class BackgroundMigrationWorker include Sidekiq::Worker include DedicatedSidekiqQueue # Enqueues a number of jobs in bulk. # # The `jobs` argument should be an Array of Arrays, each sub-array must be in # the form: # # [migration-class, [arg1, arg2, ...]] def self.perform_bulk(jobs) Sidekiq::Client.push_bulk('class' => self, 'queue' => sidekiq_options['queue'], 'args' => jobs) end # Schedules multiple jobs in bulk, with a delay. # def self.perform_bulk_in(delay, jobs) now = schedule = now + delay.to_i if schedule <= now raise ArgumentError, 'The schedule time must be in the future!' end Sidekiq::Client.push_bulk('class' => self, 'queue' => sidekiq_options['queue'], 'args' => jobs, 'at' => schedule) end # Performs the background migration. # # See Gitlab::BackgroundMigration.perform for more information. def perform(class_name, arguments = []) Gitlab::BackgroundMigration.perform(class_name, arguments) end end