# This data file drives the specs in # spec/frontend/fixtures/api_markdown.rb and # spec/frontend/content_editor/extensions/markdown_processing_spec.js --- - name: bold markdown: '**bold**' - name: emphasis markdown: '_emphasized text_' - name: inline_code markdown: '`code`' - name: inline_diff markdown: |- * {-deleted-} * {+added+} - name: strike markdown: '~~del~~' - name: horizontal_rule markdown: '---' - name: html_marks markdown: |- * Content editor is ~~great~~amazing. * If the changes LGTM, please MWPS. * The English song Oh I do like to be beside the seaside looks like this in Hebrew: אה, אני אוהב להיות ליד חוף הים. In the computer's memory, this is stored as אה, אני אוהב להיות ליד חוף הים. * The Scream by Edvard Munch. Painted in 1893. * HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages. * Do not forget to buy milk today. * This is a paragraph and smaller text goes here. * The concert starts at and you'll be able to enjoy the band for at least . * Press Ctrl + C to copy text (Windows). * WWF's goal is to: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature. We hope they succeed. * The error occured was: Keyboard not found. Press F1 to continue. * The area of a triangle is: 1/2 x b x h, where b is the base, and h is the vertical height. * ㄏㄢˋ * C7H16 + O2 → CO2 + H2O * The **Pythagorean theorem** is often expressed as a2 + b2 = c2 - name: div markdown: |-
plain text
just a plain ol' div, not much to _expect_!
- name: figure markdown: |-
![Elephant at sunset](elephant-sunset.jpg)
An elephant at sunset
![A crocodile wearing crocs](croc-crocs.jpg)
A crocodile wearing _crocs_!
- name: description_list markdown: |-
Wet green thing
Warm fluffy thing
Kick a ball
Take a bet
Any hue except _white_ or **black**
- name: link markdown: '[GitLab](https://gitlab.com)' - name: attachment_link context: project_wiki markdown: '[test-file](test-file.zip)' - name: attachment_link context: project markdown: '[test-file](/uploads/aa45a38ec2cfe97433281b10bbff042c/test-file.zip)' - name: attachment_link context: group markdown: '[test-file](/uploads/aa45a38ec2cfe97433281b10bbff042c/test-file.zip)' - name: attachment_image context: project_wiki markdown: '![test-file](test-file.png)' - name: attachment_image context: project markdown: '![test-file](/uploads/aa45a38ec2cfe97433281b10bbff042c/test-file.png)' - name: attachment_image context: group markdown: '![test-file](/uploads/aa45a38ec2cfe97433281b10bbff042c/test-file.png)' - name: code_block markdown: |- ```javascript console.log('hello world') ``` - name: headings markdown: |- # Heading 1 ## Heading 2 ### Heading 3 #### Heading 4 ##### Heading 5 ###### Heading 6 - name: blockquote markdown: |- > This is a blockquote > > This is another one - name: thematic_break markdown: |- --- - name: bullet_list_style_1 markdown: |- * list item 1 * list item 2 * embedded list item 3 - name: bullet_list_style_2 markdown: |- - list item 1 - list item 2 * embedded list item 3 - name: bullet_list_style_3 markdown: |- + list item 1 + list item 2 - embedded list item 3 - name: ordered_list markdown: |- 1. list item 1 2. list item 2 3. list item 3 - name: ordered_list_with_start_order markdown: |- 134. list item 1 135. list item 2 136. list item 3 - name: task_list markdown: |- * [x] hello * [x] world * [ ] example * [ ] of nested * [x] task list * [ ] items - name: ordered_task_list markdown: |- 1. [x] hello 2. [x] world 3. [ ] example 1. [ ] of nested 1. [x] task list 2. [ ] items - name: ordered_task_list_with_order markdown: |- 4893. [x] hello 4894. [x] world 4895. [ ] example - name: image markdown: '![alt text](https://gitlab.com/logo.png)' - name: hard_break markdown: |- This is a line after a\ hard break - name: table markdown: |- | header | header | |--------|--------| | `code` | cell with **bold** | | ~~strike~~ | cell with _italic_ | # content after table - name: emoji markdown: ':sparkles: :heart: :100:' - name: reference context: project_wiki markdown: |- Hi @gitlab - thank you for reporting this ~bug (#1) we hope to fix it in %1.1 as part of !1 - name: audio markdown: '![Sample Audio](https://gitlab.com/gitlab.mp3)' - name: video markdown: '![Sample Video](https://gitlab.com/gitlab.mp4)' - name: audio_and_video_in_lists markdown: |- * ![Sample Audio](https://gitlab.com/1.mp3) * ![Sample Video](https://gitlab.com/2.mp4) 1. ![Sample Video](https://gitlab.com/1.mp4) 2. ![Sample Audio](https://gitlab.com/2.mp3) * [x] ![Sample Audio](https://gitlab.com/1.mp3) * [x] ![Sample Audio](https://gitlab.com/2.mp3) * [x] ![Sample Video](https://gitlab.com/3.mp4)