module Gitlab module ImportExport extend self # For every version update, the version history in has to be kept up to date. VERSION = '0.2.1'.freeze FILENAME_LIMIT = 50 def export_path(relative_path:) File.join(storage_path, relative_path) end def storage_path File.join(Settings.shared['path'], 'tmp/project_exports') end def import_upload_path(filename:) File.join(storage_path, 'uploads', filename) end def project_filename "project.json" end def project_bundle_filename "project.bundle" end def config_file Rails.root.join('lib/gitlab/import_export/import_export.yml') end def version_filename 'VERSION' end def export_filename(project:) basename = "#{'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%3N')}_#{'/', '_')}" "#{basename[0..FILENAME_LIMIT]}_export.tar.gz" end def version VERSION end def reset_tokens? true end end end