# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe ApplicationHelper do describe 'current_controller?' do before do stub_controller_name('foo') end it 'returns true when controller matches argument' do expect(helper.current_controller?(:foo)).to be_truthy end it 'returns false when controller does not match argument' do expect(helper.current_controller?(:bar)).to be_falsey end it 'takes any number of arguments' do expect(helper.current_controller?(:baz, :bar)).to be_falsey expect(helper.current_controller?(:baz, :bar, :foo)).to be_truthy end context 'when namespaced' do before do stub_controller_path('bar/foo') end it 'returns true when controller matches argument' do expect(helper.current_controller?(:foo)).to be_truthy end it 'returns true when controller and namespace matches argument in path notation' do expect(helper.current_controller?('bar/foo')).to be_truthy end it 'returns false when namespace doesnt match' do expect(helper.current_controller?('foo/foo')).to be_falsey end end def stub_controller_name(value) allow(helper.controller).to receive(:controller_name).and_return(value) end def stub_controller_path(value) allow(helper.controller).to receive(:controller_path).and_return(value) end end describe 'current_action?' do before do stub_action_name('foo') end it 'returns true when action matches' do expect(helper.current_action?(:foo)).to be_truthy end it 'returns false when action does not match' do expect(helper.current_action?(:bar)).to be_falsey end it 'takes any number of arguments' do expect(helper.current_action?(:baz, :bar)).to be_falsey expect(helper.current_action?(:baz, :bar, :foo)).to be_truthy end def stub_action_name(value) allow(helper).to receive(:action_name).and_return(value) end end describe '#admin_section?' do context 'when controller is under the admin namespace' do before do allow(helper).to receive(:controller).and_return(Admin::UsersController.new) end it 'returns true' do expect(helper.admin_section?).to eq(true) end end context 'when controller is not under the admin namespace' do before do allow(helper).to receive(:controller).and_return(UsersController.new) end it 'returns true' do expect(helper.admin_section?).to eq(false) end end end describe 'simple_sanitize' do let(:a_tag) { 'Foo' } it 'allows the a tag' do expect(helper.simple_sanitize(a_tag)).to eq(a_tag) end it 'allows the span tag' do input = 'Bar' expect(helper.simple_sanitize(input)).to eq(input) end it 'disallows other tags' do input = "#{a_tag}" expect(helper.simple_sanitize(input)).to eq(a_tag) end end describe 'time_ago_with_tooltip' do around do |example| Time.use_zone('UTC') { example.run } end def element(**arguments) @time = Time.zone.parse('2015-07-02 08:23') element = helper.time_ago_with_tooltip(@time, **arguments) Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(element).first_element_child end it 'returns a time element' do expect(element.name).to eq 'time' end it 'includes the date string' do expect(element.text).to eq @time.strftime("%b %d, %Y") end it 'has a datetime attribute' do expect(element.attr('datetime')).to eq '2015-07-02T08:23:00Z' end it 'has a formatted title attribute' do expect(element.attr('title')).to eq 'Jul 2, 2015 8:23am' end it 'includes a default js-timeago class' do expect(element.attr('class')).to eq 'js-timeago' end it 'accepts a custom html_class' do expect(element(html_class: 'custom_class').attr('class')).to eq 'js-timeago custom_class' end it 'accepts a custom tooltip placement' do expect(element(placement: 'bottom').attr('data-placement')).to eq 'bottom' end it 'converts to Time' do expect { helper.time_ago_with_tooltip(Date.today) }.not_to raise_error end it 'add class for the short format' do timeago_element = element(short_format: 'short') expect(timeago_element.attr('class')).to eq 'js-short-timeago' expect(timeago_element.next_element).to eq nil end end describe '#active_when' do it { expect(helper.active_when(true)).to eq('active') } it { expect(helper.active_when(false)).to eq(nil) } end unless Gitlab.jh? describe '#promo_host' do subject { helper.promo_host } it 'returns the url' do is_expected.to eq('about.gitlab.com') end end end describe '#promo_url' do subject { helper.promo_url } it 'returns the url' do is_expected.to eq("https://#{helper.promo_host}") end it 'changes if promo_host changes' do allow(helper).to receive(:promo_host).and_return('foobar.baz') is_expected.to eq('https://foobar.baz') end end describe '#support_url' do context 'when alternate support url is specified' do let(:alternate_url) { 'http://company.example.com/getting-help' } it 'returns the alternate support url' do stub_application_setting(help_page_support_url: alternate_url) expect(helper.support_url).to eq(alternate_url) end end context 'when alternate support url is not specified' do it 'builds the support url from the promo_url' do expect(helper.support_url).to eq(helper.promo_url + '/getting-help/') end end end describe '#instance_review_permitted?' do let_it_be(:non_admin_user) { create :user } let_it_be(:admin_user) { create :user, :admin } before do allow(::Gitlab::CurrentSettings).to receive(:instance_review_permitted?).and_return(app_setting) allow(helper).to receive(:current_user).and_return(current_user) end subject { helper.instance_review_permitted? } where(app_setting: [true, false], is_admin: [true, false, nil]) with_them do let(:current_user) do if is_admin.nil? nil else is_admin ? admin_user : non_admin_user end end it { is_expected.to be(app_setting && is_admin) } end end describe '#locale_path' do it 'returns the locale path with an `_`' do Gitlab::I18n.with_locale('pt-BR') do expect(helper.locale_path).to include('assets/locale/pt_BR/app') end end end describe '#client_class_list' do it 'returns string containing CSS classes representing client browser and platform' do class_list = helper.client_class_list expect(class_list).to eq('gl-browser-generic gl-platform-other') end end describe '#client_js_flags' do it 'returns map containing JS flags representing client browser and platform' do flags_list = helper.client_js_flags expect(flags_list[:isGeneric]).to eq(true) expect(flags_list[:isOther]).to eq(true) end end describe '#page_startup_api_calls' do it 'returns map containing JS Page Startup Calls' do helper.add_page_startup_api_call("testURL") startup_calls = helper.page_startup_api_calls expect(startup_calls["testURL"]).to eq({}) end end describe '#autocomplete_data_sources' do context 'group' do let(:group) { create(:group) } let(:noteable_type) { Issue } it 'returns paths for autocomplete_sources_controller' do sources = helper.autocomplete_data_sources(group, noteable_type) expect(sources.keys).to include(:members, :issues, :mergeRequests, :labels, :milestones, :commands) sources.keys.each do |key| expect(sources[key]).not_to be_nil end end end context 'project' do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:noteable_type) { Issue } it 'returns paths for autocomplete_sources_controller' do sources = helper.autocomplete_data_sources(project, noteable_type) expect(sources.keys).to match_array([:members, :issues, :mergeRequests, :labels, :milestones, :commands, :snippets, :contacts]) sources.keys.each do |key| expect(sources[key]).not_to be_nil end end end end describe '#external_storage_url_or_path' do let(:project) { create(:project) } context 'when external storage is disabled' do it 'returns the passed path' do expect(helper.external_storage_url_or_path('/foo/bar', project)).to eq('/foo/bar') end end context 'when @snippet is set' do it 'returns the passed path' do snippet = create(:snippet) assign(:snippet, snippet) expect(helper.external_storage_url_or_path('/foo/bar', project)).to eq('/foo/bar') end end context 'when external storage is enabled' do let(:user) { create(:user, static_object_token: 'hunter1') } before do stub_application_setting(static_objects_external_storage_url: 'https://cdn.gitlab.com') allow(helper).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user) end it 'returns the external storage URL prepended to the path' do expect(helper.external_storage_url_or_path('/foo/bar', project)).to eq("https://cdn.gitlab.com/foo/bar?token=#{user.static_object_token}") end it 'preserves the path query parameters' do url = helper.external_storage_url_or_path('/foo/bar?unicode=1', project) expect(url).to eq("https://cdn.gitlab.com/foo/bar?token=#{user.static_object_token}&unicode=1") end context 'when project is public' do let(:project) { create(:project, :public) } it 'returns does not append a token parameter' do expect(helper.external_storage_url_or_path('/foo/bar', project)).to eq('https://cdn.gitlab.com/foo/bar') end end end end describe '#body_data' do context 'when @project is not set' do it 'does not include project data in the body data elements' do expect(helper.body_data).to eq( { page: 'application', page_type_id: nil, find_file: nil, group: nil } ) end context 'when @group is set' do it 'sets group in the body data elements' do group = create(:group) assign(:group, group) expect(helper.body_data).to eq( { page: 'application', page_type_id: nil, find_file: nil, group: group.path } ) end end end context 'when @project is set' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } before do assign(:project, project) allow(helper).to receive(:current_user).and_return(nil) end it 'includes all possible body data elements and associates the project elements with project' do expect(helper).to receive(:can?).with(nil, :download_code, project) expect(helper.body_data).to eq( { page: 'application', page_type_id: nil, find_file: nil, group: nil, project_id: project.id, project: project.name, namespace_id: project.namespace.id } ) end context 'when @project is owned by a group' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository, group: create(:group)) } it 'includes all possible body data elements and associates the project elements with project' do expect(helper).to receive(:can?).with(nil, :download_code, project) expect(helper.body_data).to eq( { page: 'application', page_type_id: nil, find_file: nil, group: project.group.name, project_id: project.id, project: project.name, namespace_id: project.namespace.id } ) end end context 'when controller is issues' do before do stub_controller_method(:controller_path, 'projects:issues') end context 'when params[:id] is present and the issue exsits and action_name is show' do it 'sets all project and id elements correctly related to the issue' do issue = create(:issue, project: project) stub_controller_method(:action_name, 'show') stub_controller_method(:params, { id: issue.id }) expect(helper).to receive(:can?).with(nil, :download_code, project).and_return(false) expect(helper.body_data).to eq( { page: 'projects:issues:show', page_type_id: issue.id, find_file: nil, group: nil, project_id: issue.project.id, project: issue.project.name, namespace_id: issue.project.namespace.id } ) end end end context 'when current_user has download_code permission' do it 'returns find_file with the default branch' do allow(helper).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user) expect(helper).to receive(:can?).with(user, :download_code, project).and_return(true) expect(helper.body_data[:find_file]).to end_with(project.default_branch) end end end def stub_controller_method(method_name, value) allow(helper.controller).to receive(method_name).and_return(value) end end describe '#gitlab_ui_form_for' do let_it_be(:user) { build(:user) } before do allow(helper).to receive(:users_path).and_return('/root') allow(helper).to receive(:form_for).and_call_original end it 'adds custom form builder to options and calls `form_for`' do options = { html: { class: 'foo-bar' } } expected_options = options.merge({ builder: ::Gitlab::FormBuilders::GitlabUiFormBuilder, url: '/root' }) expect do |b| helper.gitlab_ui_form_for(user, options, &b) end.to yield_with_args(::Gitlab::FormBuilders::GitlabUiFormBuilder) expect(helper).to have_received(:form_for).with(user, expected_options) end end describe '#page_class' do context 'when logged_out_marketing_header experiment is enabled' do let_it_be(:expected_class) { 'logged-out-marketing-header-candidate' } let(:current_user) { nil } let(:variant) { :candidate } subject do helper.page_class.flatten end before do stub_experiments(logged_out_marketing_header: variant) allow(helper).to receive(:current_user) { current_user } end context 'when candidate' do it { is_expected.to include(expected_class) } end context 'when candidate (:trial_focused variant)' do let(:variant) { :trial_focused } it { is_expected.to include(expected_class) } end context 'when control' do let(:variant) { :control } it { is_expected.not_to include(expected_class) } end context 'when a user is logged in' do let(:current_user) { create(:user) } it { is_expected.not_to include(expected_class) } end end end end