%div = form_for [:profile, @key], html: { class: 'js-requires-input' } do |f| = form_errors(@key) .form-group = f.label :key, s_('Profiles|Key'), class: 'label-bold' %p= _("Paste your public SSH key, which is usually contained in the file '~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub' or '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub' and begins with 'ssh-ed25519' or 'ssh-rsa'. Do not paste your private SSH key, as that can compromise your identity.") = f.text_area :key, class: "form-control gl-form-input js-add-ssh-key-validation-input qa-key-public-key-field", rows: 8, required: true, placeholder: s_('Profiles|Typically starts with "ssh-ed25519 …" or "ssh-rsa …"') .form-row .col.form-group = f.label :title, _('Title'), class: 'label-bold' = f.text_field :title, class: "form-control gl-form-input input-lg qa-key-title-field", required: true, placeholder: s_('Profiles|e.g. My MacBook key') %p.form-text.text-muted= s_('Profiles|Give your individual key a title.') .col.form-group = f.label :expires_at, s_('Profiles|Expires at'), class: 'label-bold' = f.date_field :expires_at, class: "form-control input-lg", min: Date.tomorrow, data: { qa_selector: 'key_expiry_date_field' } %p.form-text.text-muted{ data: { qa_selector: 'key_expiry_date_field_description' } }= ssh_key_expires_field_description .js-add-ssh-key-validation-warning.hide .bs-callout.bs-callout-warning{ role: 'alert', aria_live: 'assertive' } %strong= _('Oops, are you sure?') %p= s_("Profiles|Publicly visible private SSH keys can compromise your system.") %button.btn.gl-button.btn-confirm.js-add-ssh-key-validation-confirm-submit= _("Yes, add it") .gl-mt-3 = f.submit s_('Profiles|Add key'), class: "gl-button btn btn-confirm js-add-ssh-key-validation-original-submit qa-add-key-button"