// Renders diagrams and flowcharts from text using Mermaid in any element with the // `js-render-mermaid` class. // // Example markup: // //
//  graph TD;
//    A-- > B;
//    A-- > C;
//    B-- > D;
//    C-- > D;
// import Flash from './flash'; export default function renderMermaid($els) { if (!$els.length) return; import(/* webpackChunkName: 'mermaid' */ 'blackst0ne-mermaid').then((mermaid) => { mermaid.initialize({ loadOnStart: false, theme: 'neutral', }); $els.each((i, el) => { const source = el.textContent; mermaid.init(undefined, el, (id) => { const svg = document.getElementById(id); svg.classList.add('mermaid'); // pre > code > svg svg.closest('pre').replaceWith(svg); // We need to add the original source into the DOM to allow Copy-as-GFM // to access it. const sourceEl = document.createElement('text'); sourceEl.classList.add('source'); sourceEl.setAttribute('display', 'none'); sourceEl.textContent = source; svg.appendChild(sourceEl); }); }); }).catch((err) => { Flash(`Can't load mermaid module: ${err}`); }); }