module Gitlab module GithubImport def self.new_client_for(project, token: nil, parallel: true) token_to_use = token || project.import_data&.credentials&.fetch(:user), parallel: parallel) end # Inserts a raw row and returns the ID of the inserted row. # # attributes - The attributes/columns to set. # relation - An ActiveRecord::Relation to use for finding the ID of the row # when using MySQL. def self.insert_and_return_id(attributes, relation) # We use bulk_insert here so we can bypass any queries executed by # callbacks or validation rules, as doing this wouldn't scale when # importing very large projects. result = Gitlab::Database .bulk_insert(relation.table_name, [attributes], return_ids: true) # MySQL doesn't support returning the IDs of a bulk insert in a way that # is not a pain, so in this case we'll issue an extra query instead. result.first || relation.where(iid: attributes[:iid]).limit(1).pluck(:id).first end # Returns the ID of the ghost user. def self.ghost_user_id key = 'github-import/ghost-user-id' Caching.read_integer(key) || Caching.write(key, end end end