# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Utils extend self # Ensure that the relative path will not traverse outside the base directory # We url decode the path to avoid passing invalid paths forward in url encoded format. # We are ok to pass some double encoded paths to File.open since they won't resolve. # Also see https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/24223#note_284122580 # It also checks for ALT_SEPARATOR aka '\' (forward slash) def check_path_traversal!(path, allowed_absolute: false) path = CGI.unescape(path) if path.start_with?("..#{File::SEPARATOR}", "..#{File::ALT_SEPARATOR}") || path.include?("#{File::SEPARATOR}..#{File::SEPARATOR}") || path.end_with?("#{File::SEPARATOR}..") || (!allowed_absolute && Pathname.new(path).absolute?) raise StandardError.new("Invalid path") end path end def force_utf8(str) str.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end def ensure_utf8_size(str, bytes:) raise ArgumentError, 'Empty string provided!' if str.empty? raise ArgumentError, 'Negative string size provided!' if bytes.negative? truncated = str.each_char.each_with_object(+'') do |char, object| if object.bytesize + char.bytesize > bytes break object else object.concat(char) end end truncated + ('0' * (bytes - truncated.bytesize)) end # Append path to host, making sure there's one single / in between def append_path(host, path) "#{host.to_s.sub(%r{\/+$}, '')}/#{path.to_s.sub(%r{^\/+}, '')}" end # A slugified version of the string, suitable for inclusion in URLs and # domain names. Rules: # # * Lowercased # * Anything not matching [a-z0-9-] is replaced with a - # * Maximum length is 63 bytes # * First/Last Character is not a hyphen def slugify(str) return str.downcase .gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/, '-')[0..62] .gsub(/(\A-+|-+\z)/, '') end # Wraps ActiveSupport's Array#to_sentence to convert the given array to a # comma-separated sentence joined with localized 'or' Strings instead of 'and'. def to_exclusive_sentence(array) array.to_sentence(two_words_connector: _(' or '), last_word_connector: _(', or ')) end # Converts newlines into HTML line break elements def nlbr(str) ActionView::Base.full_sanitizer.sanitize(+str, tags: []).gsub(/\r?\n/, '
').html_safe end def remove_line_breaks(str) str.gsub(/\r?\n/, '') end def to_boolean(value) return value if [true, false].include?(value) return true if value =~ /^(true|t|yes|y|1|on)$/i return false if value =~ /^(false|f|no|n|0|off)$/i nil end def boolean_to_yes_no(bool) if bool 'Yes' else 'No' end end def random_string Random.rand(Float::MAX.to_i).to_s(36) end # See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2108727/which-in-ruby-checking-if-program-exists-in-path-from-ruby # Cross-platform way of finding an executable in the $PATH. # # which('ruby') #=> /usr/bin/ruby def which(cmd, env = ENV) exts = env['PATHEXT'] ? env['PATHEXT'].split(';') : [''] env['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| exts.each do |ext| exe = File.join(path, "#{cmd}#{ext}") return exe if File.executable?(exe) && !File.directory?(exe) end end nil end def try_megabytes_to_bytes(size) Integer(size).megabytes rescue ArgumentError size end def bytes_to_megabytes(bytes) bytes.to_f / Numeric::MEGABYTE end def ms_to_round_sec(ms) (ms.to_f / 1000).round(2) end # Used in EE # Accepts either an Array or a String and returns an array def ensure_array_from_string(string_or_array) return string_or_array if string_or_array.is_a?(Array) string_or_array.split(',').map(&:strip) end def deep_indifferent_access(data) if data.is_a?(Array) data.map(&method(:deep_indifferent_access)) elsif data.is_a?(Hash) data.with_indifferent_access else data end end def string_to_ip_object(str) return unless str IPAddr.new(str) rescue IPAddr::InvalidAddressError end # Converts a string to an Addressable::URI object. # If the string is not a valid URI, it returns nil. # Param uri_string should be a String object. # This method returns an Addressable::URI object or nil. def parse_url(uri_string) Addressable::URI.parse(uri_string) rescue Addressable::URI::InvalidURIError, TypeError end end end