require 'spec_helper' describe Project do describe "Associations" do it { should have_many(:users) } it { should have_many(:users_projects) } it { should have_many(:issues) } it { should have_many(:notes) } it { should have_many(:snippets) } it { should have_many(:web_hooks).dependent(:destroy) } end describe "Validation" do it { should validate_presence_of(:name) } it { should validate_presence_of(:path) } it { should validate_presence_of(:code) } end describe "Respond to" do it { should respond_to(:readers) } it { should respond_to(:writers) } it { should respond_to(:repository_writers) } it { should respond_to(:admins) } it { should respond_to(:add_access) } it { should respond_to(:reset_access) } it { should respond_to(:update_repository) } it { should respond_to(:destroy_repository) } it { should respond_to(:public?) } it { should respond_to(:private?) } it { should respond_to(:url_to_repo) } it { should respond_to(:path_to_repo) } it { should respond_to(:valid_repo?) } it { should respond_to(:repo_exists?) } it { should respond_to(:repo) } it { should respond_to(:tags) } it { should respond_to(:commit) } it { should respond_to(:commits_between) } end it "should not allow 'gitolite-admin' as repo name" do should allow_value("blah").for(:path) should_not allow_value("gitolite-admin").for(:path) end it "should return valid url to repo" do project = => "somewhere") project.url_to_repo.should == "git@localhost:somewhere.git" end it "should return path to repo" do project = => "somewhere") project.path_to_repo.should == File.join(Rails.root, "tmp", "tests", "somewhere") end it "returns the full web URL for this repo" do project = => "somewhere") project.web_url.should == "#{GIT_HOST['host']}/somewhere" end describe :valid_repo? do it "should be valid repo" do project = Factory :project project.valid_repo?.should be_true end it "should be invalid repo" do project = => "ok_name", :path => "/INVALID_PATH/", :code => "NEOK") project.valid_repo?.should be_false end end describe "web hooks" do let(:project) { Factory :project } context "with no web hooks" do it "raises no errors" do lambda { project.execute_web_hooks('oldrev', 'newrev', 'ref') }.should_not raise_error end end context "with web hooks" do before do @webhook = Factory(:web_hook) @webhook_2 = Factory(:web_hook) project.web_hooks << [@webhook, @webhook_2] end it "executes multiple web hook" do @webhook.should_receive(:execute).once @webhook_2.should_receive(:execute).once project.execute_web_hooks('oldrev', 'newrev', 'refs/heads/master') end end context "does not execute web hooks" do before do @webhook = Factory(:web_hook) project.web_hooks << [@webhook] end it "when pushing a branch for the first time" do @webhook.should_not_receive(:execute) project.execute_web_hooks('00000000000000000000000000000000', 'newrev', 'refs/heads/master') end it "when pushing tags" do @webhook.should_not_receive(:execute) project.execute_web_hooks('oldrev', 'newrev', 'refs/tags/v1.0.0') end end context "when pushing new branches" do end context "when gathering commit data" do before do @oldrev, @newrev, @ref = project.fresh_commits(2).last.sha, project.fresh_commits(2).first.sha, 'refs/heads/master' @commit = project.fresh_commits(2).first # Fill nil/empty attributes project.description = "This is a description" @data = project.web_hook_data(@oldrev, @newrev, @ref) end subject { @data } it { should include(before: @oldrev) } it { should include(after: @newrev) } it { should include(ref: @ref) } context "with repository data" do subject { @data[:repository] } it { should include(name: } it { should include(url: project.web_url) } it { should include(description: project.description) } it { should include(homepage: project.web_url) } it { should include(private: project.private?) } end context "with commits" do subject { @data[:commits] } it { should be_an(Array) } it { should have(1).element } context "the commit" do subject { @data[:commits].first } it { should include(id: } it { should include(message: @commit.safe_message) } it { should include(timestamp: } it { should include(url: "http://localhost/#{project.code}/commits/#{}") } context "with a author" do subject { @data[:commits].first[:author] } it { should include(name: @commit.author_name) } it { should include(email: @commit.author_email) } end end end end end describe "updates" do let(:project) { Factory :project } before do @issue = Factory :issue, :project => project, :author => Factory(:user), :assignee => Factory(:user) @note = Factory :note, :project => project, :author => Factory(:user) @commit = project.fresh_commits(1).first end describe "return commit, note & issue" do it { project.updates(3).count.should == 3 } it { project.updates(3) == } it { project.updates(3).include?(@issue).should be_true } it { project.updates(3).include?(@note).should be_true } end end describe "last_activity" do let(:project) { Factory :project } before do @note = Factory :note, :project => project, :author => Factory(:user) end it { project.last_activity.should == @note } it { project.last_activity_date.to_s.should == @note.created_at.to_s } end describe "fresh commits" do let(:project) { Factory :project } it { project.fresh_commits(3).count.should == 3 } it { == "2fb376f61875b58bceee0492e270e9c805294b1a" } it { == "0dac878dbfe0b9c6104a87d65fe999149a8d862c" } end describe "commits_between" do let(:project) { Factory :project } subject do commits = project.commits_between("a6d1d4aca0c85816ddfd27d93773f43a31395033", "2fb376f61875b58bceee0492e270e9c805294b1a") { |c| } end it { should have(2).elements } it { should include("2fb376f61875b58bceee0492e270e9c805294b1a") } it { should include("4571e226fbcd7be1af16e9fa1e13b7ac003bebdf") } it { should_not include("a6d1d4aca0c85816ddfd27d93773f43a31395033") } end describe "Git methods" do let(:project) { Factory :project } describe :repo do it "should return valid repo" do project.repo.should be_kind_of(Grit::Repo) end it "should return nil" do lambda { => "invalid").repo }.should raise_error(Grit::NoSuchPathError) end it "should return nil" do lambda { }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end describe :commit do it "should return first head commit if without params" do == end it "should return valid commit" do project.commit(ValidCommit::ID).should be_valid_commit end it "should return nil" do project.commit("+123_4532530XYZ").should be_nil end end describe :tree do before do @commit = project.commit(ValidCommit::ID) end it "should raise error w/o arguments" do lambda { project.tree }.should raise_error end it "should return root tree for commit" do tree = project.tree(@commit) tree.contents.size.should == ValidCommit::FILES_COUNT == ValidCommit::FILES end it "should return root tree for commit with correct path" do tree = project.tree(@commit, ValidCommit::C_FILE_PATH) == ValidCommit::C_FILES end it "should return root tree for commit with incorrect path" do project.tree(@commit, "invalid_path").should be_nil end end end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: projects # # id :integer not null, primary key # name :string(255) # path :string(255) # description :text # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # private_flag :boolean default(TRUE), not null # code :string(255) # owner_id :integer # default_branch :string(255) default("master"), not null # issues_enabled :boolean default(TRUE), not null # wall_enabled :boolean default(TRUE), not null # merge_requests_enabled :boolean default(TRUE), not null # wiki_enabled :boolean default(TRUE), not null #