# == Schema Information # # Table name: users_groups # # id :integer not null, primary key # group_access :integer not null # group_id :integer not null # user_id :integer not null # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # notification_level :integer default(3), not null # require 'spec_helper' describe UsersGroup do describe "Associations" do it { should belong_to(:group) } it { should belong_to(:user) } end describe "Mass assignment" do end describe "Validation" do let!(:users_group) { create(:users_group) } it { should validate_presence_of(:user_id) } it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:user_id).scoped_to(:group_id).with_message(/already exists/) } it { should validate_presence_of(:group_id) } it { should ensure_inclusion_of(:group_access).in_array(UsersGroup.group_access_roles.values) } end describe "Delegate methods" do it { should respond_to(:user_name) } it { should respond_to(:user_email) } end context 'notification' do describe "#after_create" do it "should send email to user" do membership = build(:users_group) membership.stub(notification_service: double('NotificationService').as_null_object) membership.should_receive(:notification_service) membership.save end end describe "#after_update" do before do @membership = create :users_group @membership.stub(notification_service: double('NotificationService').as_null_object) end it "should send email to user" do @membership.should_receive(:notification_service) @membership.update_attribute(:group_access, UsersGroup::MASTER) end it "does not send an email when the access level has not changed" do @membership.should_not_receive(:notification_service) @membership.update_attribute(:group_access, UsersGroup::OWNER) end end end end