# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe BranchesFinder do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:repository) { project.repository } let(:branch_finder) { described_class.new(repository, params) } let(:params) { {} } describe '#execute' do subject { branch_finder.execute } context 'sort only' do context 'by name' do let(:params) { {} } it 'sorts' do result = subject expect(result.first.name).to eq("'test'") end end context 'by recently_updated' do let(:params) { { sort: 'updated_desc' } } it 'sorts' do result = subject recently_updated_branch = repository.branches.max do |a, b| repository.commit(a.dereferenced_target).committed_date <=> repository.commit(b.dereferenced_target).committed_date end expect(result.first.name).to eq(recently_updated_branch.name) end end context 'by last_updated' do let(:params) { { sort: 'updated_asc' } } it 'sorts' do result = subject expect(result.first.name).to eq('feature') end end end context 'filter only' do context 'by name' do let(:params) { { search: 'fix' } } it 'filters branches' do result = subject expect(result.first.name).to eq('fix') expect(result.count).to eq(1) end end context 'by name ignoring letter case' do let(:params) { { search: 'FiX' } } it 'filters branches' do result = subject expect(result.first.name).to eq('fix') expect(result.count).to eq(1) end end context 'with an unknown name' do let(:params) { { search: 'random' } } it 'does not find any branch' do result = subject expect(result.count).to eq(0) end end context 'by provided names' do let(:params) { { names: %w[fix csv lfs does-not-exist] } } it 'filters branches' do result = subject expect(result.count).to eq(3) expect(result.map(&:name)).to eq(%w{csv fix lfs}) end end context 'by name that begins with' do let(:params) { { search: '^feature_' } } it 'filters branches' do result = subject expect(result.first.name).to eq('feature_conflict') expect(result.count).to eq(1) end end context 'by name that ends with' do let(:params) { { search: 'feature$' } } it 'filters branches' do result = subject expect(result.first.name).to eq('feature') expect(result.count).to eq(1) end end context 'by nonexistent name that begins with' do let(:params) { { search: '^nope' } } it 'filters branches' do result = subject expect(result.count).to eq(0) end end context 'by nonexistent name that ends with' do let(:params) { { search: 'nope$' } } it 'filters branches' do result = subject expect(result.count).to eq(0) end end end context 'filter and sort' do context 'by name and sorts by recently_updated' do let(:params) { { sort: 'updated_desc', search: 'feat' } } it 'filters branches' do result = subject expect(result.first.name).to eq('feature_conflict') expect(result.count).to eq(2) end end context 'by name and sorts by recently_updated, with exact matches first' do let(:params) { { sort: 'updated_desc', search: 'feature' } } it 'filters branches' do result = subject expect(result.first.name).to eq('feature') expect(result.second.name).to eq('feature_conflict') expect(result.count).to eq(2) end end context 'by name and sorts by last_updated' do let(:params) { { sort: 'updated_asc', search: 'feature' } } it 'filters branches' do result = subject expect(result.first.name).to eq('feature') expect(result.count).to eq(2) end end end context 'with gitaly pagination' do subject { branch_finder.execute(gitaly_pagination: true) } context 'by page_token and per_page' do let(:params) { { page_token: 'feature', per_page: 2 } } it 'filters branches' do result = subject expect(result.map(&:name)).to eq(%w(feature_conflict fix)) end end context 'by next page_token and per_page' do let(:params) { { page_token: 'fix', per_page: 2 } } it 'filters branches' do result = subject expect(result.map(&:name)).to eq(%w(flatten-dir gitattributes)) end end context 'by per_page only' do let(:params) { { per_page: 2 } } it 'filters branches' do result = subject expect(result.map(&:name)).to eq(["'test'", '2-mb-file']) end end context 'by page_token only' do let(:params) { { page_token: 'feature' } } it 'returns nothing' do result = subject expect(result.count).to eq(0) end end context 'pagination and sort' do context 'by per_page' do let(:params) { { sort: 'updated_asc', per_page: 5 } } it 'filters branches' do result = subject expect(result.map(&:name)).to eq(%w(feature improve/awesome merge-test markdown feature_conflict)) end end context 'by page_token and per_page' do let(:params) { { sort: 'updated_asc', page_token: 'improve/awesome', per_page: 2 } } it 'filters branches' do result = subject expect(result.map(&:name)).to eq(%w(merge-test markdown)) end end end context 'pagination and names' do let(:params) { { page_token: 'fix', per_page: 2, names: %w[fix csv lfs does-not-exist] } } it 'falls back to default execute and ignore paginations' do result = subject expect(result.count).to eq(3) expect(result.map(&:name)).to eq(%w{csv fix lfs}) end end context 'pagination and search' do let(:params) { { page_token: 'feature', per_page: 2, search: '^f' } } it 'falls back to default execute and ignore paginations' do result = subject expect(result.map(&:name)).to eq(%w(feature feature_conflict fix flatten-dir)) end end end end describe '#total' do subject { branch_finder.total } it { is_expected.to be_an(Integer) } it { is_expected.to eq(repository.branch_count) } end end