# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Issues::UpdateService, :mailer do let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:user2) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:user3) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:group) { create(:group, :public) } let_it_be(:project, reload: true) { create(:project, :repository, group: group) } let_it_be(:label) { create(:label, project: project) } let_it_be(:label2) { create(:label, project: project) } let(:issue) do create(:issue, title: 'Old title', description: "for #{user2.to_reference}", assignee_ids: [user3.id], project: project, author: create(:user)) end before_all do project.add_maintainer(user) project.add_developer(user2) project.add_developer(user3) end describe 'execute' do def find_note(starting_with) issue.notes.find do |note| note && note.note.start_with?(starting_with) end end def find_notes(action) issue .notes .joins(:system_note_metadata) .where(system_note_metadata: { action: action }) end def update_issue(opts) described_class.new(project, user, opts).execute(issue) end context 'valid params' do let(:opts) do { title: 'New title', description: 'Also please fix', assignee_ids: [user2.id], state_event: 'close', label_ids: [label.id], due_date: Date.tomorrow, discussion_locked: true } end it 'updates the issue with the given params' do expect(TodosDestroyer::ConfidentialIssueWorker).not_to receive(:perform_in) update_issue(opts) expect(issue).to be_valid expect(issue.title).to eq 'New title' expect(issue.description).to eq 'Also please fix' expect(issue.assignees).to match_array([user2]) expect(issue).to be_closed expect(issue.labels).to match_array [label] expect(issue.due_date).to eq Date.tomorrow expect(issue.discussion_locked).to be_truthy end it 'refreshes the number of open issues when the issue is made confidential', :use_clean_rails_memory_store_caching do issue # make sure the issue is created first so our counts are correct. expect { update_issue(confidential: true) } .to change { project.open_issues_count }.from(1).to(0) end it 'enqueues ConfidentialIssueWorker when an issue is made confidential' do expect(TodosDestroyer::ConfidentialIssueWorker).to receive(:perform_in).with(Todo::WAIT_FOR_DELETE, issue.id) update_issue(confidential: true) end it 'does not enqueue ConfidentialIssueWorker when an issue is made non confidential' do # set confidentiality to true before the actual update issue.update!(confidential: true) expect(TodosDestroyer::ConfidentialIssueWorker).not_to receive(:perform_in) update_issue(confidential: false) end it 'updates open issue counter for assignees when issue is reassigned' do update_issue(assignee_ids: [user2.id]) expect(user3.assigned_open_issues_count).to eq 0 expect(user2.assigned_open_issues_count).to eq 1 end it 'sorts issues as specified by parameters' do issue1 = create(:issue, project: project, assignees: [user3]) issue2 = create(:issue, project: project, assignees: [user3]) [issue, issue1, issue2].each do |issue| issue.move_to_end issue.save end opts[:move_between_ids] = [issue1.id, issue2.id] update_issue(opts) expect(issue.relative_position).to be_between(issue1.relative_position, issue2.relative_position) end context 'when moving issue between issues from different projects' do let(:group) { create(:group) } let(:subgroup) { create(:group, parent: group) } let(:project_1) { create(:project, namespace: group) } let(:project_2) { create(:project, namespace: group) } let(:project_3) { create(:project, namespace: subgroup) } let(:issue_1) { create(:issue, project: project_1) } let(:issue_2) { create(:issue, project: project_2) } let(:issue_3) { create(:issue, project: project_3) } before do group.add_developer(user) end it 'sorts issues as specified by parameters' do # Moving all issues to end here like the last example won't work since # all projects only have the same issue count # so their relative_position will be the same. issue_1.move_to_end issue_2.move_after(issue_1) issue_3.move_after(issue_2) [issue_1, issue_2, issue_3].map(&:save) opts[:move_between_ids] = [issue_1.id, issue_2.id] opts[:board_group_id] = group.id described_class.new(issue_3.project, user, opts).execute(issue_3) expect(issue_2.relative_position).to be_between(issue_1.relative_position, issue_2.relative_position) end end context 'when current user cannot admin issues in the project' do let(:guest) { create(:user) } before do project.add_guest(guest) end it 'filters out params that cannot be set without the :admin_issue permission' do described_class.new(project, guest, opts).execute(issue) expect(issue).to be_valid expect(issue.title).to eq 'New title' expect(issue.description).to eq 'Also please fix' expect(issue.assignees).to match_array [user3] expect(issue.labels).to be_empty expect(issue.milestone).to be_nil expect(issue.due_date).to be_nil expect(issue.discussion_locked).to be_falsey end end context 'with background jobs processed', :sidekiq_might_not_need_inline do before do perform_enqueued_jobs do update_issue(opts) end end it 'sends email to user2 about assign of new issue and email to user3 about issue unassignment' do deliveries = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries email = deliveries.last recipients = deliveries.last(2).flat_map(&:to) expect(recipients).to include(user2.email, user3.email) expect(email.subject).to include(issue.title) end it 'creates system note about issue reassign' do note = find_note('assigned to') expect(note.note).to include "assigned to #{user2.to_reference}" end it 'creates a resource label event' do event = issue.resource_label_events.last expect(event).not_to be_nil expect(event.label_id).to eq label.id expect(event.user_id).to eq user.id end it 'creates system note about title change' do note = find_note('changed title') expect(note.note).to eq 'changed title from **{-Old-} title** to **{+New+} title**' end it 'creates system note about discussion lock' do note = find_note('locked this issue') expect(note.note).to eq 'locked this issue' end end context 'after_save callback to store_mentions' do let(:issue) { create(:issue, title: 'Old title', description: "simple description", project: project, author: create(:user)) } let(:labels) { create_pair(:label, project: project) } let(:milestone) { create(:milestone, project: project) } context 'when mentionable attributes change' do let(:opts) { { description: "Description with #{user.to_reference}" } } it 'saves mentions' do expect(issue).to receive(:store_mentions!).and_call_original expect { update_issue(opts) }.to change { IssueUserMention.count }.by(1) expect(issue.referenced_users).to match_array([user]) end end context 'when mentionable attributes do not change' do let(:opts) { { label_ids: labels.map(&:id), milestone_id: milestone.id } } it 'does not call store_mentions' do expect(issue).not_to receive(:store_mentions!).and_call_original expect { update_issue(opts) }.not_to change { IssueUserMention.count } expect(issue.referenced_users).to be_empty end end context 'when save fails' do let(:opts) { { title: '', label_ids: labels.map(&:id), milestone_id: milestone.id } } it 'does not call store_mentions' do expect(issue).not_to receive(:store_mentions!).and_call_original expect { update_issue(opts) }.not_to change { IssueUserMention.count } expect(issue.referenced_users).to be_empty expect(issue.valid?).to be false end end end end context 'when description changed' do it 'creates system note about description change' do update_issue(description: 'Changed description') note = find_note('changed the description') expect(note.note).to eq('changed the description') end end context 'when issue turns confidential' do let(:opts) do { title: 'New title', description: 'Also please fix', assignee_ids: [user2], state_event: 'close', label_ids: [label.id], confidential: true } end it 'creates system note about confidentiality change' do update_issue(confidential: true) note = find_note('made the issue confidential') expect(note.note).to eq 'made the issue confidential' end it 'executes confidential issue hooks' do expect(project).to receive(:execute_hooks).with(an_instance_of(Hash), :confidential_issue_hooks) expect(project).to receive(:execute_services).with(an_instance_of(Hash), :confidential_issue_hooks) update_issue(confidential: true) end it 'does not update assignee_id with unauthorized users' do project.update(visibility_level: Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC) update_issue(confidential: true) non_member = create(:user) original_assignees = issue.assignees update_issue(assignee_ids: [non_member.id]) expect(issue.reload.assignees).to eq(original_assignees) end end context 'todos' do let!(:todo) { create(:todo, :assigned, user: user, project: project, target: issue, author: user2) } context 'when the title change' do before do update_issue(title: 'New title') end it 'marks pending todos as done' do expect(todo.reload.done?).to eq true end it 'does not create any new todos' do expect(Todo.count).to eq(1) end end context 'when the description change' do before do update_issue(description: "Also please fix #{user2.to_reference} #{user3.to_reference}") end it 'marks todos as done' do expect(todo.reload.done?).to eq true end it 'creates only 1 new todo' do expect(Todo.count).to eq(2) end end context 'when is reassigned' do before do update_issue(assignees: [user2]) end it 'marks previous assignee todos as done' do expect(todo.reload.done?).to eq true end it 'creates a todo for new assignee' do attributes = { project: project, author: user, user: user2, target_id: issue.id, target_type: issue.class.name, action: Todo::ASSIGNED, state: :pending } expect(Todo.where(attributes).count).to eq 1 end end context 'when a new assignee added' do subject { update_issue(assignees: issue.assignees + [user2]) } it 'creates only 1 new todo' do expect { subject }.to change { Todo.count }.by(1) end it 'creates a todo for new assignee' do subject attributes = { project: project, author: user, user: user2, target_id: issue.id, target_type: issue.class.name, action: Todo::ASSIGNED, state: :pending } expect(Todo.where(attributes).count).to eq(1) end end context 'when the milestone is removed' do before do stub_feature_flags(track_resource_milestone_change_events: false) end let!(:non_subscriber) { create(:user) } let!(:subscriber) do create(:user) do |u| issue.toggle_subscription(u, project) project.add_developer(u) end end it_behaves_like 'system notes for milestones' it 'sends notifications for subscribers of changed milestone', :sidekiq_might_not_need_inline do issue.milestone = create(:milestone, project: project) issue.save perform_enqueued_jobs do update_issue(milestone_id: "") end should_email(subscriber) should_not_email(non_subscriber) end it 'clears milestone issue counters cache' do issue.milestone = create(:milestone, project: project) issue.save expect_next_instance_of(Milestones::IssuesCountService, issue.milestone) do |service| expect(service).to receive(:delete_cache).and_call_original end expect_next_instance_of(Milestones::ClosedIssuesCountService, issue.milestone) do |service| expect(service).to receive(:delete_cache).and_call_original end update_issue(milestone_id: "") end end context 'when the milestone is assigned' do before do stub_feature_flags(track_resource_milestone_change_events: false) end let!(:non_subscriber) { create(:user) } let!(:subscriber) do create(:user) do |u| issue.toggle_subscription(u, project) project.add_developer(u) end end it 'marks todos as done' do update_issue(milestone: create(:milestone, project: project)) expect(todo.reload.done?).to eq true end it_behaves_like 'system notes for milestones' it 'sends notifications for subscribers of changed milestone', :sidekiq_might_not_need_inline do perform_enqueued_jobs do update_issue(milestone: create(:milestone, project: project)) end should_email(subscriber) should_not_email(non_subscriber) end it 'deletes issue counters cache for the milestone' do milestone = create(:milestone, project: project) expect_next_instance_of(Milestones::IssuesCountService, milestone) do |service| expect(service).to receive(:delete_cache).and_call_original end expect_next_instance_of(Milestones::ClosedIssuesCountService, milestone) do |service| expect(service).to receive(:delete_cache).and_call_original end update_issue(milestone: milestone) end end context 'when the milestone is changed' do it 'deletes issue counters cache for both milestones' do old_milestone = create(:milestone, project: project) new_milestone = create(:milestone, project: project) issue.update!(milestone: old_milestone) expect_next_instance_of(Milestones::IssuesCountService, old_milestone) do |service| expect(service).to receive(:delete_cache).and_call_original end expect_next_instance_of(Milestones::ClosedIssuesCountService, old_milestone) do |service| expect(service).to receive(:delete_cache).and_call_original end expect_next_instance_of(Milestones::IssuesCountService, new_milestone) do |service| expect(service).to receive(:delete_cache).and_call_original end expect_next_instance_of(Milestones::ClosedIssuesCountService, new_milestone) do |service| expect(service).to receive(:delete_cache).and_call_original end update_issue(milestone: new_milestone) end end context 'when the labels change' do before do Timecop.freeze(1.minute.from_now) do update_issue(label_ids: [label.id]) end end it 'marks todos as done' do expect(todo.reload.done?).to eq true end it 'updates updated_at' do expect(issue.reload.updated_at).to be > Time.current end end end context 'when the issue is relabeled' do let!(:non_subscriber) { create(:user) } let!(:subscriber) do create(:user) do |u| label.toggle_subscription(u, project) project.add_developer(u) end end it 'sends notifications for subscribers of newly added labels', :sidekiq_might_not_need_inline do opts = { label_ids: [label.id] } perform_enqueued_jobs do @issue = described_class.new(project, user, opts).execute(issue) end should_email(subscriber) should_not_email(non_subscriber) end context 'when issue has the `label` label' do before do issue.labels << label end it 'does not send notifications for existing labels' do opts = { label_ids: [label.id, label2.id] } perform_enqueued_jobs do @issue = described_class.new(project, user, opts).execute(issue) end should_not_email(subscriber) should_not_email(non_subscriber) end it 'does not send notifications for removed labels' do opts = { label_ids: [label2.id] } perform_enqueued_jobs do @issue = described_class.new(project, user, opts).execute(issue) end should_not_email(subscriber) should_not_email(non_subscriber) end end end context 'when issue has tasks' do before do update_issue(description: "- [ ] Task 1\n- [ ] Task 2") end it { expect(issue.tasks?).to eq(true) } it_behaves_like 'updating a single task' context 'when tasks are marked as completed' do before do update_issue(description: "- [x] Task 1\n- [X] Task 2") end it 'does not check for spam on task status change' do params = { update_task: { index: 1, checked: false, line_source: '- [x] Task 1', line_number: 1 } } service = described_class.new(project, user, params) expect(service).not_to receive(:spam_check) service.execute(issue) end it 'creates system note about task status change' do note1 = find_note('marked the task **Task 1** as completed') note2 = find_note('marked the task **Task 2** as completed') expect(note1).not_to be_nil expect(note2).not_to be_nil description_notes = find_notes('description') expect(description_notes.length).to eq(1) end end context 'when tasks are marked as incomplete' do before do update_issue(description: "- [x] Task 1\n- [X] Task 2") update_issue(description: "- [ ] Task 1\n- [ ] Task 2") end it 'creates system note about task status change' do note1 = find_note('marked the task **Task 1** as incomplete') note2 = find_note('marked the task **Task 2** as incomplete') expect(note1).not_to be_nil expect(note2).not_to be_nil description_notes = find_notes('description') expect(description_notes.length).to eq(1) end end context 'when tasks position has been modified' do before do update_issue(description: "- [x] Task 1\n- [X] Task 2") update_issue(description: "- [x] Task 1\n- [ ] Task 3\n- [ ] Task 2") end it 'does not create a system note for the task' do task_note = find_note('marked the task **Task 2** as incomplete') description_notes = find_notes('description') expect(task_note).to be_nil expect(description_notes.length).to eq(2) end end context 'when a Task list with a completed item is totally replaced' do before do update_issue(description: "- [ ] Task 1\n- [X] Task 2") update_issue(description: "- [ ] One\n- [ ] Two\n- [ ] Three") end it 'does not create a system note referencing the position the old item' do task_note = find_note('marked the task **Two** as incomplete') description_notes = find_notes('description') expect(task_note).to be_nil expect(description_notes.length).to eq(2) end it 'does not generate a new note at all' do expect do update_issue(description: "- [ ] One\n- [ ] Two\n- [ ] Three") end.not_to change { Note.count } end end end context 'updating labels' do let(:label3) { create(:label, project: project) } let(:result) { described_class.new(project, user, params).execute(issue).reload } context 'when add_label_ids and label_ids are passed' do let(:params) { { label_ids: [label.id], add_label_ids: [label3.id] } } before do issue.update(labels: [label2]) end it 'replaces the labels with the ones in label_ids and adds those in add_label_ids' do expect(result.label_ids).to contain_exactly(label.id, label3.id) end end context 'when remove_label_ids and label_ids are passed' do let(:params) { { label_ids: [label.id, label2.id, label3.id], remove_label_ids: [label.id] } } before do issue.update(labels: [label, label3]) end it 'replaces the labels with the ones in label_ids and removes those in remove_label_ids' do expect(result.label_ids).to contain_exactly(label2.id, label3.id) end end context 'when add_label_ids and remove_label_ids are passed' do let(:params) { { add_label_ids: [label3.id], remove_label_ids: [label.id] } } before do issue.update(labels: [label]) end it 'adds the passed labels' do expect(result.label_ids).to include(label3.id) end it 'removes the passed labels' do expect(result.label_ids).not_to include(label.id) end end context 'when same id is passed as add_label_ids and remove_label_ids' do let(:params) { { add_label_ids: [label.id], remove_label_ids: [label.id] } } context 'for a label assigned to an issue' do it 'removes the label' do issue.update(labels: [label]) expect(result.label_ids).to be_empty end end context 'for a label not assigned to an issue' do it 'does not add the label' do expect(result.label_ids).to be_empty end end end context 'when duplicate label titles are given' do let(:params) do { labels: [label3.title, label3.title] } end it 'assigns the label once' do expect(result.labels).to contain_exactly(label3) end end end context 'updating asssignee_id' do it 'does not update assignee when assignee_id is invalid' do update_issue(assignee_ids: [-1]) expect(issue.reload.assignees).to eq([user3]) end it 'unassigns assignee when user id is 0' do update_issue(assignee_ids: [0]) expect(issue.reload.assignees).to be_empty end it 'does not update assignee_id when user cannot read issue' do update_issue(assignee_ids: [create(:user).id]) expect(issue.reload.assignees).to eq([user3]) end context "when issuable feature is private" do levels = [Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::INTERNAL, Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC] levels.each do |level| it "does not update with unauthorized assignee when project is #{Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.level_name(level)}" do assignee = create(:user) project.update(visibility_level: level) feature_visibility_attr = :"#{issue.model_name.plural}_access_level" project.project_feature.update_attribute(feature_visibility_attr, ProjectFeature::PRIVATE) expect { update_issue(assignee_ids: [assignee.id]) }.not_to change { issue.assignees } end end end end context 'updating mentions' do let(:mentionable) { issue } include_examples 'updating mentions', described_class end context 'duplicate issue' do let(:canonical_issue) { create(:issue, project: project) } context 'invalid canonical_issue_id' do it 'does not call the duplicate service' do expect(Issues::DuplicateService).not_to receive(:new) update_issue(canonical_issue_id: 123456789) end end context 'valid canonical_issue_id' do it 'calls the duplicate service with both issues' do expect_next_instance_of(Issues::DuplicateService) do |service| expect(service).to receive(:execute).with(issue, canonical_issue) end update_issue(canonical_issue_id: canonical_issue.id) end end end context 'move issue to another project' do let(:target_project) { create(:project) } context 'valid project' do before do target_project.add_maintainer(user) end it 'calls the move service with the proper issue and project' do move_stub = instance_double(Issues::MoveService) allow(Issues::MoveService).to receive(:new).and_return(move_stub) allow(move_stub).to receive(:execute).with(issue, target_project).and_return(issue) expect(move_stub).to receive(:execute).with(issue, target_project) update_issue(target_project: target_project) end end end context 'when moving an issue ' do it 'raises an error for invalid move ids within a project' do opts = { move_between_ids: [9000, non_existing_record_id] } expect { described_class.new(issue.project, user, opts).execute(issue) } .to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end it 'raises an error for invalid move ids within a group' do opts = { move_between_ids: [9000, non_existing_record_id], board_group_id: create(:group).id } expect { described_class.new(issue.project, user, opts).execute(issue) } .to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end include_examples 'issuable update service' do let(:open_issuable) { issue } let(:closed_issuable) { create(:closed_issue, project: project) } end context 'real-time updates' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let(:update_params) { { assignee_ids: [user2.id] } } where(:action_cable_in_app_enabled, :feature_flag_enabled, :should_broadcast) do true | true | true true | false | true false | true | true false | false | false end with_them do it 'broadcasts to the issues channel based on ActionCable and feature flag values' do expect(Gitlab::ActionCable::Config).to receive(:in_app?).and_return(action_cable_in_app_enabled) stub_feature_flags(broadcast_issue_updates: feature_flag_enabled) if should_broadcast expect(IssuesChannel).to receive(:broadcast_to).with(issue, event: 'updated') else expect(IssuesChannel).not_to receive(:broadcast_to) end update_issue(update_params) end end end it_behaves_like 'issuable record that supports quick actions' do let(:existing_issue) { create(:issue, project: project) } let(:issuable) { described_class.new(project, user, params).execute(existing_issue) } end end end