# frozen_string_literal: true class UserInteractedProject < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user belongs_to :project validates :project_id, presence: true validates :user_id, presence: true CACHE_EXPIRY_TIME = 1.day # Schema version required for this model REQUIRED_SCHEMA_VERSION = 20180223120443 class << self def track(event) # For events without a project, we simply don't care. # An example of this is the creation of a snippet (which # is not related to any project). return unless event.project_id attributes = { project_id: event.project_id, user_id: event.author_id } cached_exists?(attributes) do transaction(requires_new: true) do where(attributes).select(1).first || create!(attributes) true # not caching the whole record here for now rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique # Note, above queries are not atomic and prone # to race conditions (similar like #find_or_create!). # In the case where we hit this, the record we want # already exists - shortcut and return. true end end end # Check if we can safely call .track (table exists) def available? @available_flag ||= ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version >= REQUIRED_SCHEMA_VERSION # rubocop:disable Gitlab/PredicateMemoization end # Flushes cached information about schema def reset_column_information @available_flag = nil super end private def cached_exists?(project_id:, user_id:, &block) cache_key = "user_interacted_projects:#{project_id}:#{user_id}" Rails.cache.fetch(cache_key, expires_in: CACHE_EXPIRY_TIME, &block) end end end