# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe "Admin Runners" do include StubENV include Spec::Support::Helpers::ModalHelpers before do stub_env('IN_MEMORY_APPLICATION_SETTINGS', 'false') admin = create(:admin) sign_in(admin) gitlab_enable_admin_mode_sign_in(admin) end describe "Runners page", :js do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:group) { create(:group) } let_it_be(:namespace) { create(:namespace) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, namespace: namespace, creator: user) } context "when there are runners" do it 'has all necessary texts' do create(:ci_runner, :instance, created_at: 1.year.ago, contacted_at: Time.now) create(:ci_runner, :instance, created_at: 1.year.ago, contacted_at: 1.week.ago) create(:ci_runner, :instance, created_at: 1.year.ago, contacted_at: 1.year.ago) visit admin_runners_path expect(page).to have_text "Register an instance runner" expect(page).to have_text "Online runners 1" expect(page).to have_text "Offline runners 2" expect(page).to have_text "Stale runners 1" end it 'with an instance runner shows an instance badge' do runner = create(:ci_runner, :instance) visit admin_runners_path within "[data-testid='runner-row-#{runner.id}']" do expect(page).to have_selector '.badge', text: 'shared' end end it 'with a group runner shows a group badge' do runner = create(:ci_runner, :group, groups: [group]) visit admin_runners_path within "[data-testid='runner-row-#{runner.id}']" do expect(page).to have_selector '.badge', text: 'group' end end it 'with a project runner shows a project badge' do runner = create(:ci_runner, :project, projects: [project]) visit admin_runners_path within "[data-testid='runner-row-#{runner.id}']" do expect(page).to have_selector '.badge', text: 'specific' end end it 'shows a job count' do runner = create(:ci_runner, :project, projects: [project]) create(:ci_build, runner: runner) create(:ci_build, runner: runner) visit admin_runners_path within "[data-testid='runner-row-#{runner.id}'] [data-label='Jobs']" do expect(page).to have_content '2' end end describe 'delete runner' do let!(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, description: 'runner-foo') } before do visit admin_runners_path within "[data-testid='runner-row-#{runner.id}']" do click_on 'Delete runner' end end it 'shows a confirmation modal' do expect(page).to have_text "Delete runner ##{runner.id} (#{runner.short_sha})?" expect(page).to have_text "Are you sure you want to continue?" end it 'deletes a runner' do within '.modal' do click_on 'Delete runner' end expect(page.find('.gl-toast')).to have_text(/Runner .+ deleted/) expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-foo' end it 'cancels runner deletion' do within '.modal' do click_on 'Cancel' end wait_for_requests expect(page).to have_content 'runner-foo' end end describe 'search' do before do create(:ci_runner, :instance, description: 'runner-foo') create(:ci_runner, :instance, description: 'runner-bar') visit admin_runners_path end it 'runner types tabs have total counts and can be selected' do expect(page).to have_link('All 2') expect(page).to have_link('Instance 2') expect(page).to have_link('Group 0') expect(page).to have_link('Project 0') end it 'shows runners' do expect(page).to have_content("runner-foo") expect(page).to have_content("runner-bar") end it 'shows correct runner when description matches' do input_filtered_search_keys('runner-foo') expect(page).to have_link('All 1') expect(page).to have_link('Instance 1') expect(page).to have_content("runner-foo") expect(page).not_to have_content("runner-bar") end it 'shows no runner when description does not match' do input_filtered_search_keys('runner-baz') expect(page).to have_link('All 0') expect(page).to have_link('Instance 0') expect(page).to have_text 'No runners found' end end describe 'filter by status' do let!(:never_contacted) { create(:ci_runner, :instance, description: 'runner-never-contacted', contacted_at: nil) } before do create(:ci_runner, :instance, description: 'runner-1', contacted_at: Time.now) create(:ci_runner, :instance, description: 'runner-2', contacted_at: Time.now) create(:ci_runner, :instance, description: 'runner-paused', active: false, contacted_at: Time.now) visit admin_runners_path end it 'shows all runners' do expect(page).to have_content 'runner-1' expect(page).to have_content 'runner-2' expect(page).to have_content 'runner-paused' expect(page).to have_content 'runner-never-contacted' expect(page).to have_link('All 4') end it 'shows correct runner when status matches' do input_filtered_search_filter_is_only('Status', 'Active') expect(page).to have_link('All 3') expect(page).to have_content 'runner-1' expect(page).to have_content 'runner-2' expect(page).to have_content 'runner-never-contacted' expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-paused' end it 'shows no runner when status does not match' do input_filtered_search_filter_is_only('Status', 'Stale') expect(page).to have_link('All 0') expect(page).to have_text 'No runners found' end it 'shows correct runner when status is selected and search term is entered' do input_filtered_search_filter_is_only('Status', 'Active') input_filtered_search_keys('runner-1') expect(page).to have_link('All 1') expect(page).to have_content 'runner-1' expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-2' expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-never-contacted' expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-paused' end it 'shows correct runner when status filter is entered' do # use the string "Never" to avoid using space and trigger an early selection input_filtered_search_filter_is_only('Status', 'Never') expect(page).to have_link('All 1') expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-1' expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-2' expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-paused' expect(page).to have_content 'runner-never-contacted' within "[data-testid='runner-row-#{never_contacted.id}']" do expect(page).to have_selector '.badge', text: 'never contacted' end end end describe 'filter by type' do before do create(:ci_runner, :project, description: 'runner-project', projects: [project]) create(:ci_runner, :group, description: 'runner-group', groups: [group]) end it '"All" tab is selected by default' do visit admin_runners_path expect(page).to have_link('All 2') expect(page).to have_link('Group 1') expect(page).to have_link('Project 1') page.within('[data-testid="runner-type-tabs"]') do expect(page).to have_link('All', class: 'active') end end it 'shows correct runner when type matches' do visit admin_runners_path expect(page).to have_content 'runner-project' expect(page).to have_content 'runner-group' page.within('[data-testid="runner-type-tabs"]') do click_on('Project') expect(page).to have_link('Project', class: 'active') end expect(page).to have_content 'runner-project' expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-group' end it 'show the same counts after selecting another tab' do visit admin_runners_path page.within('[data-testid="runner-type-tabs"]') do click_on('Project') expect(page).to have_link('All 2') expect(page).to have_link('Group 1') expect(page).to have_link('Project 1') end end it 'shows no runner when type does not match' do visit admin_runners_path page.within('[data-testid="runner-type-tabs"]') do click_on 'Instance' expect(page).to have_link('Instance', class: 'active') end expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-project' expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-group' expect(page).to have_text 'No runners found' end it 'shows correct runner when type is selected and search term is entered' do create(:ci_runner, :project, description: 'runner-2-project', projects: [project]) visit admin_runners_path page.within('[data-testid="runner-type-tabs"]') do click_on 'Project' end expect(page).to have_content 'runner-project' expect(page).to have_content 'runner-2-project' expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-group' input_filtered_search_keys('runner-project') expect(page).to have_content 'runner-project' expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-2-project' expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-group' end it 'maintains the same filter when switching between runner types' do create(:ci_runner, :project, description: 'runner-paused-project', active: false, projects: [project]) visit admin_runners_path input_filtered_search_filter_is_only('Status', 'Active') expect(page).to have_content 'runner-project' expect(page).to have_content 'runner-group' expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-paused-project' page.within('[data-testid="runner-type-tabs"]') do click_on 'Project' end expect(page).to have_content 'runner-project' expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-group' expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-paused-project' end end describe 'filter by tag' do before do create(:ci_runner, :instance, description: 'runner-blue', tag_list: ['blue']) create(:ci_runner, :instance, description: 'runner-red', tag_list: ['red']) end it 'shows correct runner when tag matches' do visit admin_runners_path expect(page).to have_content 'runner-blue' expect(page).to have_content 'runner-red' input_filtered_search_filter_is_only('Tags', 'blue') expect(page).to have_content 'runner-blue' expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-red' end it 'shows no runner when tag does not match' do visit admin_runners_path input_filtered_search_filter_is_only('Tags', 'green') expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-blue' expect(page).to have_text 'No runners found' end it 'shows correct runner when tag is selected and search term is entered' do create(:ci_runner, :instance, description: 'runner-2-blue', tag_list: ['blue']) visit admin_runners_path input_filtered_search_filter_is_only('Tags', 'blue') expect(page).to have_content 'runner-blue' expect(page).to have_content 'runner-2-blue' expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-red' input_filtered_search_keys('runner-2-blue') expect(page).to have_content 'runner-2-blue' expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-blue' expect(page).not_to have_content 'runner-red' end end it 'sorts by last contact date' do create(:ci_runner, :instance, description: 'runner-1', created_at: '2018-07-12 15:37', contacted_at: '2018-07-12 15:37') create(:ci_runner, :instance, description: 'runner-2', created_at: '2018-07-12 16:37', contacted_at: '2018-07-12 16:37') visit admin_runners_path within '[data-testid="runner-list"] tbody tr:nth-child(1)' do expect(page).to have_content 'runner-2' end within '[data-testid="runner-list"] tbody tr:nth-child(2)' do expect(page).to have_content 'runner-1' end click_on 'Created date' # Open "sort by" dropdown click_on 'Last contact' click_on 'Sort direction: Descending' within '[data-testid="runner-list"] tbody tr:nth-child(1)' do expect(page).to have_content 'runner-1' end within '[data-testid="runner-list"] tbody tr:nth-child(2)' do expect(page).to have_content 'runner-2' end end end context "when there are no runners" do before do visit admin_runners_path end it 'has all necessary texts including no runner message' do expect(page).to have_text "Register an instance runner" expect(page).to have_text "Online runners 0" expect(page).to have_text "Offline runners 0" expect(page).to have_text "Stale runners 0" expect(page).to have_text 'No runners found' end it 'shows tabs with total counts equal to 0' do expect(page).to have_link('All 0') expect(page).to have_link('Instance 0') expect(page).to have_link('Group 0') expect(page).to have_link('Project 0') end end context "when visiting outdated URLs" do it 'updates NOT_CONNECTED runner status to NEVER_CONNECTED' do visit admin_runners_path('status[]': 'NOT_CONNECTED') expect(page).to have_current_path(admin_runners_path('status[]': 'NEVER_CONTACTED') ) end end describe 'runners registration' do let!(:token) { Gitlab::CurrentSettings.runners_registration_token } before do visit admin_runners_path click_on 'Register an instance runner' end describe 'show registration instructions' do before do click_on 'Show runner installation and registration instructions' wait_for_requests end it 'opens runner installation modal' do expect(page).to have_text "Install a runner" expect(page).to have_text "Environment" expect(page).to have_text "Architecture" expect(page).to have_text "Download and install binary" end it 'dismisses runner installation modal' do within_modal do click_button('Close', match: :first) end expect(page).not_to have_text "Install a runner" end end it 'has a registration token' do click_on 'Click to reveal' expect(page.find('[data-testid="token-value"]')).to have_content(token) end describe 'reset registration token' do let(:page_token) { find('[data-testid="token-value"]').text } before do click_on 'Reset registration token' within_modal do click_button('OK', match: :first) end wait_for_requests end it 'changes registration token' do click_on 'Register an instance runner' click_on 'Click to reveal' expect(page_token).not_to eq token end end end end describe "Runner show page", :js do let(:runner) do create( :ci_runner, description: 'runner-foo', version: '14.0', ip_address: '', tag_list: %w(tag1 tag2) ) end before do visit admin_runner_path(runner) end describe 'runner show page breadcrumbs' do it 'contains the current runner id and token' do page.within '[data-testid="breadcrumb-links"]' do expect(page.find('h2')).to have_link("##{runner.id} (#{runner.short_sha})") end end end it 'shows runner details' do aggregate_failures do expect(page).to have_content 'Description runner-foo' expect(page).to have_content 'Last contact Never contacted' expect(page).to have_content 'Version 14.0' expect(page).to have_content 'IP Address' expect(page).to have_content 'Configuration Runs untagged jobs' expect(page).to have_content 'Maximum job timeout None' expect(page).to have_content 'Tags tag1 tag2' end end end describe "Runner edit page" do let(:runner) { create(:ci_runner) } before do @project1 = create(:project) @project2 = create(:project) visit edit_admin_runner_path(runner) wait_for_requests end describe 'runner edit page breadcrumbs' do it 'contains the current runner id and token' do page.within '[data-testid="breadcrumb-links"]' do expect(page).to have_link("##{runner.id} (#{runner.short_sha})") expect(page.find('h2')).to have_content("Edit") end end end describe 'runner header', :js do it 'contains the runner status, type and id' do expect(page).to have_content("never contacted shared Runner ##{runner.id} created") end end describe 'projects' do it 'contains project names' do expect(page).to have_content(@project1.full_name) expect(page).to have_content(@project2.full_name) end end describe 'search' do before do search_form = find('#runner-projects-search') search_form.fill_in 'search', with: @project1.name search_form.click_button 'Search' end it 'contains name of correct project' do expect(page).to have_content(@project1.full_name) expect(page).not_to have_content(@project2.full_name) end end describe 'enable/create' do shared_examples 'assignable runner' do it 'enables a runner for a project' do within '[data-testid="unassigned-projects"]' do click_on 'Enable' end assigned_project = page.find('[data-testid="assigned-projects"]') expect(page).to have_content('Runner assigned to project.') expect(assigned_project).to have_content(@project2.path) end end context 'with specific runner' do let(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, :project, projects: [@project1]) } before do visit edit_admin_runner_path(runner) end it_behaves_like 'assignable runner' end context 'with locked runner' do let(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, :project, projects: [@project1], locked: true) } before do visit edit_admin_runner_path(runner) end it_behaves_like 'assignable runner' end context 'with shared runner' do let(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, :instance) } before do @project1.destroy! visit edit_admin_runner_path(runner) end it_behaves_like 'assignable runner' end end describe 'disable/destroy' do let(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, :project, projects: [@project1]) } before do visit edit_admin_runner_path(runner) end it 'removed specific runner from project' do within '[data-testid="assigned-projects"]' do click_on 'Disable' end new_runner_project = page.find('[data-testid="unassigned-projects"]') expect(page).to have_content('Runner unassigned from project.') expect(new_runner_project).to have_content(@project1.path) end end end private def search_bar_selector '[data-testid="runners-filtered-search"]' end # The filters must be clicked first to be able to receive events # See: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ui/-/issues/1493 def focus_filtered_search page.within(search_bar_selector) do page.find('.gl-filtered-search-term-token').click end end def input_filtered_search_keys(search_term) focus_filtered_search page.within(search_bar_selector) do page.find('input').send_keys(search_term) click_on 'Search' end wait_for_requests end def input_filtered_search_filter_is_only(filter, value) focus_filtered_search page.within(search_bar_selector) do click_on filter # For OPERATOR_IS_ONLY, clicking the filter # immediately preselects "=" operator page.find('input').send_keys(value) page.find('input').send_keys(:enter) click_on 'Search' end wait_for_requests end end