# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative File.expand_path('../../lib/gitlab/danger/commit_linter', __dir__) COMMIT_MESSAGE_GUIDELINES = "https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/contributing/merge_request_workflow.html#commit-messages-guidelines" MORE_INFO = "For more information, take a look at our [Commit message guidelines](#{COMMIT_MESSAGE_GUIDELINES})." THE_DANGER_JOB_TEXT = "the `danger-review` job" MAX_COMMITS_COUNT = 10 def gitlab_danger @gitlab_danger ||= GitlabDanger.new(helper.gitlab_helper) end def fail_commit(commit, message, more_info: true) self.fail(build_message(commit, message, more_info: more_info)) end def warn_commit(commit, message, more_info: true) self.warn(build_message(commit, message, more_info: more_info)) end def build_message(commit, message, more_info: true) [message].tap do |full_message| full_message << ". #{MORE_INFO}" if more_info full_message.unshift("#{commit.sha}: ") if commit.sha end.join end def squash_mr? gitlab_danger.ci? ? gitlab.mr_json['squash'] : false end def wip_mr? gitlab_danger.ci? ? gitlab.mr_json['work_in_progress'] : false end def danger_job_link gitlab_danger.ci? ? "[#{THE_DANGER_JOB_TEXT}](#{ENV['CI_JOB_URL']})" : THE_DANGER_JOB_TEXT end # Perform various checks against commits. We're not using # https://github.com/jonallured/danger-commit_lint because its output is not # very helpful, and it doesn't offer the means of ignoring merge commits. def lint_commit(commit) linter = Gitlab::Danger::CommitLinter.new(commit) # For now we'll ignore merge commits, as getting rid of those is a problem # separate from enforcing good commit messages. return linter if linter.merge? # We ignore revert commits as they are well structured by Git already return linter if linter.revert? # If MR is set to squash, we ignore fixup commits return linter if linter.fixup? && squash_mr? if linter.fixup? msg = "Squash or fixup commits must be squashed before merge, or enable squash merge option and re-run #{danger_job_link}." if wip_mr? || squash_mr? warn_commit(commit, msg, more_info: false) else fail_commit(commit, msg, more_info: false) end # Makes no sense to process other rules for fixup commits, they trigger just more noise return linter end # Fail if a suggestion commit is used and squash is not enabled if linter.suggestion? unless squash_mr? fail_commit(commit, "If you are applying suggestions, enable squash in the merge request and re-run #{danger_job_link}.", more_info: false) end return linter end linter.lint end def lint_mr_title(mr_title) commit = Struct.new(:message, :sha).new(mr_title) Gitlab::Danger::CommitLinter.new(commit).lint_subject("merge request title") end def count_non_fixup_commits(commit_linters) commit_linters.count { |commit_linter| !commit_linter.fixup? } end def lint_commits(commits) commit_linters = commits.map { |commit| lint_commit(commit) } failed_commit_linters = commit_linters.select { |commit_linter| commit_linter.failed? } warn_or_fail_commits(failed_commit_linters, default_to_fail: !squash_mr?) if count_non_fixup_commits(commit_linters) > MAX_COMMITS_COUNT level = squash_mr? ? :warn : :fail self.__send__(level, # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend "This merge request includes more than #{MAX_COMMITS_COUNT} commits. " \ 'Please rebase these commits into a smaller number of commits or split ' \ 'this merge request into multiple smaller merge requests.') end if squash_mr? multi_line_commit_linter = commit_linters.detect { |commit_linter| !commit_linter.merge? && commit_linter.multi_line? } if multi_line_commit_linter && multi_line_commit_linter.failed? warn_or_fail_commits(multi_line_commit_linter) else title_linter = lint_mr_title(gitlab.mr_json['title']) if title_linter.failed? warn_or_fail_commits(title_linter) end end end end def warn_or_fail_commits(failed_linters, default_to_fail: true) level = default_to_fail ? :fail : :warn Array(failed_linters).each do |linter| linter.problems.each do |problem_key, problem_desc| case problem_key when :subject_above_warning warn_commit(linter.commit, problem_desc) else self.__send__("#{level}_commit", linter.commit, problem_desc) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end end end end lint_commits(git.commits)