import { __, s__ } from '~/locale'; export const COMMENT_FORM = { GENERIC_UNSUBMITTABLE_NETWORK: __( 'Your comment could not be submitted! Please check your network connection and try again.', ), note: __('Note'), comment: __('Comment'), issue: __('issue'), startThread: __('Start thread'), mergeRequest: __('merge request'), bodyPlaceholder: __('Write a comment or drag your files hereā€¦'), confidential: s__('Notes|Make this comment confidential'), confidentialVisibility: s__('Notes|Confidential comments are only visible to project members'), discussionThatNeedsResolution: __( 'Discuss a specific suggestion or question that needs to be resolved.', ), discussion: __('Discuss a specific suggestion or question.'), actionButtonWithNote: __('%{actionText} & %{openOrClose} %{noteable}'), actionButton: __('%{openOrClose} %{noteable}'), submitButton: { startThread: __('Start thread'), comment: __('Comment'), commentHelp: __('Add a general comment to this %{noteableDisplayName}.'), }, };