# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Namespace do include ProjectForksHelper include GitHelpers include ReloadHelpers let_it_be(:group_sti_name) { Group.sti_name } let_it_be(:project_sti_name) { Namespaces::ProjectNamespace.sti_name } let_it_be(:user_sti_name) { Namespaces::UserNamespace.sti_name } let!(:namespace) { create(:namespace, :with_namespace_settings) } let(:gitlab_shell) { Gitlab::Shell.new } let(:repository_storage) { 'default' } describe 'associations' do it { is_expected.to have_many :projects } it { is_expected.to have_many :project_statistics } it { is_expected.to belong_to :parent } it { is_expected.to have_many :children } it { is_expected.to have_one :root_storage_statistics } it { is_expected.to have_one :aggregation_schedule } it { is_expected.to have_one :namespace_settings } it { is_expected.to have_one(:namespace_statistics) } it { is_expected.to have_many :custom_emoji } it { is_expected.to have_one :package_setting_relation } it { is_expected.to have_one :onboarding_progress } it { is_expected.to have_one :admin_note } it { is_expected.to have_many :pending_builds } it { is_expected.to have_one :namespace_route } it { is_expected.to have_many :namespace_members } it { is_expected.to have_one :cluster_enabled_grant } it do is_expected.to have_one(:ci_cd_settings).class_name('NamespaceCiCdSetting').inverse_of(:namespace).autosave(true) end describe '#children' do let_it_be(:group) { create(:group) } let_it_be(:subgroup) { create(:group, parent: group) } let_it_be(:project_with_namespace) { create(:project, namespace: group) } it 'excludes project namespaces' do expect(project_with_namespace.project_namespace.parent).to eq(group) expect(group.children).to match_array([subgroup]) end end end shared_examples 'validations called by different namespace types' do |method| using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:namespace_type, :call_validation) do :namespace | true :group | true :user_namespace | true :project_namespace | false end with_them do it 'conditionally runs given validation' do namespace = build(namespace_type) if call_validation expect(namespace).to receive(method) else expect(namespace).not_to receive(method) end namespace.valid? end end end describe 'validations' do it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:name) } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:name).is_at_most(255) } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:description).is_at_most(255) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:path) } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:path).is_at_most(255) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:owner) } it { is_expected.to validate_numericality_of(:max_artifacts_size).only_integer.is_greater_than(0) } context 'validating the parent of a namespace' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax # rubocop:disable Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands where(:parent_type, :child_type, :error) do nil | ref(:user_sti_name) | nil nil | ref(:group_sti_name) | nil nil | ref(:project_sti_name) | 'must be set for a project namespace' ref(:project_sti_name) | ref(:user_sti_name) | 'project namespace cannot be the parent of another namespace' ref(:project_sti_name) | ref(:group_sti_name) | 'project namespace cannot be the parent of another namespace' ref(:project_sti_name) | ref(:project_sti_name) | 'project namespace cannot be the parent of another namespace' ref(:group_sti_name) | ref(:user_sti_name) | 'cannot be used for user namespace' ref(:group_sti_name) | ref(:group_sti_name) | nil ref(:group_sti_name) | ref(:project_sti_name) | nil ref(:user_sti_name) | ref(:user_sti_name) | 'cannot be used for user namespace' ref(:user_sti_name) | ref(:group_sti_name) | 'user namespace cannot be the parent of another namespace' ref(:user_sti_name) | ref(:project_sti_name) | nil end # rubocop:enable Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands with_them do it 'validates namespace parent' do parent = build(:namespace, type: parent_type) if parent_type namespace = build(:namespace, type: child_type, parent: parent) if error expect(namespace).not_to be_valid expect(namespace.errors[:parent_id].first).to eq(error) else expect(namespace).to be_valid end end end end describe '#nesting_level_allowed' do context 'for a group' do it 'does not allow too deep nesting' do ancestors = (1..21).to_a group = build(:group) allow(group).to receive(:ancestors).and_return(ancestors) expect(group).not_to be_valid expect(group.errors[:parent_id].first).to eq('has too deep level of nesting') end end it_behaves_like 'validations called by different namespace types', :nesting_level_allowed end describe 'reserved path validation' do context 'nested group' do let(:group) { build(:group, :nested, path: 'tree') } it { expect(group).not_to be_valid } it 'rejects nested paths' do parent = create(:group, :nested, path: 'environments') namespace = build(:group, path: 'folders', parent: parent) expect(namespace).not_to be_valid end end context "is case insensitive" do let(:group) { build(:group, path: "Groups") } it { expect(group).not_to be_valid } end context 'top-level group' do let(:group) { build(:namespace, path: 'tree') } it { expect(group).to be_valid } end end describe 'path validator' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let_it_be(:parent) { create(:namespace) } # rubocop:disable Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands where(:namespace_type, :path, :valid) do ref(:project_sti_name) | 'j' | true ref(:project_sti_name) | 'path.' | true ref(:project_sti_name) | 'blob' | false ref(:group_sti_name) | 'j' | false ref(:group_sti_name) | 'path.' | false ref(:group_sti_name) | 'blob' | true ref(:user_sti_name) | 'j' | false ref(:user_sti_name) | 'path.' | false ref(:user_sti_name) | 'blob' | true end # rubocop:enable Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands with_them do it 'validates namespace path' do parent_namespace = parent if namespace_type == Namespaces::ProjectNamespace.sti_name namespace = build(:namespace, type: namespace_type, parent: parent_namespace, path: path) expect(namespace.valid?).to be(valid) end end end describe '1 char path length' do context 'with user namespace' do let(:namespace) { build(:namespace) } it 'does not allow to update path to single char' do namespace.save! namespace.path = 'j' expect(namespace).not_to be_valid expect(namespace.errors[:path].first).to eq('is too short (minimum is 2 characters)') end it 'allows updating other attributes for existing record' do namespace.save! namespace.update_attribute(:path, 'j') namespace.reload expect(namespace.path).to eq('j') namespace.update!(name: 'something new') expect(namespace).to be_valid expect(namespace.name).to eq('something new') end end context 'with project namespace' do let(:namespace) { build(:project_namespace) } it 'allows to update path to single char' do project = create(:project) namespace = project.project_namespace namespace.update!(path: 'j') expect(namespace).to be_valid end end end end describe 'handling STI', :aggregate_failures do let(:namespace_type) { nil } let(:parent) { nil } let(:namespace) { Namespace.find(create(:namespace, type: namespace_type, parent: parent).id) } context 'creating a Group' do let(:namespace_type) { group_sti_name } it 'is the correct type of namespace' do expect(namespace).to be_a(Group) expect(namespace.kind).to eq('group') expect(namespace.group_namespace?).to be_truthy end end context 'creating a ProjectNamespace' do let(:namespace_type) { project_sti_name } let(:parent) { create(:group) } it 'is the correct type of namespace' do expect(Namespace.find(namespace.id)).to be_a(Namespaces::ProjectNamespace) expect(namespace.kind).to eq('project') expect(namespace.project_namespace?).to be_truthy end end context 'creating a UserNamespace' do let(:namespace_type) { user_sti_name } it 'is the correct type of namespace' do expect(Namespace.find(namespace.id)).to be_a(Namespaces::UserNamespace) expect(namespace.kind).to eq('user') expect(namespace.user_namespace?).to be_truthy end end context 'unable to create a Namespace with nil type' do let(:namespace) { nil } let(:namespace_type) { nil } it 'raises ActiveRecord::NotNullViolation' do expect { create(:namespace, type: namespace_type, parent: parent) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::NotNullViolation) end end context 'creating an unknown Namespace type' do let(:namespace_type) { 'nonsense' } it 'creates a default Namespace' do expect(Namespace.find(namespace.id)).to be_a(Namespace) expect(namespace.kind).to eq('user') expect(namespace.user_namespace?).to be_truthy end end end describe 'scopes', :aggregate_failures do let_it_be(:namespace1) { create(:group, name: 'Namespace 1', path: 'namespace-1') } let_it_be(:namespace2) { create(:group, name: 'Namespace 2', path: 'namespace-2') } let_it_be(:namespace1sub) { create(:group, name: 'Sub Namespace', path: 'sub-namespace', parent: namespace1) } let_it_be(:namespace2sub) { create(:group, name: 'Sub Namespace', path: 'sub-namespace', parent: namespace2) } describe '.by_parent' do it 'includes correct namespaces' do expect(described_class.by_parent(namespace1.id)).to match_array([namespace1sub]) expect(described_class.by_parent(namespace2.id)).to match_array([namespace2sub]) expect(described_class.by_parent(nil)).to match_array([namespace, namespace1, namespace2]) end end describe '.filter_by_path' do it 'includes correct namespaces' do expect(described_class.filter_by_path(namespace1.path)).to eq([namespace1]) expect(described_class.filter_by_path(namespace2.path)).to eq([namespace2]) expect(described_class.filter_by_path('sub-namespace')).to match_array([namespace1sub, namespace2sub]) end it 'filters case-insensitive' do expect(described_class.filter_by_path(namespace1.path.upcase)).to eq([namespace1]) end end describe '.sorted_by_similarity_and_parent_id_desc' do it 'returns exact matches and top level groups first' do expect(described_class.sorted_by_similarity_and_parent_id_desc(namespace1.path)).to eq([namespace1, namespace2, namespace2sub, namespace1sub, namespace]) expect(described_class.sorted_by_similarity_and_parent_id_desc(namespace2.path)).to eq([namespace2, namespace1, namespace2sub, namespace1sub, namespace]) expect(described_class.sorted_by_similarity_and_parent_id_desc(namespace2sub.name)).to eq([namespace2sub, namespace1sub, namespace2, namespace1, namespace]) expect(described_class.sorted_by_similarity_and_parent_id_desc('Namespace')).to eq([namespace2, namespace1, namespace2sub, namespace1sub, namespace]) end end describe '.without_project_namespaces' do let_it_be(:user_namespace) { create(:user_namespace) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } let_it_be(:project_namespace) { project.project_namespace } it 'excludes project namespaces' do expect(project_namespace).not_to be_nil expect(project_namespace.parent).not_to be_nil expect(described_class.all).to include(project_namespace) expect(described_class.without_project_namespaces).to match_array([namespace, namespace1, namespace2, namespace1sub, namespace2sub, user_namespace, project_namespace.parent]) end end end describe 'delegate' do it { is_expected.to delegate_method(:name).to(:owner).with_prefix.allow_nil } it { is_expected.to delegate_method(:avatar_url).to(:owner).allow_nil } it { is_expected.to delegate_method(:prevent_sharing_groups_outside_hierarchy).to(:namespace_settings).allow_nil } it do is_expected.to delegate_method(:prevent_sharing_groups_outside_hierarchy=).to(:namespace_settings) .with_arguments(:args).allow_nil end end describe "Respond to" do it { is_expected.to respond_to(:human_name) } it { is_expected.to respond_to(:to_param) } it { is_expected.to respond_to(:has_parent?) } end describe 'inclusions' do it { is_expected.to include_module(Gitlab::VisibilityLevel) } it { is_expected.to include_module(Namespaces::Traversal::Recursive) } it { is_expected.to include_module(Namespaces::Traversal::Linear) } it { is_expected.to include_module(Namespaces::Traversal::RecursiveScopes) } it { is_expected.to include_module(Namespaces::Traversal::LinearScopes) } end context 'traversal scopes' do context 'recursive' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids: false) end it_behaves_like 'namespace traversal scopes' end context 'linear' do it_behaves_like 'namespace traversal scopes' context 'without inner join ancestors query' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids_for_ancestor_scopes_with_inner_join: false) end it_behaves_like 'namespace traversal scopes' end end shared_examples 'makes recursive queries' do specify do expect { subject }.to make_queries_matching(/WITH RECURSIVE/) end end shared_examples 'does not make recursive queries' do specify do expect { subject }.not_to make_queries_matching(/WITH RECURSIVE/) end end describe '.self_and_descendants' do let_it_be(:namespace) { create(:namespace) } subject { described_class.where(id: namespace).self_and_descendants.load } it_behaves_like 'does not make recursive queries' context 'when feature flag :use_traversal_ids is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids: false) end it_behaves_like 'makes recursive queries' end context 'when feature flag :use_traversal_ids_for_descendants_scopes is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids_for_descendants_scopes: false) end it_behaves_like 'makes recursive queries' end end describe '.self_and_descendant_ids' do let_it_be(:namespace) { create(:namespace) } subject { described_class.where(id: namespace).self_and_descendant_ids.load } it_behaves_like 'does not make recursive queries' context 'when feature flag :use_traversal_ids is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids: false) end it_behaves_like 'makes recursive queries' end context 'when feature flag :use_traversal_ids_for_descendants_scopes is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids_for_descendants_scopes: false) end it_behaves_like 'makes recursive queries' end end end context 'traversal_ids on create' do shared_examples 'default traversal_ids' do let(:namespace) { build(:namespace) } before do namespace.save! namespace.reload end it { expect(namespace.traversal_ids).to eq [namespace.id] } end it_behaves_like 'default traversal_ids' end describe "after_commit :expire_child_caches" do let(:namespace) { create(:group) } it "expires the child caches when updated" do child_1 = create(:group, parent: namespace, updated_at: 1.week.ago) child_2 = create(:group, parent: namespace, updated_at: 1.day.ago) grandchild = create(:group, parent: child_1, updated_at: 1.week.ago) project_1 = create(:project, namespace: namespace, updated_at: 2.days.ago) project_2 = create(:project, namespace: child_1, updated_at: 3.days.ago) project_3 = create(:project, namespace: grandchild, updated_at: 4.years.ago) freeze_time do namespace.update!(path: "foo") [namespace, child_1, child_2, grandchild, project_1, project_2, project_3].each do |record| expect(record.reload.updated_at).to eq(Time.zone.now) end end end it "expires on name changes" do expect(namespace).to receive(:expire_child_caches).once namespace.update!(name: "Foo") end it "expires on path changes" do expect(namespace).to receive(:expire_child_caches).once namespace.update!(path: "bar") end it "expires on parent changes" do expect(namespace).to receive(:expire_child_caches).once namespace.update!(parent: create(:group)) end it "doesn't expire on other field changes" do expect(namespace).not_to receive(:expire_child_caches) namespace.update!( description: "Foo bar", max_artifacts_size: 10 ) end end describe '#owner_required?' do specify { expect(build(:project_namespace).owner_required?).to be_falsey } specify { expect(build(:group).owner_required?).to be_falsey } specify { expect(build(:namespace).owner_required?).to be_truthy } end describe '#visibility_level_field' do it { expect(namespace.visibility_level_field).to eq(:visibility_level) } end describe '#to_param' do it { expect(namespace.to_param).to eq(namespace.full_path) } end describe '#human_name' do it { expect(namespace.human_name).to eq(namespace.owner_name) } end describe '#any_project_has_container_registry_tags?' do subject { namespace.any_project_has_container_registry_tags? } let!(:project_without_registry) { create(:project, namespace: namespace) } context 'without tags' do it { is_expected.to be_falsey } end context 'with tags' do before do repositories = create_list(:container_repository, 3) create(:project, namespace: namespace, container_repositories: repositories) stub_container_registry_config(enabled: true) end it 'finds tags' do stub_container_registry_tags(repository: :any, tags: ['tag']) is_expected.to be_truthy end it 'does not cause N+1 query in fetching registries' do stub_container_registry_tags(repository: :any, tags: []) control_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new { namespace.any_project_has_container_registry_tags? }.count other_repositories = create_list(:container_repository, 2) create(:project, namespace: namespace, container_repositories: other_repositories) expect { namespace.any_project_has_container_registry_tags? }.not_to exceed_query_limit(control_count + 1) end end end describe '#first_project_with_container_registry_tags' do let(:container_repository) { create(:container_repository) } let!(:project) { create(:project, namespace: namespace, container_repositories: [container_repository]) } before do stub_container_registry_config(enabled: true) end it 'returns the project' do stub_container_registry_tags(repository: :any, tags: ['tag']) expect(namespace.first_project_with_container_registry_tags).to eq(project) end it 'returns no project' do stub_container_registry_tags(repository: :any, tags: nil) expect(namespace.first_project_with_container_registry_tags).to be_nil end end describe '#container_repositories_size_cache_key' do it 'returns the correct cache key' do expect(namespace.container_repositories_size_cache_key).to eq "namespaces:#{namespace.id}:container_repositories_size" end end describe '#container_repositories_size', :clean_gitlab_redis_cache do let(:project_namespace) { create(:namespace) } subject { project_namespace.container_repositories_size } context 'on gitlab.com' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:gitlab_api_supported, :no_container_repositories, :all_migrated, :returned_size, :expected_result) do nil | nil | nil | nil | nil false | nil | nil | nil | nil true | true | nil | nil | 0 true | false | false | nil | nil true | false | true | 555 | 555 true | false | true | nil | nil end with_them do before do stub_container_registry_config(enabled: true, api_url: 'http://container-registry', key: 'spec/fixtures/x509_certificate_pk.key') allow(Gitlab).to receive(:com?).and_return(true) allow(ContainerRegistry::GitlabApiClient).to receive(:supports_gitlab_api?).and_return(gitlab_api_supported) allow(project_namespace).to receive_message_chain(:all_container_repositories, :empty?).and_return(no_container_repositories) allow(project_namespace).to receive_message_chain(:all_container_repositories, :all_migrated?).and_return(all_migrated) allow(ContainerRegistry::GitlabApiClient).to receive(:deduplicated_size).with(project_namespace.full_path).and_return(returned_size) end it { is_expected.to eq(expected_result) } it 'caches the result when all migrated' do if all_migrated expect(Rails.cache) .to receive(:fetch) .with(project_namespace.container_repositories_size_cache_key, expires_in: 7.days) subject end end end end context 'not on gitlab.com' do it { is_expected.to eq(nil) } end context 'for a sub-group' do let(:parent_namespace) { create(:group) } let(:project_namespace) { create(:group, parent: parent_namespace) } it { is_expected.to eq(nil) } end end describe '#all_container_repositories' do context 'with personal namespace' do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:project_namespace) { user.namespace } context 'with no project' do it { expect(project_namespace.all_container_repositories).to match_array([]) } end context 'with projects' do it "returns container repositories" do project = create(:project, namespace: project_namespace) rep = create(:container_repository, project: project) expect(project_namespace.all_container_repositories).to match_array([rep]) end end end context 'with subgroups' do let_it_be(:project_namespace) { create(:group) } let_it_be(:subgroup1) { create(:group, parent: project_namespace) } let_it_be(:subgroup2) { create(:group, parent: subgroup1) } context 'with no project' do it { expect(project_namespace.all_container_repositories).to match_array([]) } end context 'with projects' do it "returns container repositories" do subgrp1_project = create(:project, namespace: subgroup1) rep1 = create(:container_repository, project: subgrp1_project) subgrp2_project = create(:project, namespace: subgroup2) rep2 = create(:container_repository, project: subgrp2_project) expect(project_namespace.all_container_repositories).to match_array([rep1, rep2]) end end end end describe '.search' do let_it_be(:first_group) { create(:group, name: 'my first namespace', path: 'old-path') } let_it_be(:parent_group) { create(:group, name: 'my parent namespace', path: 'parent-path') } let_it_be(:second_group) { create(:group, name: 'my second namespace', path: 'new-path', parent: parent_group) } let_it_be(:project_with_same_path) { create(:project, id: second_group.id, path: first_group.path) } it 'returns namespaces with a matching name' do expect(described_class.search('my first namespace')).to eq([first_group]) end it 'returns namespaces with a partially matching name' do expect(described_class.search('first')).to eq([first_group]) end it 'returns namespaces with a matching name regardless of the casing' do expect(described_class.search('MY FIRST NAMESPACE')).to eq([first_group]) end it 'returns namespaces with a matching path' do expect(described_class.search('old-path')).to eq([first_group]) end it 'returns namespaces with a partially matching path' do expect(described_class.search('old')).to eq([first_group]) end it 'returns namespaces with a matching path regardless of the casing' do expect(described_class.search('OLD-PATH')).to eq([first_group]) end it 'returns namespaces with a matching route path' do expect(described_class.search('parent-path/new-path', include_parents: true)).to eq([second_group]) end it 'returns namespaces with a partially matching route path' do expect(described_class.search('parent-path/new', include_parents: true)).to eq([second_group]) end it 'returns namespaces with a matching route path regardless of the casing' do expect(described_class.search('PARENT-PATH/NEW-PATH', include_parents: true)).to eq([second_group]) end context 'with project namespaces' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, namespace: parent_group, path: 'some-new-path') } let_it_be(:project_namespace) { project.project_namespace } it 'does not return project namespace' do search_result = described_class.search('path') expect(search_result).not_to include(project_namespace) expect(search_result).to match_array([first_group, parent_group, second_group]) end it 'does not return project namespace when including parents' do search_result = described_class.search('path', include_parents: true) expect(search_result).not_to include(project_namespace) expect(search_result).to match_array([first_group, parent_group, second_group]) end end end describe '.with_statistics' do let_it_be(:namespace) { create(:namespace) } let(:project1) do create(:project, namespace: namespace, statistics: build(:project_statistics, namespace: namespace, repository_size: 101, wiki_size: 505, lfs_objects_size: 202, build_artifacts_size: 303, pipeline_artifacts_size: 707, packages_size: 404, snippets_size: 605, uploads_size: 808)) end let(:project2) do create(:project, namespace: namespace, statistics: build(:project_statistics, namespace: namespace, repository_size: 10, wiki_size: 50, lfs_objects_size: 20, build_artifacts_size: 30, pipeline_artifacts_size: 70, packages_size: 40, snippets_size: 60, uploads_size: 80)) end it "sums all project storage counters in the namespace" do project1 project2 statistics = described_class.with_statistics.find(namespace.id) expect(statistics.storage_size).to eq 3995 expect(statistics.repository_size).to eq 111 expect(statistics.wiki_size).to eq 555 expect(statistics.lfs_objects_size).to eq 222 expect(statistics.build_artifacts_size).to eq 333 expect(statistics.pipeline_artifacts_size).to eq 777 expect(statistics.packages_size).to eq 444 expect(statistics.snippets_size).to eq 665 expect(statistics.uploads_size).to eq 888 end it "correctly handles namespaces without projects" do statistics = described_class.with_statistics.find(namespace.id) expect(statistics.storage_size).to eq 0 expect(statistics.repository_size).to eq 0 expect(statistics.wiki_size).to eq 0 expect(statistics.lfs_objects_size).to eq 0 expect(statistics.build_artifacts_size).to eq 0 expect(statistics.pipeline_artifacts_size).to eq 0 expect(statistics.packages_size).to eq 0 expect(statistics.snippets_size).to eq 0 expect(statistics.uploads_size).to eq 0 end end describe '.find_by_pages_host' do it 'finds namespace by GitLab Pages host and is case-insensitive' do namespace = create(:namespace, name: 'topNAMEspace', path: 'topNAMEspace') create(:namespace, name: 'annother_namespace') host = "TopNamespace.#{Settings.pages.host.upcase}" expect(described_class.find_by_pages_host(host)).to eq(namespace) end context 'when there is non-top-level group with searched name' do before do create(:group, :nested, path: 'pages') end it 'ignores this group' do host = "pages.#{Settings.pages.host.upcase}" expect(described_class.find_by_pages_host(host)).to be_nil end it 'finds right top level group' do group = create(:group, path: 'pages') host = "pages.#{Settings.pages.host.upcase}" expect(described_class.find_by_pages_host(host)).to eq(group) end end it "returns no result if the provided host is not subdomain of the Pages host" do create(:namespace, name: 'namespace.io') host = "namespace.io" expect(described_class.find_by_pages_host(host)).to eq(nil) end end describe '.top_most' do let_it_be(:namespace) { create(:namespace) } let_it_be(:group) { create(:group) } let_it_be(:subgroup) { create(:group, parent: group) } subject { described_class.top_most.ids } it 'only contains root namespaces' do is_expected.to contain_exactly(group.id, namespace.id) end end describe '#move_dir', :request_store do shared_examples "namespace restrictions" do context "when any project has container images" do let(:container_repository) { create(:container_repository) } before do stub_container_registry_config(enabled: true) stub_container_registry_tags(repository: :any, tags: ['tag']) create(:project, namespace: namespace, container_repositories: [container_repository]) allow(namespace).to receive(:path_was).and_return(namespace.path) allow(namespace).to receive(:path).and_return('new_path') end it 'raises an error about not movable project' do expect { namespace.move_dir }.to raise_error(Gitlab::UpdatePathError, /Namespace .* cannot be moved/) end end end context 'legacy storage' do let(:namespace) { create(:namespace) } let!(:project) { create(:project_empty_repo, :legacy_storage, namespace: namespace) } it_behaves_like 'namespace restrictions' it "raises error when directory exists" do expect { namespace.move_dir }.to raise_error("namespace directory cannot be moved") end it "moves dir if path changed" do namespace.update!(path: namespace.full_path + '_new') expect(gitlab_shell.repository_exists?(project.repository_storage, "#{namespace.path}/#{project.path}.git")).to be_truthy end context 'when #write_projects_repository_config raises an error' do context 'in test environment' do it 'raises an exception' do expect(namespace).to receive(:write_projects_repository_config).and_raise('foo') expect do namespace.update!(path: namespace.full_path + '_new') end.to raise_error('foo') end end context 'in production environment' do it 'does not cancel later callbacks' do expect(namespace).to receive(:write_projects_repository_config).and_raise('foo') expect(namespace).to receive(:move_dir).and_wrap_original do |m, *args| move_dir_result = m.call(*args) expect(move_dir_result).to be_truthy # Must be truthy, or else later callbacks would be canceled move_dir_result end expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:should_raise_for_dev?).and_return(false) # like prod namespace.update!(path: namespace.full_path + '_new') end end end shared_examples 'move_dir without repository storage feature' do |storage_version| let(:namespace) { create(:namespace) } let(:gitlab_shell) { namespace.gitlab_shell } let!(:project) { create(:project_empty_repo, namespace: namespace, storage_version: storage_version) } it 'calls namespace service' do expect(gitlab_shell).to receive(:add_namespace).and_return(true) expect(gitlab_shell).to receive(:mv_namespace).and_return(true) namespace.move_dir end end shared_examples 'move_dir with repository storage feature' do |storage_version| let(:namespace) { create(:namespace) } let(:gitlab_shell) { namespace.gitlab_shell } let!(:project) { create(:project_empty_repo, namespace: namespace, storage_version: storage_version) } it 'does not call namespace service' do expect(gitlab_shell).not_to receive(:add_namespace) expect(gitlab_shell).not_to receive(:mv_namespace) namespace.move_dir end end context 'project is without repository storage feature' do [nil, 0].each do |storage_version| it_behaves_like 'move_dir without repository storage feature', storage_version end end context 'project has repository storage feature' do [1, 2].each do |storage_version| it_behaves_like 'move_dir with repository storage feature', storage_version end end context 'with subgroups' do let(:parent) { create(:group, name: 'parent', path: 'parent') } let(:new_parent) { create(:group, name: 'new_parent', path: 'new_parent') } let(:child) { create(:group, name: 'child', path: 'child', parent: parent) } let!(:project) { create(:project_empty_repo, :legacy_storage, path: 'the-project', namespace: child, skip_disk_validation: true) } let(:uploads_dir) { FileUploader.root } let(:pages_dir) { File.join(TestEnv.pages_path) } def expect_project_directories_at(namespace_path, with_pages: true) expected_repository_path = File.join(TestEnv.repos_path, namespace_path, 'the-project.git') expected_upload_path = File.join(uploads_dir, namespace_path, 'the-project') expected_pages_path = File.join(pages_dir, namespace_path, 'the-project') expect(File.directory?(expected_repository_path)).to be_truthy expect(File.directory?(expected_upload_path)).to be_truthy expect(File.directory?(expected_pages_path)).to be(with_pages) end before do FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(TestEnv.repos_path, "#{project.full_path}.git")) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(uploads_dir, project.full_path)) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(pages_dir, project.full_path)) end after do FileUtils.remove_entry(File.join(TestEnv.repos_path, parent.full_path), true) FileUtils.remove_entry(File.join(TestEnv.repos_path, new_parent.full_path), true) FileUtils.remove_entry(File.join(TestEnv.repos_path, child.full_path), true) FileUtils.remove_entry(File.join(uploads_dir, project.full_path), true) FileUtils.remove_entry(pages_dir, true) end context 'renaming child' do context 'when no projects have pages deployed' do it 'moves the repository and uploads', :sidekiq_inline do project.pages_metadatum.update!(deployed: false) child.update!(path: 'renamed') expect_project_directories_at('parent/renamed', with_pages: false) end end end context 'renaming parent' do context 'when no projects have pages deployed' do it 'moves the repository and uploads', :sidekiq_inline do project.pages_metadatum.update!(deployed: false) parent.update!(path: 'renamed') expect_project_directories_at('renamed/child', with_pages: false) end end end context 'moving from one parent to another' do context 'when no projects have pages deployed' do it 'moves the repository and uploads', :sidekiq_inline do project.pages_metadatum.update!(deployed: false) child.update!(parent: new_parent) expect_project_directories_at('new_parent/child', with_pages: false) end end end context 'moving from having a parent to root' do context 'when no projects have pages deployed' do it 'moves the repository and uploads', :sidekiq_inline do project.pages_metadatum.update!(deployed: false) child.update!(parent: nil) expect_project_directories_at('child', with_pages: false) end end end context 'moving from root to having a parent' do context 'when no projects have pages deployed' do it 'moves the repository and uploads', :sidekiq_inline do project.pages_metadatum.update!(deployed: false) parent.update!(parent: new_parent) expect_project_directories_at('new_parent/parent/child', with_pages: false) end end end end end context 'hashed storage' do let(:namespace) { create(:namespace) } let!(:project) { create(:project_empty_repo, namespace: namespace) } it_behaves_like 'namespace restrictions' it "repository directory remains unchanged if path changed" do before_disk_path = project.disk_path namespace.update!(path: namespace.full_path + '_new') expect(before_disk_path).to eq(project.disk_path) expect(gitlab_shell.repository_exists?(project.repository_storage, "#{project.disk_path}.git")).to be_truthy end end context 'for each project inside the namespace' do let!(:parent) { create(:group, name: 'mygroup', path: 'mygroup') } let!(:subgroup) { create(:group, name: 'mysubgroup', path: 'mysubgroup', parent: parent) } let!(:project_in_parent_group) { create(:project, :legacy_storage, :repository, namespace: parent, name: 'foo1') } let!(:hashed_project_in_subgroup) { create(:project, :repository, namespace: subgroup, name: 'foo2') } let!(:legacy_project_in_subgroup) { create(:project, :legacy_storage, :repository, namespace: subgroup, name: 'foo3') } it 'updates project full path in .git/config' do parent.update!(path: 'mygroup_new') expect(project_rugged(project_in_parent_group).config['gitlab.fullpath']).to eq "mygroup_new/#{project_in_parent_group.path}" expect(project_rugged(hashed_project_in_subgroup).config['gitlab.fullpath']).to eq "mygroup_new/mysubgroup/#{hashed_project_in_subgroup.path}" expect(project_rugged(legacy_project_in_subgroup).config['gitlab.fullpath']).to eq "mygroup_new/mysubgroup/#{legacy_project_in_subgroup.path}" end it 'updates the project storage location' do repository_project_in_parent_group = project_in_parent_group.project_repository repository_hashed_project_in_subgroup = hashed_project_in_subgroup.project_repository repository_legacy_project_in_subgroup = legacy_project_in_subgroup.project_repository parent.update!(path: 'mygroup_moved') expect(repository_project_in_parent_group.reload.disk_path).to eq "mygroup_moved/#{project_in_parent_group.path}" expect(repository_hashed_project_in_subgroup.reload.disk_path).to eq hashed_project_in_subgroup.disk_path expect(repository_legacy_project_in_subgroup.reload.disk_path).to eq "mygroup_moved/mysubgroup/#{legacy_project_in_subgroup.path}" end def project_rugged(project) # Routes are loaded when creating the projects, so we need to manually # reload them for the below code to be aware of the above UPDATE. project.route.reload rugged_repo(project.repository) end end end describe '#rm_dir', 'callback' do let(:repository_storage_path) do Gitlab::GitalyClient::StorageSettings.allow_disk_access do Gitlab.config.repositories.storages.default.legacy_disk_path end end let(:path_in_dir) { File.join(repository_storage_path, namespace.full_path) } let(:deleted_path) { namespace.full_path.gsub(namespace.path, "#{namespace.full_path}+#{namespace.id}+deleted") } let(:deleted_path_in_dir) { File.join(repository_storage_path, deleted_path) } context 'legacy storage' do let!(:project) { create(:project_empty_repo, :legacy_storage, namespace: namespace) } it 'renames its dirs when deleted' do allow(GitlabShellWorker).to receive(:perform_in) namespace.destroy! expect(File.exist?(deleted_path_in_dir)).to be(true) end it 'schedules the namespace for deletion' do expect(GitlabShellWorker).to receive(:perform_in).with(5.minutes, :rm_namespace, repository_storage, deleted_path) namespace.destroy! end context 'in sub-groups' do let(:parent) { create(:group, path: 'parent') } let(:child) { create(:group, parent: parent, path: 'child') } let!(:project) { create(:project_empty_repo, :legacy_storage, namespace: child) } let(:path_in_dir) { File.join(repository_storage_path, 'parent', 'child') } let(:deleted_path) { File.join('parent', "child+#{child.id}+deleted") } let(:deleted_path_in_dir) { File.join(repository_storage_path, deleted_path) } it 'renames its dirs when deleted' do allow(GitlabShellWorker).to receive(:perform_in) child.destroy! expect(File.exist?(deleted_path_in_dir)).to be(true) end it 'schedules the namespace for deletion' do expect(GitlabShellWorker).to receive(:perform_in).with(5.minutes, :rm_namespace, repository_storage, deleted_path) child.destroy! end end end context 'hashed storage' do let!(:project) { create(:project_empty_repo, namespace: namespace) } it 'has no repositories base directories to remove' do expect(GitlabShellWorker).not_to receive(:perform_in) expect(File.exist?(path_in_dir)).to be(false) namespace.destroy! expect(File.exist?(deleted_path_in_dir)).to be(false) end end end describe '.find_by_path_or_name' do before do @namespace = create(:namespace, name: 'WoW', path: 'woW') end it { expect(described_class.find_by_path_or_name('wow')).to eq(@namespace) } it { expect(described_class.find_by_path_or_name('WOW')).to eq(@namespace) } it { expect(described_class.find_by_path_or_name('unknown')).to eq(nil) } end describe ".clean_path" do let!(:user) { create(:user, username: "johngitlab-etc") } let!(:namespace) { create(:namespace, path: "JohnGitLab-etc1") } it "cleans the path and makes sure it's available" do expect(described_class.clean_path("-john+gitlab-ETC%.git@gmail.com")).to eq("johngitlab-ETC2") expect(described_class.clean_path("--%+--valid_*&%name=.git.%.atom.atom.@email.com")).to eq("valid_name") end end describe ".clean_name" do context "when the name complies with the group name regex" do it "returns the name as is" do valid_name = "Hello - World _ (Hi.)" expect(described_class.clean_name(valid_name)).to eq(valid_name) end end context "when the name does not comply with the group name regex" do it "sanitizes the name by replacing all invalid char sequences with a space" do expect(described_class.clean_name("Green'! Test~~~")).to eq("Green Test") end end end describe "#default_branch_protection" do let(:namespace) { create(:namespace) } let(:default_branch_protection) { nil } let(:group) { create(:group, default_branch_protection: default_branch_protection) } before do stub_application_setting(default_branch_protection: Gitlab::Access::PROTECTION_DEV_CAN_MERGE) end context 'for a namespace' do # Unlike a group, the settings of a namespace cannot be altered # via the UI or the API. it 'returns the instance level setting' do expect(namespace.default_branch_protection).to eq(Gitlab::Access::PROTECTION_DEV_CAN_MERGE) end end context 'for a group' do context 'that has not altered the default value' do it 'returns the instance level setting' do expect(group.default_branch_protection).to eq(Gitlab::Access::PROTECTION_DEV_CAN_MERGE) end end context 'that has altered the default value' do let(:default_branch_protection) { Gitlab::Access::PROTECTION_FULL } it 'returns the group level setting' do expect(group.default_branch_protection).to eq(default_branch_protection) end end end end shared_examples 'disabled feature flag when traversal_ids is blank' do before do namespace.traversal_ids = [] end it { is_expected.to eq false } end describe '#use_traversal_ids?' do let_it_be(:namespace, reload: true) { create(:namespace) } subject { namespace.use_traversal_ids? } context 'when use_traversal_ids feature flag is true' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids: true) end it { is_expected.to eq true } it_behaves_like 'disabled feature flag when traversal_ids is blank' end context 'when use_traversal_ids feature flag is false' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids: false) end it { is_expected.to eq false } end end describe '#use_traversal_ids_for_root_ancestor?' do let_it_be(:namespace, reload: true) { create(:namespace) } subject { namespace.use_traversal_ids_for_root_ancestor? } context 'when use_traversal_ids_for_root_ancestor feature flag is true' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids_for_root_ancestor: true) end it { is_expected.to eq true } it_behaves_like 'disabled feature flag when traversal_ids is blank' end context 'when use_traversal_ids_for_root_ancestor feature flag is false' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids_for_root_ancestor: false) end it { is_expected.to eq false } end end describe '#use_traversal_ids_for_ancestors?' do let_it_be(:namespace, reload: true) { create(:namespace) } subject { namespace.use_traversal_ids_for_ancestors? } context 'when use_traversal_ids_for_ancestors? feature flag is true' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids_for_ancestors: true) end it { is_expected.to eq true } it_behaves_like 'disabled feature flag when traversal_ids is blank' end context 'when use_traversal_ids_for_ancestors? feature flag is false' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids_for_ancestors: false) end it { is_expected.to eq false } end context 'when use_traversal_ids? feature flag is false' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids: false) end it { is_expected.to eq false } end end describe '#use_traversal_ids_for_ancestors_upto?' do let_it_be(:namespace, reload: true) { create(:namespace) } subject { namespace.use_traversal_ids_for_ancestors_upto? } context 'when use_traversal_ids_for_ancestors_upto feature flag is true' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids_for_ancestors_upto: true) end it { is_expected.to eq true } it_behaves_like 'disabled feature flag when traversal_ids is blank' end context 'when use_traversal_ids_for_ancestors_upto feature flag is false' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids_for_ancestors_upto: false) end it { is_expected.to eq false } end context 'when use_traversal_ids? feature flag is false' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids: false) end it { is_expected.to eq false } end end describe '#use_traversal_ids_for_self_and_hierarchy?' do let_it_be(:namespace, reload: true) { create(:namespace) } subject { namespace.use_traversal_ids_for_self_and_hierarchy? } it { is_expected.to eq true } it_behaves_like 'disabled feature flag when traversal_ids is blank' context 'when use_traversal_ids_for_self_and_hierarchy feature flag is false' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids_for_self_and_hierarchy: false) end it { is_expected.to eq false } end context 'when use_traversal_ids? feature flag is false' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids: false) end it { is_expected.to eq false } end end describe '#users_with_descendants' do let(:user_a) { create(:user) } let(:user_b) { create(:user) } let(:group) { create(:group) } let(:nested_group) { create(:group, parent: group) } let(:deep_nested_group) { create(:group, parent: nested_group) } it 'returns member users on every nest level without duplication' do group.add_developer(user_a) nested_group.add_developer(user_b) deep_nested_group.add_maintainer(user_a) expect(group.users_with_descendants).to contain_exactly(user_a, user_b) expect(nested_group.users_with_descendants).to contain_exactly(user_a, user_b) expect(deep_nested_group.users_with_descendants).to contain_exactly(user_a) end end describe '#user_ids_for_project_authorizations' do it 'returns the user IDs for which to refresh authorizations' do expect(namespace.user_ids_for_project_authorizations) .to eq([namespace.owner_id]) end end shared_examples '#all_projects' do context 'when namespace is a group' do let_it_be(:namespace) { create(:group) } let_it_be(:child) { create(:group, parent: namespace) } let_it_be(:project1) { create(:project_empty_repo, namespace: namespace) } let_it_be(:project2) { create(:project_empty_repo, namespace: child) } let_it_be(:other_project) { create(:project_empty_repo) } before do reload_models(namespace, child) end it { expect(namespace.all_projects.to_a).to match_array([project2, project1]) } it { expect(child.all_projects.to_a).to match_array([project2]) } end context 'when namespace is a user namespace' do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:user_namespace) { create(:namespace, owner: user) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, namespace: user_namespace) } let_it_be(:other_project) { create(:project_empty_repo) } before do reload_models(user_namespace) end it { expect(user_namespace.all_projects.to_a).to match_array([project]) } end end describe '#all_projects' do context 'when recursive approach is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(recursive_approach_for_all_projects: false) end include_examples '#all_projects' end context 'with use_traversal_ids feature flag enabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids: true) end include_examples '#all_projects' # Using #self_and_descendant instead of #self_and_descendant_ids can produce # very slow queries. it 'calls self_and_descendant_ids' do namespace = create(:group) expect(namespace).to receive(:self_and_descendant_ids) namespace.all_projects end end context 'with use_traversal_ids feature flag disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(use_traversal_ids: false) end include_examples '#all_projects' end end context 'refreshing project access on updating share_with_group_lock' do let(:group) { create(:group, share_with_group_lock: false) } let(:project) { create(:project, :private, group: group) } let(:another_project) { create(:project, :private, group: group) } let_it_be(:shared_with_group_one) { create(:group) } let_it_be(:shared_with_group_two) { create(:group) } let_it_be(:group_one_user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:group_two_user) { create(:user) } subject(:execute_update) { group.update!(share_with_group_lock: true) } before do shared_with_group_one.add_developer(group_one_user) shared_with_group_two.add_developer(group_two_user) create(:project_group_link, group: shared_with_group_one, project: project) create(:project_group_link, group: shared_with_group_one, project: another_project) create(:project_group_link, group: shared_with_group_two, project: project) end it 'calls AuthorizedProjectUpdate::ProjectRecalculateWorker to update project authorizations' do expect(AuthorizedProjectUpdate::ProjectRecalculateWorker) .to receive(:perform_async).with(project.id).once expect(AuthorizedProjectUpdate::ProjectRecalculateWorker) .to receive(:perform_async).with(another_project.id).once execute_update end it 'updates authorizations leading to users from shared groups losing access', :sidekiq_inline do expect { execute_update } .to change { group_one_user.authorized_projects.include?(project) }.from(true).to(false) .and change { group_two_user.authorized_projects.include?(project) }.from(true).to(false) end it 'calls AuthorizedProjectUpdate::UserRefreshFromReplicaWorker with a delay to update project authorizations' do expect(AuthorizedProjectUpdate::UserRefreshFromReplicaWorker).to( receive(:bulk_perform_in) .with(1.hour, [[group_one_user.id]], batch_delay: 30.seconds, batch_size: 100) ) expect(AuthorizedProjectUpdate::UserRefreshFromReplicaWorker).to( receive(:bulk_perform_in) .with(1.hour, [[group_two_user.id]], batch_delay: 30.seconds, batch_size: 100) ) execute_update end context 'when the feature flag `specialized_worker_for_group_lock_update_auth_recalculation` is disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(specialized_worker_for_group_lock_update_auth_recalculation: false) end it 'updates authorizations leading to users from shared groups losing access', :sidekiq_inline do expect { execute_update } .to change { group_one_user.authorized_projects.include?(project) }.from(true).to(false) .and change { group_two_user.authorized_projects.include?(project) }.from(true).to(false) end it 'updates the authorizations in a non-blocking manner' do expect(AuthorizedProjectsWorker).to( receive(:bulk_perform_async) .with([[group_one_user.id]])).once expect(AuthorizedProjectsWorker).to( receive(:bulk_perform_async) .with([[group_two_user.id]])).once execute_update end end end describe '#share_with_group_lock with subgroups' do context 'when creating a subgroup' do let(:subgroup) { create(:group, parent: root_group )} context 'under a parent with "Share with group lock" enabled' do let(:root_group) { create(:group, share_with_group_lock: true) } it 'enables "Share with group lock" on the subgroup' do expect(subgroup.share_with_group_lock).to be_truthy end end context 'under a parent with "Share with group lock" disabled' do let(:root_group) { create(:group) } it 'does not enable "Share with group lock" on the subgroup' do expect(subgroup.share_with_group_lock).to be_falsey end end end context 'when enabling the parent group "Share with group lock"' do let(:root_group) { create(:group) } let!(:subgroup) { create(:group, parent: root_group )} it 'the subgroup "Share with group lock" becomes enabled' do root_group.update!(share_with_group_lock: true) expect(subgroup.reload.share_with_group_lock).to be_truthy end end context 'when disabling the parent group "Share with group lock" (which was already enabled)' do let(:root_group) { create(:group, share_with_group_lock: true) } context 'and the subgroup "Share with group lock" is enabled' do let(:subgroup) { create(:group, parent: root_group, share_with_group_lock: true )} it 'the subgroup "Share with group lock" does not change' do root_group.update!(share_with_group_lock: false) expect(subgroup.reload.share_with_group_lock).to be_truthy end end context 'but the subgroup "Share with group lock" is disabled' do let(:subgroup) { create(:group, parent: root_group )} it 'the subgroup "Share with group lock" does not change' do root_group.update!(share_with_group_lock: false) expect(subgroup.reload.share_with_group_lock?).to be_falsey end end end context 'when a group is transferred into a root group' do context 'when the root group "Share with group lock" is enabled' do let(:root_group) { create(:group, share_with_group_lock: true) } context 'when the subgroup "Share with group lock" is enabled' do let(:subgroup) { create(:group, share_with_group_lock: true )} it 'the subgroup "Share with group lock" does not change' do subgroup.parent = root_group subgroup.save! expect(subgroup.share_with_group_lock).to be_truthy end end context 'when the subgroup "Share with group lock" is disabled' do let(:subgroup) { create(:group)} it 'the subgroup "Share with group lock" becomes enabled' do subgroup.parent = root_group subgroup.save! expect(subgroup.share_with_group_lock).to be_truthy end end end context 'when the root group "Share with group lock" is disabled' do let(:root_group) { create(:group) } context 'when the subgroup "Share with group lock" is enabled' do let(:subgroup) { create(:group, share_with_group_lock: true )} it 'the subgroup "Share with group lock" does not change' do subgroup.parent = root_group subgroup.save! expect(subgroup.share_with_group_lock).to be_truthy end end context 'when the subgroup "Share with group lock" is disabled' do let(:subgroup) { create(:group)} it 'the subgroup "Share with group lock" does not change' do subgroup.parent = root_group subgroup.save! expect(subgroup.share_with_group_lock).to be_falsey end end end end end describe '#find_fork_of?' do let(:project) { create(:project, :public) } let!(:forked_project) { fork_project(project, namespace.owner, namespace: namespace) } before do # Reset the fork network relation project.reload end it 'knows if there is a direct fork in the namespace' do expect(namespace.find_fork_of(project)).to eq(forked_project) end it 'knows when there is as fork-of-fork in the namespace' do other_namespace = create(:namespace) other_fork = fork_project(forked_project, other_namespace.owner, namespace: other_namespace) expect(other_namespace.find_fork_of(project)).to eq(other_fork) end context 'with request store enabled', :request_store do it 'only queries once' do expect(project.fork_network).to receive(:find_forks_in).once.and_call_original 2.times { namespace.find_fork_of(project) } end end end describe '#root_ancestor' do context 'with persisted root group' do let!(:root_group) { create(:group) } it 'returns root_ancestor for root group without a query' do expect { root_group.root_ancestor }.not_to exceed_query_limit(0) end it 'returns root_ancestor for nested group with a single query' do nested_group = create(:group, parent: root_group) nested_group.reload expect { nested_group.root_ancestor }.not_to exceed_query_limit(1) end it 'returns the top most ancestor' do nested_group = create(:group, parent: root_group) deep_nested_group = create(:group, parent: nested_group) very_deep_nested_group = create(:group, parent: deep_nested_group) expect(root_group.root_ancestor).to eq(root_group) expect(nested_group.root_ancestor).to eq(root_group) expect(deep_nested_group.root_ancestor).to eq(root_group) expect(very_deep_nested_group.root_ancestor).to eq(root_group) end end context 'with not persisted root group' do let!(:root_group) { build(:group) } it 'returns root_ancestor for root group without a query' do expect { root_group.root_ancestor }.not_to exceed_query_limit(0) end it 'returns the top most ancestor' do nested_group = build(:group, parent: root_group) deep_nested_group = build(:group, parent: nested_group) very_deep_nested_group = build(:group, parent: deep_nested_group) expect(root_group.root_ancestor).to eq(root_group) expect(nested_group.root_ancestor).to eq(root_group) expect(deep_nested_group.root_ancestor).to eq(root_group) expect(very_deep_nested_group.root_ancestor).to eq(root_group) end end end describe '#full_path_before_last_save' do context 'when the group has no parent' do it 'returns the path before last save' do group = create(:group) group.update!(parent: nil) expect(group.full_path_before_last_save).to eq(group.path_before_last_save) end end context 'when a parent is assigned to a group with no previous parent' do it 'returns the path before last save' do group = create(:group, parent: nil) parent = create(:group) group.update!(parent: parent) expect(group.full_path_before_last_save).to eq("#{group.path_before_last_save}") end end context 'when a parent is removed from the group' do it 'returns the parent full path' do parent = create(:group) group = create(:group, parent: parent) group.update!(parent: nil) expect(group.full_path_before_last_save).to eq("#{parent.full_path}/#{group.path}") end end context 'when changing parents' do it 'returns the previous parent full path' do parent = create(:group) group = create(:group, parent: parent) new_parent = create(:group) group.update!(parent: new_parent) expect(group.full_path_before_last_save).to eq("#{parent.full_path}/#{group.path}") end end end describe '#auto_devops_enabled' do context 'with users' do let(:user) { create(:user) } subject { user.namespace.auto_devops_enabled? } before do user.namespace.update!(auto_devops_enabled: auto_devops_enabled) end context 'when auto devops is explicitly enabled' do let(:auto_devops_enabled) { true } it { is_expected.to eq(true) } end context 'when auto devops is explicitly disabled' do let(:auto_devops_enabled) { false } it { is_expected.to eq(false) } end end end describe '#user_namespace?' do subject { namespace.user_namespace? } context 'when type is a user' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:namespace) { user.namespace } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'when type is a group' do let(:namespace) { create(:group) } it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end end describe '#aggregation_scheduled?' do let(:namespace) { create(:namespace) } subject { namespace.aggregation_scheduled? } context 'with an aggregation scheduled association' do let(:namespace) { create(:namespace, :with_aggregation_schedule) } it { is_expected.to be_truthy } end context 'without an aggregation scheduled association' do it { is_expected.to be_falsy } end end describe '#emails_disabled?' do context 'when not a subgroup' do it 'returns false' do group = create(:group, emails_disabled: false) expect(group.emails_disabled?).to be_falsey end it 'returns true' do group = create(:group, emails_disabled: true) expect(group.emails_disabled?).to be_truthy end it 'does not query the db when there is no parent group' do group = create(:group, emails_disabled: true) expect { group.emails_disabled? }.not_to exceed_query_limit(0) end end context 'when a subgroup' do let(:grandparent) { create(:group) } let(:parent) { create(:group, parent: grandparent) } let(:group) { create(:group, parent: parent) } it 'returns false' do expect(group.emails_disabled?).to be_falsey end context 'when ancestor emails are disabled' do it 'returns true' do grandparent.update_attribute(:emails_disabled, true) expect(group.emails_disabled?).to be_truthy end end end end describe '#pages_virtual_domain' do let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: namespace) } it 'returns the virual domain' do project.mark_pages_as_deployed project.update_pages_deployment!(create(:pages_deployment, project: project)) virtual_domain = namespace.pages_virtual_domain expect(virtual_domain).to be_an_instance_of(Pages::VirtualDomain) expect(virtual_domain.lookup_paths).not_to be_empty end end describe '#any_project_with_pages_deployed?' do it 'returns true if any project nested under the group has pages deployed' do parent_1 = create(:group) # Three projects, one with pages child_1_1 = create(:group, parent: parent_1) # Two projects, one with pages child_1_2 = create(:group, parent: parent_1) # One project, no pages parent_2 = create(:group) # No projects create(:project, group: child_1_1).tap do |project| project.pages_metadatum.update!(deployed: true) end create(:project, group: child_1_1) create(:project, group: child_1_2) expect(parent_1.any_project_with_pages_deployed?).to be(true) expect(child_1_1.any_project_with_pages_deployed?).to be(true) expect(child_1_2.any_project_with_pages_deployed?).to be(false) expect(parent_2.any_project_with_pages_deployed?).to be(false) end end describe '#has_parent?' do it 'returns true when the group has a parent' do group = create(:group, :nested) expect(group.has_parent?).to be_truthy end it 'returns true when the group has an unsaved parent' do parent = build(:group) group = build(:group, parent: parent) expect(group.has_parent?).to be_truthy end it 'returns false when the group has no parent' do group = create(:group, parent: nil) expect(group.has_parent?).to be_falsy end end describe '#closest_setting' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax shared_examples_for 'fetching closest setting' do let!(:parent) { create(:group) } let!(:group) { create(:group, parent: parent) } let(:setting) { group.closest_setting(setting_name) } before do parent.update_attribute(setting_name, root_setting) group.update_attribute(setting_name, child_setting) end it 'returns closest non-nil value' do expect(setting).to eq(result) end end context 'when setting is of non-boolean type' do where(:root_setting, :child_setting, :result) do 100 | 200 | 200 100 | nil | 100 nil | nil | nil end with_them do let(:setting_name) { :max_artifacts_size } it_behaves_like 'fetching closest setting' end end context 'when setting is of boolean type' do where(:root_setting, :child_setting, :result) do true | false | false true | nil | true nil | nil | nil end with_them do let(:setting_name) { :lfs_enabled } it_behaves_like 'fetching closest setting' end end end describe '#paid?' do it 'returns false for a root namespace with a free plan' do expect(namespace.paid?).to eq(false) end end describe '#shared_runners_setting' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:shared_runners_enabled, :allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners, :shared_runners_setting) do true | true | Namespace::SR_ENABLED true | false | Namespace::SR_ENABLED false | true | Namespace::SR_DISABLED_WITH_OVERRIDE false | false | Namespace::SR_DISABLED_AND_UNOVERRIDABLE end with_them do let(:namespace) { build(:namespace, shared_runners_enabled: shared_runners_enabled, allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners: allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners)} it 'returns the result' do expect(namespace.shared_runners_setting).to eq(shared_runners_setting) end end end describe '#shared_runners_setting_higher_than?' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:shared_runners_enabled, :allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners, :other_setting, :result) do true | true | Namespace::SR_ENABLED | false true | true | Namespace::SR_DISABLED_WITH_OVERRIDE | true true | true | Namespace::SR_DISABLED_AND_UNOVERRIDABLE | true false | true | Namespace::SR_ENABLED | false false | true | Namespace::SR_DISABLED_WITH_OVERRIDE | false false | true | Namespace::SR_DISABLED_AND_UNOVERRIDABLE | true false | false | Namespace::SR_ENABLED | false false | false | Namespace::SR_DISABLED_WITH_OVERRIDE | false false | false | Namespace::SR_DISABLED_AND_UNOVERRIDABLE | false end with_them do let(:namespace) { build(:namespace, shared_runners_enabled: shared_runners_enabled, allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners: allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners)} it 'returns the result' do expect(namespace.shared_runners_setting_higher_than?(other_setting)).to eq(result) end end end describe 'validation #changing_shared_runners_enabled_is_allowed' do context 'without a parent' do let(:namespace) { build(:namespace, shared_runners_enabled: true) } it 'is valid' do expect(namespace).to be_valid end end context 'with a parent' do context 'when namespace is a group' do context 'when parent has shared runners disabled' do let(:parent) { create(:group, :shared_runners_disabled) } let(:group) { build(:group, shared_runners_enabled: true, parent_id: parent.id) } it 'is invalid' do expect(group).to be_invalid expect(group.errors[:shared_runners_enabled]).to include('cannot be enabled because parent group has shared Runners disabled') end end context 'when parent has shared runners disabled but allows override' do let(:parent) { create(:group, :shared_runners_disabled, :allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners) } let(:group) { build(:group, shared_runners_enabled: true, parent_id: parent.id) } it 'is valid' do expect(group).to be_valid end end context 'when parent has shared runners enabled' do let(:parent) { create(:group, shared_runners_enabled: true) } let(:group) { build(:group, shared_runners_enabled: true, parent_id: parent.id) } it 'is valid' do expect(group).to be_valid end end end end it_behaves_like 'validations called by different namespace types', :changing_shared_runners_enabled_is_allowed end describe 'validation #changing_allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners_is_allowed' do context 'when namespace is a group' do context 'without a parent' do context 'with shared runners disabled' do let(:namespace) { build(:group, :allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners, :shared_runners_disabled) } it 'is valid' do expect(namespace).to be_valid end end context 'with shared runners enabled' do let(:namespace) { create(:namespace) } it 'is invalid' do namespace.allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners = true expect(namespace).to be_invalid expect(namespace.errors[:allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners]).to include('cannot be changed if shared runners are enabled') end end end context 'with a parent' do context 'when parent does not allow shared runners' do let(:parent) { create(:group, :shared_runners_disabled) } let(:group) { build(:group, :shared_runners_disabled, :allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners, parent_id: parent.id) } it 'is invalid' do expect(group).to be_invalid expect(group.errors[:allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners]).to include('cannot be enabled because parent group does not allow it') end end context 'when parent allows shared runners and setting to true' do let(:parent) { create(:group, shared_runners_enabled: true) } let(:group) { build(:group, :shared_runners_disabled, :allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners, parent_id: parent.id) } it 'is valid' do expect(group).to be_valid end end context 'when parent allows shared runners and setting to false' do let(:parent) { create(:group, shared_runners_enabled: true) } let(:group) { build(:group, :shared_runners_disabled, allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners: false, parent_id: parent.id) } it 'is valid' do expect(group).to be_valid end end end end it_behaves_like 'validations called by different namespace types', :changing_allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners_is_allowed end describe '#root?' do subject { namespace.root? } context 'when is subgroup' do before do namespace.parent = build(:group) end it 'returns false' do is_expected.to eq(false) end end context 'when is root' do it 'returns true' do is_expected.to eq(true) end end end describe '#recent?' do subject { namespace.recent? } context 'when created more than 90 days ago' do before do namespace.update_attribute(:created_at, 91.days.ago) end it { is_expected.to be(false) } end context 'when created less than 90 days ago' do before do namespace.update_attribute(:created_at, 89.days.ago) end it { is_expected.to be(true) } end end it_behaves_like 'it has loose foreign keys' do let(:factory_name) { :group } end context 'Namespaces::SyncEvent' do let!(:namespace) { create(:group) } let_it_be(:new_namespace1) { create(:group) } let_it_be(:new_namespace2) { create(:group) } context 'when creating the namespace' do it 'creates a namespaces_sync_event record' do expect(namespace.sync_events.count).to eq(1) end it 'enqueues ProcessSyncEventsWorker' do expect(Namespaces::ProcessSyncEventsWorker).to receive(:perform_async) create(:namespace) end end context 'when updating namespace parent_id' do it 'creates a namespaces_sync_event record' do expect do namespace.update!(parent_id: new_namespace1.id) end.to change(Namespaces::SyncEvent, :count).by(1) expect(namespace.sync_events.count).to eq(2) end it 'enqueues ProcessSyncEventsWorker' do expect(Namespaces::ProcessSyncEventsWorker).to receive(:perform_async) namespace.update!(parent_id: new_namespace1.id) end end context 'when updating namespace other attribute' do it 'creates a namespaces_sync_event record' do expect do namespace.update!(name: 'hello') end.not_to change(Namespaces::SyncEvent, :count) end end context 'in the same transaction' do context 'when updating different parent_id' do it 'creates two namespaces_sync_event records' do expect do Namespace.transaction do namespace.update!(parent_id: new_namespace1.id) namespace.update!(parent_id: new_namespace2.id) end end.to change(Namespaces::SyncEvent, :count).by(2) expect(namespace.sync_events.count).to eq(3) end end context 'when updating the same parent_id' do it 'creates one namespaces_sync_event record' do expect do Namespace.transaction do namespace.update!(parent_id: new_namespace1.id) namespace.update!(parent_id: new_namespace1.id) end end.to change(Namespaces::SyncEvent, :count).by(1) expect(namespace.sync_events.count).to eq(2) end end end end describe 'storage_enforcement_date' do let_it_be(:namespace) { create(:group) } before do stub_feature_flags(namespace_storage_limit_bypass_date_check: false) end # Date TBD: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/350632 it 'returns nil' do expect(namespace.storage_enforcement_date).to be(nil) end context 'when :storage_banner_bypass_date_check is enabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(namespace_storage_limit_bypass_date_check: true) end it 'returns the current date', :freeze_time do expect(namespace.storage_enforcement_date).to eq(Date.current) end end end describe 'serialization' do let(:object) { build(:namespace) } it_behaves_like 'blocks unsafe serialization' end describe '#certificate_based_clusters_enabled?' do context 'with ff disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(certificate_based_clusters: false) end context 'with a cluster_enabled_grant' do it 'is truthy' do create(:cluster_enabled_grant, namespace: namespace) expect(namespace.certificate_based_clusters_enabled?).to be_truthy end end context 'without a cluster_enabled_grant' do it 'is falsy' do expect(namespace.certificate_based_clusters_enabled?).to be_falsy end end end context 'with ff enabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(certificate_based_clusters: true) end context 'with a cluster_enabled_grant' do it 'is truthy' do create(:cluster_enabled_grant, namespace: namespace) expect(namespace.certificate_based_clusters_enabled?).to be_truthy end end context 'without a cluster_enabled_grant' do it 'is truthy' do expect(namespace.certificate_based_clusters_enabled?).to be_truthy end end end end end