module API module Helpers include Gitlab::Utils include Helpers::Pagination SUDO_HEADER = "HTTP_SUDO".freeze SUDO_PARAM = :sudo def declared_params(options = {}) options = { include_parent_namespaces: false }.merge(options) declared(params, options).to_h.symbolize_keys end def check_unmodified_since!(last_modified) if_unmodified_since = Time.parse(headers['If-Unmodified-Since']) rescue nil if if_unmodified_since && last_modified && last_modified > if_unmodified_since render_api_error!('412 Precondition Failed', 412) end end def destroy_conditionally!(resource, last_updated: nil) last_updated ||= resource.updated_at check_unmodified_since!(last_updated) status 204 if block_given? yield resource else resource.destroy end end def current_user return @current_user if defined?(@current_user) @current_user = initial_current_user Gitlab::I18n.locale = @current_user&.preferred_language sudo! validate_access_token!(scopes: scopes_registered_for_endpoint) unless sudo? @current_user end def sudo? initial_current_user != current_user end def user_group @group ||= find_group!(params[:id]) end def user_project @project ||= find_project!(params[:id]) end def wiki_page page =[:slug]) page || not_found!('Wiki Page') end def available_labels @available_labels ||=, project_id: end def find_user(id) if id =~ /^\d+$/ User.find_by(id: id) else User.find_by(username: id) end end def find_project(id) if id =~ /^\d+$/ Project.find_by(id: id) else Project.find_by_full_path(id) end end def find_project!(id) project = find_project(id) if can?(current_user, :read_project, project) project else not_found!('Project') end end def find_group(id) if id.to_s =~ /^\d+$/ Group.find_by(id: id) else Group.find_by_full_path(id) end end def find_group!(id) group = find_group(id) if can?(current_user, :read_group, group) group else not_found!('Group') end end def find_project_label(id) label = available_labels.find_by_id(id) || available_labels.find_by_title(id) label || not_found!('Label') end def find_project_issue(iid), project_id:!(iid: iid) end def find_project_merge_request(iid), project_id:!(iid: iid) end def find_project_snippet(id) finder_params = { project: user_project }, finder_params).execute.find(id) end def find_merge_request_with_access(iid, access_level = :read_merge_request) merge_request = user_project.merge_requests.find_by!(iid: iid) authorize! access_level, merge_request merge_request end def find_build!(id) user_project.builds.find(id.to_i) end def authenticate! unauthorized! unless current_user end def authenticate_non_get! authenticate! unless %w[GET HEAD].include?(route.request_method) end def authenticate_by_gitlab_shell_token! input = params['secret_token'].try(:chomp) unless Devise.secure_compare(secret_token, input) unauthorized! end end def authenticated_with_full_private_access! authenticate! forbidden! unless current_user.full_private_access? end def authenticated_as_admin! authenticate! forbidden! unless current_user.admin? end def authorize!(action, subject = :global) forbidden! unless can?(current_user, action, subject) end def authorize_push_project authorize! :push_code, user_project end def authorize_admin_project authorize! :admin_project, user_project end def authorize_read_builds! authorize! :read_build, user_project end def authorize_update_builds! authorize! :update_build, user_project end def require_gitlab_workhorse! unless env['HTTP_GITLAB_WORKHORSE'].present? forbidden!('Request should be executed via GitLab Workhorse') end end def require_pages_enabled! not_found! unless user_project.pages_available? end def require_pages_config_enabled! not_found! unless Gitlab.config.pages.enabled end def can?(object, action, subject = :global) Ability.allowed?(object, action, subject) end # Checks the occurrences of required attributes, each attribute must be present in the params hash # or a Bad Request error is invoked. # # Parameters: # keys (required) - A hash consisting of keys that must be present def required_attributes!(keys) keys.each do |key| bad_request!(key) unless params[key].present? end end def attributes_for_keys(keys, custom_params = nil) params_hash = custom_params || params attrs = {} keys.each do |key| if params_hash[key].present? || (params_hash.key?(key) && params_hash[key] == false) attrs[key] = params_hash[key] end end! end def filter_by_iid(items, iid) items.where(iid: iid) end def filter_by_search(items, text) end # error helpers def forbidden!(reason = nil) message = ['403 Forbidden'] message << " - #{reason}" if reason render_api_error!(message.join(' '), 403) end def bad_request!(attribute) message = ["400 (Bad request)"] message << "\"" + attribute.to_s + "\" not given" if attribute render_api_error!(message.join(' '), 400) end def not_found!(resource = nil) message = ["404"] message << resource if resource message << "Not Found" render_api_error!(message.join(' '), 404) end def unauthorized! render_api_error!('401 Unauthorized', 401) end def not_allowed! render_api_error!('405 Method Not Allowed', 405) end def conflict!(message = nil) render_api_error!(message || '409 Conflict', 409) end def file_to_large! render_api_error!('413 Request Entity Too Large', 413) end def not_modified! render_api_error!('304 Not Modified', 304) end def no_content! render_api_error!('204 No Content', 204) end def accepted! render_api_error!('202 Accepted', 202) end def render_validation_error!(model) if model.errors.any? render_api_error!(model.errors.messages || '400 Bad Request', 400) end end def render_spam_error! render_api_error!({ error: 'Spam detected' }, 400) end def render_api_error!(message, status) error!({ 'message' => message }, status, header) end def handle_api_exception(exception) if sentry_enabled? && report_exception?(exception) define_params_for_grape_middleware sentry_context Raven.capture_exception(exception, extra: params) end # lifted from trace = exception.backtrace message = "\n#{exception.class} (#{exception.message}):\n" message << exception.annoted_source_code.to_s if exception.respond_to?(:annoted_source_code) message << " " << trace.join("\n ") API.logger.add Logger::FATAL, message response_message = if Rails.env.test? message else '500 Internal Server Error' end rack_response({ 'message' => response_message }.to_json, 500) end # project helpers def reorder_projects(projects) projects.reorder(params[:order_by] => params[:sort]) end def project_finder_params finder_params = {} finder_params[:owned] = true if params[:owned].present? finder_params[:non_public] = true if params[:membership].present? finder_params[:starred] = true if params[:starred].present? finder_params[:visibility_level] = Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.level_value(params[:visibility]) if params[:visibility] finder_params[:archived] = params[:archived] finder_params[:search] = params[:search] if params[:search] finder_params[:user] = params.delete(:user) if params[:user] finder_params[:custom_attributes] = params[:custom_attributes] if params[:custom_attributes] finder_params end # file helpers def uploaded_file(field, uploads_path) if params[field] bad_request!("#{field} is not a file") unless params[field][:filename] return params[field] end return nil unless params["#{field}.path"] && params["#{field}.name"] # sanitize file paths # this requires all paths to exist required_attributes! %W(#{field}.path) uploads_path = File.realpath(uploads_path) file_path = File.realpath(params["#{field}.path"]) bad_request!('Bad file path') unless file_path.start_with?(uploads_path) file_path, params["#{field}.name"], params["#{field}.type"] || 'application/octet-stream' ) end def present_file!(path, filename, content_type = 'application/octet-stream') filename ||= File.basename(path) header['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=#{filename}" header['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'binary' content_type content_type # Support download acceleration case headers['X-Sendfile-Type'] when 'X-Sendfile' header['X-Sendfile'] = path body else file path end end def present_artifacts!(artifacts_file) return not_found! unless artifacts_file.exists? if artifacts_file.file_storage? present_file!(artifacts_file.path, artifacts_file.filename) else redirect_to(artifacts_file.url) end end private def initial_current_user return @initial_current_user if defined?(@initial_current_user) begin @initial_current_user = Gitlab::Auth::UniqueIpsLimiter.limit_user! { find_current_user! } rescue Gitlab::Auth::UserAuthFinders::UnauthorizedError unauthorized! end end def sudo! return unless sudo_identifier unauthorized! unless initial_current_user unless initial_current_user.admin? forbidden!('Must be admin to use sudo') end unless access_token forbidden!('Must be authenticated using an OAuth or Personal Access Token to use sudo') end validate_access_token!(scopes: [:sudo]) sudoed_user = find_user(sudo_identifier) not_found!("User with ID or username '#{sudo_identifier}'") unless sudoed_user @current_user = sudoed_user end def sudo_identifier @sudo_identifier ||= params[SUDO_PARAM] || env[SUDO_HEADER] end def secret_token Gitlab::Shell.secret_token end def send_git_blob(repository, blob) env['api.format'] = :txt content_type 'text/plain' header(*Gitlab::Workhorse.send_git_blob(repository, blob)) end def send_git_archive(repository, ref:, format:) header(*Gitlab::Workhorse.send_git_archive(repository, ref: ref, format: format)) end def send_artifacts_entry(build, entry) header(*Gitlab::Workhorse.send_artifacts_entry(build, entry)) end # The Grape Error Middleware only has access to `env` but not `params` nor # `request`. We workaround this by defining methods that returns the right # values. def define_params_for_grape_middleware self.define_singleton_method(:request) { } self.define_singleton_method(:params) { request.params.symbolize_keys } end # We could get a Grape or a standard Ruby exception. We should only report anything that # is clearly an error. def report_exception?(exception) return true unless exception.respond_to?(:status) exception.status == 500 end end end