply to a discussion', done => { const res = {}; axiosMock.onAny().reply(200, res); testAction( actions.replyToDiscussion, payload, { notesById: {}, }, [{ type: mutationTypes.ADD_NEW_REPLY_TO_DISCUSSION, payload: res }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('removeConvertedDiscussion', () => { it('commits CONVERT_TO_DISCUSSION with noteId', done => { const noteId = 'dummy-id'; testAction( actions.removeConvertedDiscussion, noteId, {}, [{ type: 'REMOVE_CONVERTED_DISCUSSION', payload: noteId }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('resolveDiscussion', () => { let getters; let discussionId; beforeEach(() => { discussionId =; state.discussions = [discussionMock]; getters = { isDiscussionResolved: () => false, }; }); it('when unresolved, dispatches action', done => { testAction( actions.resolveDiscussion, { discussionId }, { ...state, ...getters }, [], [ { type: 'toggleResolveNote', payload: { endpoint: discussionMock.resolve_path, isResolved: false, discussion: true, }, }, ], done, ); }); it('when resolved, does nothing', done => { getters.isDiscussionResolved = id => id === discussionId; testAction( actions.resolveDiscussion, { discussionId }, { ...state, ...getters }, [], [], done, ); }); }); describe('saveNote', () => { const flashContainer = {}; const payload = { endpoint: TEST_HOST, data: { 'note[note]': 'some text' }, flashContainer }; describe('if response contains errors', () => { const res = { errors: { something: ['went wrong'] } }; const error = { message: 'Unprocessable entity', response: { data: res } }; it('throws an error', done => { actions .saveNote( { commit() {}, dispatch: () => Promise.reject(error), }, payload, ) .then(() =>'Expected error to be thrown!')) .catch(err => { expect(err).toBe(error); expect(Flash).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('if response contains errors.base', () => { const res = { errors: { base: ['something went wrong'] } }; const error = { message: 'Unprocessable entity', response: { data: res } }; it('sets flash alert using errors.base message', done => { actions .saveNote( { commit() {}, dispatch: () => Promise.reject(error), }, { ...payload, flashContainer }, ) .then(resp => { expect(resp.hasFlash).toBe(true); expect(Flash).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Your comment could not be submitted because something went wrong', 'alert', flashContainer, ); }) .catch(() =>'Expected success response!')) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('if response contains no errors', () => { const res = { valid: true }; it('returns the response', done => { actions .saveNote( { commit() {}, dispatch: () => Promise.resolve(res), }, payload, ) .then(data => { expect(data).toBe(res); expect(Flash).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); }); describe('submitSuggestion', () => { const discussionId = 'discussion-id'; const noteId = 'note-id'; const suggestionId = 'suggestion-id'; let flashContainer; beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(Api, 'applySuggestion').mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve()); dispatch.mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve()); flashContainer = {}; }); const testSubmitSuggestion = (done, expectFn) => { actions .submitSuggestion( { commit, dispatch }, { discussionId, noteId, suggestionId, flashContainer }, ) .then(expectFn) .then(done) .catch(; }; it('when service success, commits and resolves discussion', done => { testSubmitSuggestion(done, () => { expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [mutationTypes.APPLY_SUGGESTION, { discussionId, noteId, suggestionId }], ]); expect(dispatch.mock.calls).toEqual([['resolveDiscussion', { discussionId }]]); expect(Flash).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('when service fails, flashes error message', done => { const response = { response: { data: { message: TEST_ERROR_MESSAGE } } }; Api.applySuggestion.mockReturnValue(Promise.reject(response)); testSubmitSuggestion(done, () => { expect(commit).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(dispatch).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Flash).toHaveBeenCalledWith(TEST_ERROR_MESSAGE, 'alert', flashContainer); }); }); it('when service fails, and no error message available, uses default message', done => { const response = { response: 'foo' }; Api.applySuggestion.mockReturnValue(Promise.reject(response)); testSubmitSuggestion(done, () => { expect(commit).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(dispatch).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Flash).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Something went wrong while applying the suggestion. Please try again.', 'alert', flashContainer, ); }); }); it('when resolve discussion fails, fail gracefully', done => { dispatch.mockReturnValue(Promise.reject()); testSubmitSuggestion(done, () => { expect(Flash).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('submitSuggestionBatch', () => { const discussionIds ={ discussionId }) => discussionId); const batchSuggestionsInfo = batchSuggestionsInfoMock; let flashContainer; beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(Api, 'applySuggestionBatch'); dispatch.mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve()); Api.applySuggestionBatch.mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve()); state = { batchSuggestionsInfo }; flashContainer = {}; }); const testSubmitSuggestionBatch = (done, expectFn) => { actions .submitSuggestionBatch({ commit, dispatch, state }, { flashContainer }) .then(expectFn) .then(done) .catch(; }; it('when service succeeds, commits, resolves discussions, resets batch and applying batch state', done => { testSubmitSuggestionBatch(done, () => { expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [mutationTypes.SET_APPLYING_BATCH_STATE, true], [mutationTypes.APPLY_SUGGESTION, batchSuggestionsInfo[0]], [mutationTypes.APPLY_SUGGESTION, batchSuggestionsInfo[1]], [mutationTypes.CLEAR_SUGGESTION_BATCH], [mutationTypes.SET_APPLYING_BATCH_STATE, false], ]); expect(dispatch.mock.calls).toEqual([ ['resolveDiscussion', { discussionId: discussionIds[0] }], ['resolveDiscussion', { discussionId: discussionIds[1] }], ]); expect(Flash).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('when service fails, flashes error message, resets applying batch state', done => { const response = { response: { data: { message: TEST_ERROR_MESSAGE } } }; Api.applySuggestionBatch.mockReturnValue(Promise.reject(response)); testSubmitSuggestionBatch(done, () => { expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [mutationTypes.SET_APPLYING_BATCH_STATE, true], [mutationTypes.SET_APPLYING_BATCH_STATE, false], ]); expect(dispatch).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Flash).toHaveBeenCalledWith(TEST_ERROR_MESSAGE, 'alert', flashContainer); }); }); it('when service fails, and no error message available, uses default message', done => { const response = { response: 'foo' }; Api.applySuggestionBatch.mockReturnValue(Promise.reject(response)); testSubmitSuggestionBatch(done, () => { expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [mutationTypes.SET_APPLYING_BATCH_STATE, true], [mutationTypes.SET_APPLYING_BATCH_STATE, false], ]); expect(dispatch).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Flash).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Something went wrong while applying the batch of suggestions. Please try again.', 'alert', flashContainer, ); }); }); it('when resolve discussions fails, fails gracefully, resets batch and applying batch state', done => { dispatch.mockReturnValue(Promise.reject()); testSubmitSuggestionBatch(done, () => { expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [mutationTypes.SET_APPLYING_BATCH_STATE, true], [mutationTypes.APPLY_SUGGESTION, batchSuggestionsInfo[0]], [mutationTypes.APPLY_SUGGESTION, batchSuggestionsInfo[1]], [mutationTypes.CLEAR_SUGGESTION_BATCH], [mutationTypes.SET_APPLYING_BATCH_STATE, false], ]); expect(Flash).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('addSuggestionInfoToBatch', () => { const suggestionInfo = batchSuggestionsInfoMock[0]; it("adds a suggestion's info to the current batch", done => { testAction( actions.addSuggestionInfoToBatch, suggestionInfo, { batchSuggestionsInfo: [] }, [{ type: 'ADD_SUGGESTION_TO_BATCH', payload: suggestionInfo }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('removeSuggestionInfoFromBatch', () => { const suggestionInfo = batchSuggestionsInfoMock[0]; it("removes a suggestion's info the current batch", done => { testAction( actions.removeSuggestionInfoFromBatch, suggestionInfo.suggestionId, { batchSuggestionsInfo: [suggestionInfo] }, [{ type: 'REMOVE_SUGGESTION_FROM_BATCH', payload: suggestionInfo.suggestionId }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('filterDiscussion', () => { const path = 'some-discussion-path'; const filter = 0; beforeEach(() => { dispatch.mockReturnValue(new Promise(() => {})); }); it('fetches discussions with filter and persistFilter false', () => { actions.filterDiscussion({ dispatch }, { path, filter, persistFilter: false }); expect(dispatch.mock.calls).toEqual([ ['setLoadingState', true], ['fetchDiscussions', { path, filter, persistFilter: false }], ]); }); it('fetches discussions with filter and persistFilter true', () => { actions.filterDiscussion({ dispatch }, { path, filter, persistFilter: true }); expect(dispatch.mock.calls).toEqual([ ['setLoadingState', true], ['fetchDiscussions', { path, filter, persistFilter: true }], ]); }); }); describe('setDiscussionSortDirection', () => { it('calls the correct mutation with the correct args', done => { testAction( actions.setDiscussionSortDirection, notesConstants.DESC, {}, [{ type: mutationTypes.SET_DISCUSSIONS_SORT, payload: notesConstants.DESC }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('setSelectedCommentPosition', () => { it('calls the correct mutation with the correct args', done => { testAction( actions.setSelectedCommentPosition, {}, {}, [{ type: mutationTypes.SET_SELECTED_COMMENT_POSITION, payload: {} }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('softDeleteDescriptionVersion', () => { const endpoint = '/path/to/diff/1'; const payload = { endpoint, startingVersion: undefined, versionId: 1, }; describe('if response contains no errors', () => { it('dispatches requestDeleteDescriptionVersion', done => { axiosMock.onDelete(endpoint).replyOnce(200); testAction( actions.softDeleteDescriptionVersion, payload, {}, [], [ { type: 'requestDeleteDescriptionVersion', }, { type: 'receiveDeleteDescriptionVersion', payload: payload.versionId, }, ], done, ); }); }); describe('if response contains errors', () => { const errorMessage = 'Request failed with status code 503'; it('dispatches receiveDeleteDescriptionVersionError and throws an error', done => { axiosMock.onDelete(endpoint).replyOnce(503); testAction( actions.softDeleteDescriptionVersion, payload, {}, [], [ { type: 'requestDeleteDescriptionVersion', }, { type: 'receiveDeleteDescriptionVersionError', payload: new Error(errorMessage), }, ], ) .then(() =>'Expected error to be thrown')) .catch(() => { expect(Flash).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('setConfidentiality', () => { it('calls the correct mutation with the correct args', () => { testAction(actions.setConfidentiality, true, { noteableData: { confidential: false } }, [ { type: mutationTypes.SET_ISSUE_CONFIDENTIAL, payload: true }, ]); }); }); describe('updateAssignees', () => { it('update the assignees state', done => { testAction( actions.updateAssignees, [], { state: noteableDataMock }, [{ type: mutationTypes.UPDATE_ASSIGNEES, payload: [] }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('updateConfidentialityOnIssue', () => { state = { noteableData: { confidential: false } }; const iid = '1'; const projectPath = 'full/path'; const getters = { getNoteableData: { iid } }; const actionArgs = { fullPath: projectPath, confidential: true }; const confidential = true; beforeEach(() => { jest .spyOn(utils.gqClient, 'mutate') .mockResolvedValue({ data: { issueSetConfidential: { issue: { confidential } } } }); }); it('calls gqClient mutation one time', () => { actions.updateConfidentialityOnIssue({ commit: () => {}, state, getters }, actionArgs); expect(utils.gqClient.mutate).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('calls gqClient mutation with the correct values', () => { actions.updateConfidentialityOnIssue({ commit: () => {}, state, getters }, actionArgs); expect(utils.gqClient.mutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ mutation: updateIssueConfidentialMutation, variables: { input: { iid, projectPath, confidential } }, }); }); describe('on success of mutation', () => { it('calls commit with the correct values', () => { const commitSpy = jest.fn(); return actions .updateConfidentialityOnIssue({ commit: commitSpy, state, getters }, actionArgs) .then(() => { expect(commitSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( mutationTypes.SET_ISSUE_CONFIDENTIAL, confidential, ); }); }); }); }); describe.each` issuableType ${'issue'} | ${'merge_request'} `('updateLockedAttribute for issuableType=$issuableType', ({ issuableType }) => { // Payload for mutation query state = { noteableData: { discussion_locked: false } }; const targetType = issuableType; const getters = { getNoteableData: { iid: '1', targetType } }; // Target state after mutation const locked = true; const actionArgs = { fullPath: 'full/path', locked }; const input = { iid: '1', projectPath: 'full/path', locked: true }; // Helper functions const targetMutation = () => { return targetType === 'issue' ? updateIssueLockMutation : updateMergeRequestLockMutation; }; const mockResolvedValue = () => { return targetType === 'issue' ? { data: { issueSetLocked: { issue: { discussionLocked: locked } } } } : { data: { mergeRequestSetLocked: { mergeRequest: { discussionLocked: locked } } } }; }; beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(utils.gqClient, 'mutate').mockResolvedValue(mockResolvedValue()); }); it('calls gqClient mutation one time', () => { actions.updateLockedAttribute({ commit: () => {}, state, getters }, actionArgs); expect(utils.gqClient.mutate).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('calls gqClient mutation with the correct values', () => { actions.updateLockedAttribute({ commit: () => {}, state, getters }, actionArgs); expect(utils.gqClient.mutate).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ mutation: targetMutation(), variables: { input }, }); }); describe('on success of mutation', () => { it('calls commit with the correct values', () => { const commitSpy = jest.fn(); return actions .updateLockedAttribute({ commit: commitSpy, state, getters }, actionArgs) .then(() => { expect(commitSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mutationTypes.SET_ISSUABLE_LOCK, locked); }); }); }); }); describe('updateDiscussionPosition', () => { it('update the assignees state', done => { const updatedPosition = { discussionId: 1, position: { test: true } }; testAction( actions.updateDiscussionPosition, updatedPosition, { state: { discussions: [] } }, [{ type: mutationTypes.UPDATE_DISCUSSION_POSITION, payload: updatedPosition }], [], done, ); }); }); });