# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab class SSHPublicKey Technology = Struct.new(:name, :key_class, :supported_sizes, :supported_algorithms) # See https://man.openbsd.org/sshd#AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FILE_FORMAT for the list of # supported algorithms. TECHNOLOGIES = [ Technology.new(:rsa, SSHData::PublicKey::RSA, [1024, 2048, 3072, 4096], %w(ssh-rsa)), Technology.new(:dsa, SSHData::PublicKey::DSA, [1024, 2048, 3072], %w(ssh-dss)), Technology.new(:ecdsa, SSHData::PublicKey::ECDSA, [256, 384, 521], %w(ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 ecdsa-sha2-nistp521)), Technology.new(:ed25519, SSHData::PublicKey::ED25519, [256], %w(ssh-ed25519)), Technology.new(:ecdsa_sk, SSHData::PublicKey::SKECDSA, [256], %w(sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256@openssh.com)), Technology.new(:ed25519_sk, SSHData::PublicKey::SKED25519, [256], %w(sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com)) ].freeze def self.technology(name) TECHNOLOGIES.find { |tech| tech.name.to_s == name.to_s } end def self.technology_for_key(key) TECHNOLOGIES.find { |tech| key.instance_of?(tech.key_class) } end def self.supported_types TECHNOLOGIES.map(&:name) end def self.supported_sizes(name) technology(name).supported_sizes end def self.supported_algorithms TECHNOLOGIES.flat_map { |tech| tech.supported_algorithms } end def self.supported_algorithms_for_name(name) technology(name).supported_algorithms end def self.sanitize(key_content) ssh_type, *parts = key_content.strip.split return key_content if parts.empty? parts.each_with_object(+"#{ssh_type} ").with_index do |(part, content), index| content << part if self.new(content).valid? break [content, parts[index + 1]].compact.join(' ') # Add the comment part if present elsif parts.size == index + 1 # return original content if we've reached the last element break key_content end end end attr_reader :key_text, :key def initialize(key_text) @key_text = key_text # We need to strip options to parse key with options or in known_hosts # format. See https://man.openbsd.org/sshd#AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FILE_FORMAT # and https://man.openbsd.org/sshd#SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE_FORMAT key_text_without_options = @key_text.to_s.match(/(\A|\s)(#{self.class.supported_algorithms.join('|')}).*/).to_s @key = begin SSHData::PublicKey.parse_openssh(key_text_without_options) rescue SSHData::DecodeError end end def valid? key.present? end def type technology.name if valid? end def fingerprint key.fingerprint(md5: true) if valid? end def fingerprint_sha256 'SHA256:' + key.fingerprint(md5: false) if valid? end def bits return unless valid? case type when :rsa key.n.num_bits when :dsa key.p.num_bits when :ecdsa key.openssl.group.order.num_bits when :ed25519 256 when :ecdsa_sk 256 when :ed25519_sk 256 end end private def technology @technology ||= self.class.technology_for_key(key) || raise_unsupported_key_type_error end def raise_unsupported_key_type_error raise("Unsupported key type: #{key.class}") end end end