/* global Flash */ /** * In each pipelines table we have a mini pipeline graph for each pipeline. * * When we click in a pipeline stage, we need to make an API call to get the * builds list to render in a dropdown. * * The container should be the table element. * * The stage icon clicked needs to have the following HTML structure: *
* *
*/ (() => { class MiniPipelineGraph { constructor({ container }) { this.container = container; this.getBuildsList = this.getBuildsList.bind(this); this.bindEvents(); } /** * Adds an removes the event listener. * TODO: Remove jQuery when we have a way to handle events properly. */ bindEvents() { $(this.container).off('click', 'button.js-builds-dropdown-button', this.getBuildsList); $(this.container).on('click', 'button.js-builds-dropdown-button', this.getBuildsList); } /** * For the clicked stage, renders the received html in the sibiling * element with the `js-builds-dropdown-container` clas * * @param {Element} stageContainer * @param {Object} data */ renderBuildsList(stageContainer, data) { const dropdownContainer = stageContainer.parentElement.querySelector('.js-builds-dropdown-container'); dropdownContainer.innerHTML = data.html; } /** * For the clicked stage, gets the list of builds. * * @param {Object} e * @return {Promise} */ getBuildsList(e) { const endpoint = e.currentTarget.dataset.stageEndpoint; return $.ajax({ dataType: 'json', type: 'GET', url: endpoint, success: data => this.renderBuildsList(e.currentTarget, data), error: () => new Flash('An error occurred while fetching the builds.', 'alert'), }); } } window.gl = window.gl || {}; window.gl.MiniPipelineGraph = MiniPipelineGraph; })();