# frozen_string_literal: true class BambooService < CiService include ReactiveService prop_accessor :bamboo_url, :build_key, :username, :password validates :bamboo_url, presence: true, public_url: true, if: :activated? validates :build_key, presence: true, if: :activated? validates :username, presence: true, if: ->(service) { service.activated? && service.password } validates :password, presence: true, if: ->(service) { service.activated? && service.username } attr_accessor :response after_save :compose_service_hook, if: :activated? before_update :reset_password def compose_service_hook hook = service_hook || build_service_hook hook.save end def reset_password if bamboo_url_changed? && !password_touched? self.password = nil end end def title s_('BambooService|Atlassian Bamboo CI') end def description s_('BambooService|A continuous integration and build server') end def help s_('BambooService|You must set up automatic revision labeling and a repository trigger in Bamboo.') end def self.to_param 'bamboo' end def fields [ { type: 'text', name: 'bamboo_url', placeholder: s_('BambooService|Bamboo root URL like https://bamboo.example.com'), required: true }, { type: 'text', name: 'build_key', placeholder: s_('BambooService|Bamboo build plan key like KEY'), required: true }, { type: 'text', name: 'username', placeholder: s_('BambooService|A user with API access, if applicable') }, { type: 'password', name: 'password' } ] end def build_page(sha, ref) with_reactive_cache(sha, ref) {|cached| cached[:build_page] } end def commit_status(sha, ref) with_reactive_cache(sha, ref) {|cached| cached[:commit_status] } end def execute(data) return unless supported_events.include?(data[:object_kind]) get_path("updateAndBuild.action", { buildKey: build_key }) end def calculate_reactive_cache(sha, ref) response = get_path("rest/api/latest/result/byChangeset/#{sha}") { build_page: read_build_page(response), commit_status: read_commit_status(response) } end private def get_build_result(response) return if response.code != 200 # May be nil if no result, a single result hash, or an array if multiple results for a given changeset. result = response.dig('results', 'results', 'result') # In case of multiple results, arbitrarily assume the last one is the most relevant. return result.last if result.is_a?(Array) result end def read_build_page(response) result = get_build_result(response) key = if result.blank? # If actual build link can't be determined, send user to build summary page. build_key else # If actual build link is available, go to build result page. result.dig('planResultKey', 'key') end build_url("browse/#{key}") end def read_commit_status(response) return :error unless response.code == 200 || response.code == 404 result = get_build_result(response) status = if result.blank? 'Pending' else result.dig('buildState') end return :error unless status.present? if status.include?('Success') 'success' elsif status.include?('Failed') 'failed' elsif status.include?('Pending') 'pending' else :error end end def build_url(path) Gitlab::Utils.append_path(bamboo_url, path) end def get_path(path, query_params = {}) url = build_url(path) if username.blank? && password.blank? Gitlab::HTTP.get(url, verify: false, query: query_params) else query_params[:os_authType] = 'basic' Gitlab::HTTP.get(url, verify: false, query: query_params, basic_auth: { username: username, password: password }) end end end