class Repository include Gitlab::ShellAdapter attr_accessor :raw_repository, :path_with_namespace def initialize(path_with_namespace, default_branch = nil) @path_with_namespace = path_with_namespace @raw_repository = if path_with_namespace rescue Gitlab::Git::Repository::NoRepository nil end # Return absolute path to repository def path_to_repo @path_to_repo ||= File.expand_path( File.join(Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.repos_path, path_with_namespace + ".git") ) end def exists? raw_repository end def empty? raw_repository.empty? end def commit(id = 'HEAD') return nil unless raw_repository commit = Gitlab::Git::Commit.find(raw_repository, id) commit = if commit commit rescue Rugged::OdbError nil end def commits(ref, path = nil, limit = nil, offset = nil, skip_merges = false) commits = Gitlab::Git::Commit.where( repo: raw_repository, ref: ref, path: path, limit: limit, offset: offset, ) commits = Commit.decorate(commits) if commits.present? commits end def commits_between(from, to) commits = Gitlab::Git::Commit.between(raw_repository, from, to) commits = Commit.decorate(commits) if commits.present? commits end def find_branch(name) branches.find { |branch| == name } end def find_tag(name) tags.find { |tag| == name } end def add_branch(branch_name, ref) cache.expire(:branch_names) @branches = nil gitlab_shell.add_branch(path_with_namespace, branch_name, ref) end def add_tag(tag_name, ref, message = nil) cache.expire(:tag_names) @tags = nil gitlab_shell.add_tag(path_with_namespace, tag_name, ref, message) end def rm_branch(branch_name) cache.expire(:branch_names) @branches = nil gitlab_shell.rm_branch(path_with_namespace, branch_name) end def rm_tag(tag_name) cache.expire(:tag_names) @tags = nil gitlab_shell.rm_tag(path_with_namespace, tag_name) end def round_commit_count if commit_count > 10000 '10000+' elsif commit_count > 5000 '5000+' elsif commit_count > 1000 '1000+' else commit_count end end def branch_names cache.fetch(:branch_names) { raw_repository.branch_names } end def tag_names cache.fetch(:tag_names) { raw_repository.tag_names } end def commit_count cache.fetch(:commit_count) do begin raw_repository.commit_count(self.root_ref) rescue 0 end end end # Return repo size in megabytes # Cached in redis def size cache.fetch(:size) { raw_repository.size } end def expire_cache %i(size branch_names tag_names commit_count graph_log readme version contribution_guide changelog license).each do |key| cache.expire(key) end end def graph_log cache.fetch(:graph_log) do commits = raw_repository.log(limit: 6000, skip_merges: true, ref: root_ref) do |rugged_commit| commit = { author_name: commit.author_name, author_email: commit.author_email, additions: commit.stats.additions, deletions: commit.stats.deletions, } end end end def timestamps_by_user_log(user) author_emails = '(' +{ |e| Regexp.escape(e) }.join('|') + ')' args = %W(git log -E --author=#{author_emails} --since=#{( - 1.year).to_s} --branches --pretty=format:%cd --date=short) dates = Gitlab::Popen.popen(args, path_to_repo).first.split("\n") if dates.present? dates else [] end end def commits_by_user_on_date_log(user, date) # format the date string for git start_date = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00") end_date = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59") author_emails = '(' +{ |e| Regexp.escape(e) }.join('|') + ')' args = %W(git log -E --author=#{author_emails} --after=#{start_date.to_s} --until=#{end_date.to_s} --branches --pretty=format:%h) commits = Gitlab::Popen.popen(args, path_to_repo).first.split("\n")! do |commit_id| commit(commit_id) end end def commits_per_day_for_user(user) timestamps_by_user_log(user). group_by { |commit_date| commit_date }. inject({}) do |hash, (timestamp_date, commits)| hash[timestamp_date] = commits.count hash end end def lookup_cache @lookup_cache ||= {} end def method_missing(m, *args, &block) if m == :lookup && !block_given? lookup_cache[m] ||= {} lookup_cache[m][args.join(":")] ||= raw_repository.send(m, *args, &block) else raw_repository.send(m, *args, &block) end end def respond_to?(method) return true if raw_repository.respond_to?(method) super end def blob_at(sha, path) Gitlab::Git::Blob.find(self, sha, path) end def blob_by_oid(oid) Gitlab::Git::Blob.raw(self, oid) end def readme cache.fetch(:readme) { tree(:head).readme } end def version cache.fetch(:version) do tree(:head).blobs.find do |file| == 'version' end end end def contribution_guide cache.fetch(:contribution_guide) do tree(:head).blobs.find do |file| file.contributing? end end end def changelog cache.fetch(:changelog) do tree(:head).blobs.find do |file| =~ /^(changelog|history)/i end end end def license cache.fetch(:license) do tree(:head).blobs.find do |file| =~ /^license/i end end end def head_commit @head_commit ||= commit(self.root_ref) end def head_tree @head_tree ||=, head_commit.sha, nil) end def tree(sha = :head, path = nil) if sha == :head if path.nil? return head_tree else sha = head_commit.sha end end, sha, path) end def blob_at_branch(branch_name, path) last_commit = commit(branch_name) if last_commit blob_at(last_commit.sha, path) else nil end end # Returns url for submodule # # Ex. # @repository.submodule_url_for('master', 'rack') # # => git@localhost:rack.git # def submodule_url_for(ref, path) if submodules(ref).any? submodule = submodules(ref)[path] if submodule submodule['url'] end end end def last_commit_for_path(sha, path) args = %W(git rev-list --max-count=1 #{sha} -- #{path}) sha = Gitlab::Popen.popen(args, path_to_repo).first.strip commit(sha) end # Remove archives older than 2 hours def clean_old_archives repository_downloads_path = Gitlab.config.gitlab.repository_downloads_path Gitlab::Popen.popen(%W(find #{repository_downloads_path} -not -path #{repository_downloads_path} -mmin +120 -delete)) end def branches_sorted_by(value) case value when 'recently_updated' branches.sort do |a, b| commit( <=> commit( end when 'last_updated' branches.sort do |a, b| commit( <=> commit( end else branches end end def contributors commits = self.commits(nil, nil, 2000, 0, true) commits.group_by(&:author_email).map do |email, commits| contributor = = email commits.each do |commit| if = commit.author_name end contributor.commits += 1 end contributor end end def blob_for_diff(commit, diff) file = blob_at(, diff.new_path) unless file file = prev_blob_for_diff(commit, diff) end file end def prev_blob_for_diff(commit, diff) if commit.parent_id blob_at(commit.parent_id, diff.old_path) end end def branch_names_contains(sha) args = %W(git branch --contains #{sha}) names = Gitlab::Popen.popen(args, path_to_repo).first if names.respond_to?(:split) names = names.split("\n").map(&:strip) names.each do |name| name.slice! '* ' end names else [] end end def tag_names_contains(sha) args = %W(git tag --contains #{sha}) names = Gitlab::Popen.popen(args, path_to_repo).first if names.respond_to?(:split) names = names.split("\n").map(&:strip) names.each do |name| name.slice! '* ' end names else [] end end def branches @branches ||= raw_repository.branches end def tags @tags ||= raw_repository.tags end def root_ref @root_ref ||= raw_repository.root_ref end private def cache @cache ||= end end