module Gitlab module GithubImport class Client GITHUB_SAFE_REMAINING_REQUESTS = 100 GITHUB_SAFE_SLEEP_TIME = 500 attr_reader :access_token, :host, :api_version def initialize(access_token, host: nil, api_version: 'v3') @access_token = access_token @host = host.to_s.sub(%r{/+\z}, '') @api_version = api_version if access_token ::Octokit.auto_paginate = false end end def api @api ||= access_token: access_token, api_endpoint: api_endpoint, # If there is no config, we're connecting to and we # should verify ssl. connection_options: { ssl: { verify: config ? config['verify_ssl'] : true } } ) end def client unless config raise Projects::ImportService::Error, 'OAuth configuration for GitHub missing.' end @client ||= config.app_id, config.app_secret, github_options.merge(ssl: { verify: config['verify_ssl'] }) ) end def authorize_url(redirect_uri) client.auth_code.authorize_url({ redirect_uri: redirect_uri, scope: "repo, user, user:email" }) end def get_token(code) client.auth_code.get_token(code).token end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) if api.respond_to?(method) request(method, *args, &block) else super(method, *args, &block) end end def respond_to?(method) api.respond_to?(method) || super end private def api_endpoint if host.present? && api_version.present? "#{host}/api/#{api_version}" else github_options[:site] end end def config Gitlab.config.omniauth.providers.find { |provider| == "github" } end def github_options if config config["args"]["client_options"].deep_symbolize_keys else OmniAuth::Strategies::GitHub.default_options[:client_options].symbolize_keys end end def rate_limit api.rate_limit! # GitHub Rate Limit API returns 404 when the rate limit is # disabled. In this case we just want to return gracefully # instead of spitting out an error. rescue Octokit::NotFound nil end def has_rate_limit? return @has_rate_limit if defined?(@has_rate_limit) @has_rate_limit = rate_limit.present? end def rate_limit_exceed? has_rate_limit? && rate_limit.remaining <= GITHUB_SAFE_REMAINING_REQUESTS end def rate_limit_sleep_time rate_limit.resets_in + GITHUB_SAFE_SLEEP_TIME end def request(method, *args, &block) sleep rate_limit_sleep_time if rate_limit_exceed? data = api.send(method, *args) return data unless data.is_a?(Array) last_response = api.last_response if block_given? yield data # api.last_response could change while we're yielding (e.g. fetching labels for each PR) # so we cache our own last response each_response_page(last_response, &block) else each_response_page(last_response) { |page| data.concat(page) } data end end def each_response_page(last_response) while last_response.rels[:next] sleep rate_limit_sleep_time if rate_limit_exceed? last_response = last_response.rels[:next].get yield if end end end end end