# frozen_string_literal: true require 'nokogiri' module MarkupHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper include ActionView::Context def plain?(filename) Gitlab::MarkupHelper.plain?(filename) end def markup?(filename) Gitlab::MarkupHelper.markup?(filename) end def gitlab_markdown?(filename) Gitlab::MarkupHelper.gitlab_markdown?(filename) end def asciidoc?(filename) Gitlab::MarkupHelper.asciidoc?(filename) end # Use this in places where you would normally use link_to(gfm(...), ...). def link_to_markdown(body, url, html_options = {}) return '' if body.blank? link_to_html(markdown(body, pipeline: :single_line), url, html_options) end def link_to_markdown_field(object, field, url, html_options = {}) rendered_field = markdown_field(object, field) link_to_html(rendered_field, url, html_options) end # It solves a problem occurring with nested links (i.e. # "outer text gfm ref more outer text"). This will not be # interpreted as intended. Browsers will parse something like # "outer text gfm ref more outer text" (notice the last part is # not linked any more). link_to_html corrects that. It wraps all parts to # explicitly produce the correct linking behavior (i.e. # "outer text gfm ref more outer text"). def link_to_html(redacted, url, html_options = {}) fragment = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(redacted) if fragment.children.size == 1 && fragment.children[0].name == 'a' # Fragment has only one node, and it's a link generated by `gfm`. # Replace it with our requested link. text = fragment.children[0].text fragment.children[0].replace(link_to(text, url, html_options)) else # Traverse the fragment's first generation of children looking for pure # text, wrapping anything found in the requested link fragment.children.each do |node| next unless node.text? node.replace(link_to(node.text, url, html_options)) end end # Add any custom CSS classes to the GFM-generated reference links if html_options[:class] fragment.css('a.gfm').add_class(html_options[:class]) end fragment.to_html.html_safe end # Return the first line of +text+, up to +max_chars+, after parsing the line # as Markdown. HTML tags in the parsed output are not counted toward the # +max_chars+ limit. If the length limit falls within a tag's contents, then # the tag contents are truncated without removing the closing tag. def first_line_in_markdown(object, attribute, max_chars = nil, options = {}) md = markdown_field(object, attribute, options) return unless md.present? tags = %w(a gl-emoji b pre code p span) tags << 'img' if options[:allow_images] text = truncate_visible(md, max_chars || md.length) text = sanitize( text, tags: tags, attributes: Rails::Html::WhiteListSanitizer.allowed_attributes + ['style', 'data-src', 'data-name', 'data-unicode-version'] ) # since tags are stripped, this can leave empty tags hanging around # (as our markdown wraps images in links) options[:allow_images] ? text : strip_empty_link_tags(text).html_safe end def markdown(text, context = {}) return '' unless text.present? context[:project] ||= @project context[:group] ||= @group html = markdown_unsafe(text, context) prepare_for_rendering(html, context) end def markdown_field(object, field, context = {}) object = object.for_display if object.respond_to?(:for_display) redacted_field_html = object.try(:"redacted_#{field}_html") return '' unless object.present? return redacted_field_html if redacted_field_html html = Banzai.render_field(object, field, context) context.reverse_merge!(object.banzai_render_context(field)) if object.respond_to?(:banzai_render_context) prepare_for_rendering(html, context) end def markup(file_name, text, context = {}) context[:project] ||= @project html = context.delete(:rendered) || markup_unsafe(file_name, text, context) prepare_for_rendering(html, context) end def render_wiki_content(wiki_page, context = {}) text = wiki_page.content return '' unless text.present? context.merge!( pipeline: :wiki, project: @project, project_wiki: @project_wiki, page_slug: wiki_page.slug, issuable_state_filter_enabled: true ) html = case wiki_page.format when :markdown markdown_unsafe(text, context) when :asciidoc asciidoc_unsafe(text) else wiki_page.formatted_content.html_safe end prepare_for_rendering(html, context) end def markup_unsafe(file_name, text, context = {}) return '' unless text.present? if gitlab_markdown?(file_name) markdown_unsafe(text, context) elsif asciidoc?(file_name) asciidoc_unsafe(text, context) elsif plain?(file_name) content_tag :pre, class: 'plain-readme' do text end else other_markup_unsafe(file_name, text, context) end rescue RuntimeError simple_format(text) end # Returns the text necessary to reference `entity` across projects # # project - Project to reference # entity - Object that responds to `to_reference` # # Examples: # # cross_project_reference(project, project.issues.first) # # => 'namespace1/project1#123' # # cross_project_reference(project, project.merge_requests.first) # # => 'namespace1/project1!345' # # Returns a String def cross_project_reference(project, entity) if entity.respond_to?(:to_reference) entity.to_reference(project, full: true) else '' end end private # Return +text+, truncated to +max_chars+ characters, excluding any HTML # tags. def truncate_visible(text, max_chars) doc = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(text) content_length = 0 truncated = false doc.traverse do |node| if node.text? || node.content.empty? if truncated node.remove next end # Handle line breaks within a node if node.content.strip.lines.length > 1 node.content = "#{node.content.lines.first.chomp}..." truncated = true end num_remaining = max_chars - content_length if node.content.length > num_remaining node.content = node.content.truncate(num_remaining) truncated = true end content_length += node.content.length end truncated = truncate_if_block(node, truncated) end doc.to_html end # Used by #truncate_visible. If +node+ is the first block element, and the # text hasn't already been truncated, then append "..." to the node contents # and return true. Otherwise return false. def truncate_if_block(node, truncated) return true if truncated if node.element? && (node.description&.block? || node.matches?('pre > code > .line')) node.inner_html = "#{node.inner_html}..." if node.next_sibling true else truncated end end def strip_empty_link_tags(text) scrubber = Loofah::Scrubber.new do |node| node.remove if node.name == 'a' && node.content.blank? end sanitize text, scrubber: scrubber end def markdown_toolbar_button(options = {}) data = options[:data].merge({ container: 'body' }) content_tag :button, type: 'button', class: 'toolbar-btn js-md has-tooltip', tabindex: -1, data: data, title: options[:title], aria: { label: options[:title] } do sprite_icon(options[:icon]) end end def markdown_unsafe(text, context = {}) Banzai.render(text, context) end def asciidoc_unsafe(text, context = {}) Gitlab::Asciidoc.render(text, context) end def other_markup_unsafe(file_name, text, context = {}) Gitlab::OtherMarkup.render(file_name, text, context) end def prepare_for_rendering(html, context = {}) return '' unless html.present? context.merge!( current_user: (current_user if defined?(current_user)), # RelativeLinkFilter commit: @commit, project_wiki: @project_wiki, ref: @ref, requested_path: @path ) html = Banzai.post_process(html, context) Hamlit::RailsHelpers.preserve(html) end extend self end