# frozen_string_literal: true module GraphqlHelpers MutationDefinition = Struct.new(:query, :variables) NoData = Class.new(StandardError) UnauthorizedObject = Class.new(StandardError) def graphql_args(**values) ::Graphql::Arguments.new(values) end # makes an underscored string look like a fieldname # "merge_request" => "mergeRequest" def self.fieldnamerize(underscored_field_name) underscored_field_name.to_s.camelize(:lower) end def self.deep_fieldnamerize(map) map.to_h do |k, v| [fieldnamerize(k), v.is_a?(Hash) ? deep_fieldnamerize(v) : v] end end # Run this resolver exactly as it would be called in the framework. This # includes all authorization hooks, all argument processing and all result # wrapping. # see: GraphqlHelpers#resolve_field def resolve( resolver_class, # [Class[<= BaseResolver]] The resolver at test. obj: nil, # [Any] The BaseObject#object for the resolver (available as `#object` in the resolver). args: {}, # [Hash] The arguments to the resolver (using client names). ctx: {}, # [#to_h] The current context values. schema: GitlabSchema, # [GraphQL::Schema] Schema to use during execution. parent: :not_given, # A GraphQL query node to be passed as the `:parent` extra. lookahead: :not_given # A GraphQL lookahead object to be passed as the `:lookahead` extra. ) # All resolution goes through fields, so we need to create one here that # uses our resolver. Thankfully, apart from the field name, resolvers # contain all the configuration needed to define one. field_options = resolver_class.field_options.merge(name: 'field_value') field = ::Types::BaseField.new(**field_options) # All mutations accept a single `:input` argument. Wrap arguments here. # See the unwrapping below in GraphqlHelpers#resolve_field args = { input: args } if resolver_class <= ::Mutations::BaseMutation && !args.key?(:input) resolve_field(field, obj, args: args, ctx: ctx, schema: schema, object_type: resolver_parent, extras: { parent: parent, lookahead: lookahead }) end # Resolve the value of a field on an object. # # Use this method to test individual fields within type specs. # # e.g. # # issue = create(:issue) # user = issue.author # project = issue.project # # resolve_field(:author, issue, current_user: user, object_type: ::Types::IssueType) # resolve_field(:issue, project, args: { iid: issue.iid }, current_user: user, object_type: ::Types::ProjectType) # # The `object_type` defaults to the `described_class`, so when called from type specs, # the above can be written as: # # # In project_type_spec.rb # resolve_field(:author, issue, current_user: user) # # # In issue_type_spec.rb # resolve_field(:issue, project, args: { iid: issue.iid }, current_user: user) # # NB: Arguments are passed from the client's perspective. If there is an argument # `foo` aliased as `bar`, then we would pass `args: { bar: the_value }`, and # types are checked before resolution. def resolve_field( field, # An instance of `BaseField`, or the name of a field on the current described_class object, # The current object of the `BaseObject` this field 'belongs' to args: {}, # Field arguments (keys will be fieldnamerized) ctx: {}, # Context values (important ones are :current_user) extras: {}, # Stub values for field extras (parent and lookahead) current_user: :not_given, # The current user (specified explicitly, overrides ctx[:current_user]) schema: GitlabSchema, # A specific schema instance object_type: described_class # The `BaseObject` type this field belongs to ) field = to_base_field(field, object_type) ctx[:current_user] = current_user unless current_user == :not_given query = GraphQL::Query.new(schema, context: ctx.to_h) extras[:lookahead] = negative_lookahead if extras[:lookahead] == :not_given && field.extras.include?(:lookahead) query_ctx = query.context mock_extras(query_ctx, **extras) parent = object_type.authorized_new(object, query_ctx) raise UnauthorizedObject unless parent # TODO: This will need to change when we move to the interpreter: # At that point, arguments will be a plain ruby hash rather than # an Arguments object # see: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/27536 # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/210556 arguments = field.to_graphql.arguments_class.new( GraphqlHelpers.deep_fieldnamerize(args), context: query_ctx, defaults_used: [] ) # we enable the request store so we can track gitaly calls. ::Gitlab::WithRequestStore.with_request_store do # TODO: This will need to change when we move to the interpreter - at that # point we will call `field#resolve` # Unwrap the arguments to mutations. This pairs with the wrapping in GraphqlHelpers#resolve # If arguments are not wrapped first, then arguments processing will raise. # If arguments are not unwrapped here, then the resolve method of the mutation will raise argument errors. arguments = arguments.to_kwargs[:input] if field.resolver && field.resolver <= ::Mutations::BaseMutation field.resolve_field(parent, arguments, query_ctx) end end def mock_extras(context, parent: :not_given, lookahead: :not_given) allow(context).to receive(:parent).and_return(parent) unless parent == :not_given allow(context).to receive(:lookahead).and_return(lookahead) unless lookahead == :not_given end # a synthetic BaseObject type to be used in resolver specs. See `GraphqlHelpers#resolve` def resolver_parent @resolver_parent ||= fresh_object_type('ResolverParent') end def fresh_object_type(name = 'Object') Class.new(::Types::BaseObject) { graphql_name name } end def resolver_instance(resolver_class, obj: nil, ctx: {}, field: nil, schema: GitlabSchema) if ctx.is_a?(Hash) q = double('Query', schema: schema) ctx = GraphQL::Query::Context.new(query: q, object: obj, values: ctx) end resolver_class.new(object: obj, context: ctx, field: field) end # Eagerly run a loader's named resolver # (syncs any lazy values returned by resolve) def eager_resolve(resolver_class, **opts) sync(resolve(resolver_class, **opts)) end def sync(value) if GitlabSchema.lazy?(value) GitlabSchema.sync_lazy(value) else value end end def with_clean_batchloader_executor(&block) BatchLoader::Executor.ensure_current yield ensure BatchLoader::Executor.clear_current end # Runs a block inside a BatchLoader::Executor wrapper def batch(max_queries: nil, &blk) wrapper = -> { with_clean_batchloader_executor(&blk) } if max_queries result = nil expect { result = wrapper.call }.not_to exceed_query_limit(max_queries) result else wrapper.call end end # Use this when writing N+1 tests. # # It does not use the controller, so it avoids confounding factors due to # authentication (token set-up, license checks) # It clears the request store, rails cache, and BatchLoader Executor between runs. def run_with_clean_state(query, **args) ::Gitlab::WithRequestStore.with_request_store do with_clean_rails_cache do with_clean_batchloader_executor do ::GitlabSchema.execute(query, **args) end end end end # Basically a combination of use_sql_query_cache and use_clean_rails_memory_store_caching, # but more fine-grained, suitable for comparing two runs in the same example. def with_clean_rails_cache(&blk) caching_store = Rails.cache Rails.cache = ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore.new ActiveRecord::Base.cache(&blk) ensure Rails.cache = caching_store end # BatchLoader::GraphQL returns a wrapper, so we need to :sync in order # to get the actual values def batch_sync(max_queries: nil, &blk) batch(max_queries: max_queries) { sync_all(&blk) } end def sync_all(&blk) lazy_vals = yield lazy_vals.is_a?(Array) ? lazy_vals.map { |val| sync(val) } : sync(lazy_vals) end def graphql_query_for(name, args = {}, selection = nil) type = GitlabSchema.types['Query'].fields[GraphqlHelpers.fieldnamerize(name)]&.type wrap_query(query_graphql_field(name, args, selection, type)) end def wrap_query(query) q = query.to_s return q if q.starts_with?('{') "{ #{q} }" end def graphql_mutation(name, input, fields = nil, &block) raise ArgumentError, 'Please pass either `fields` parameter or a block to `#graphql_mutation`, but not both.' if fields.present? && block_given? mutation_name = GraphqlHelpers.fieldnamerize(name) input_variable_name = "$#{input_variable_name_for_mutation(name)}" mutation_field = GitlabSchema.mutation.fields[mutation_name] fields = yield if block_given? fields ||= all_graphql_fields_for(mutation_field.type.to_graphql) query = <<~MUTATION mutation(#{input_variable_name}: #{mutation_field.arguments['input'].type.to_graphql}) { #{mutation_name}(input: #{input_variable_name}) { #{fields} } } MUTATION variables = variables_for_mutation(name, input) MutationDefinition.new(query, variables) end def variables_for_mutation(name, input) graphql_input = prepare_input_for_mutation(input) { input_variable_name_for_mutation(name) => graphql_input } end def serialize_variables(variables) return unless variables return variables if variables.is_a?(String) ::Gitlab::Utils::MergeHash.merge(Array.wrap(variables).map(&:to_h)).to_json end # Recursively convert a Hash with Ruby-style keys to GraphQL fieldname-style keys # # prepare_input_for_mutation({ 'my_key' => 1 }) # => { 'myKey' => 1} def prepare_input_for_mutation(input) input.map do |name, value| value = prepare_input_for_mutation(value) if value.is_a?(Hash) [GraphqlHelpers.fieldnamerize(name), value] end.to_h end def input_variable_name_for_mutation(mutation_name) mutation_name = GraphqlHelpers.fieldnamerize(mutation_name) mutation_field = GitlabSchema.mutation.fields[mutation_name] input_type = field_type(mutation_field.arguments['input']) GraphqlHelpers.fieldnamerize(input_type) end def field_with_params(name, attributes = {}) namerized = GraphqlHelpers.fieldnamerize(name.to_s) return "#{namerized}" if attributes.blank? field_params = if attributes.is_a?(Hash) "(#{attributes_to_graphql(attributes)})" else "(#{attributes})" end "#{namerized}#{field_params}" end def query_graphql_field(name, attributes = {}, fields = nil, type = nil) type ||= name.to_s.classify attributes, fields = [nil, attributes] if fields.nil? && !attributes.is_a?(Hash) field = field_with_params(name, attributes) field + wrap_fields(fields || all_graphql_fields_for(type)).to_s end def page_info_selection "pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage endCursor startCursor }" end def query_nodes(name, fields = nil, args: nil, of: name, include_pagination_info: false, max_depth: 1) fields ||= all_graphql_fields_for(of.to_s.classify, max_depth: max_depth) node_selection = include_pagination_info ? "#{page_info_selection} nodes" : :nodes query_graphql_path([[name, args], node_selection], fields) end def query_graphql_fragment(name) "... on #{name} { #{all_graphql_fields_for(name)} }" end # e.g: # query_graphql_path(%i[foo bar baz], all_graphql_fields_for('Baz')) # => foo { bar { baz { x y z } } } def query_graphql_path(segments, fields = nil) # we really want foldr here... segments.reverse.reduce(fields) do |tail, segment| name, args = Array.wrap(segment) query_graphql_field(name, args, tail) end end def wrap_fields(fields) fields = Array.wrap(fields).map do |field| case field when Symbol GraphqlHelpers.fieldnamerize(field) else field end end.join("\n") return unless fields.present? <<~FIELDS { #{fields} } FIELDS end def all_graphql_fields_for(class_name, parent_types = Set.new, max_depth: 3, excluded: []) # pulling _all_ fields can generate a _huge_ query (like complexity 180,000), # and significantly increase spec runtime. so limit the depth by default return if max_depth <= 0 allow_unlimited_graphql_complexity allow_unlimited_graphql_depth if max_depth > 1 allow_high_graphql_recursion allow_high_graphql_transaction_threshold type = class_name.respond_to?(:kind) ? class_name : GitlabSchema.types[class_name.to_s] raise "#{class_name} is not a known type in the GitlabSchema" unless type # We can't guess arguments, so skip fields that require them skip = ->(name, field) { excluded.include?(name) || required_arguments?(field) } ::Graphql::FieldSelection.select_fields(type, skip, parent_types, max_depth) end def with_signature(variables, query) %Q[query(#{variables.map(&:sig).join(', ')}) #{wrap_query(query)}] end def var(type) ::Graphql::Var.new(generate(:variable), type) end def attributes_to_graphql(arguments) ::Graphql::Arguments.new(arguments).to_s end def post_multiplex(queries, current_user: nil, headers: {}) post api('/', current_user, version: 'graphql'), params: { _json: queries }, headers: headers end def post_graphql(query, current_user: nil, variables: nil, headers: {}) params = { query: query, variables: serialize_variables(variables) } post api('/', current_user, version: 'graphql'), params: params, headers: headers if graphql_errors # Errors are acceptable, but not this one: expect(graphql_errors).not_to include(a_hash_including('message' => 'Internal server error')) end end def post_graphql_mutation(mutation, current_user: nil) post_graphql(mutation.query, current_user: current_user, variables: mutation.variables) end def post_graphql_mutation_with_uploads(mutation, current_user: nil) file_paths = file_paths_in_mutation(mutation) params = mutation_to_apollo_uploads_param(mutation, files: file_paths) workhorse_post_with_file(api('/', current_user, version: 'graphql'), params: params, file_key: '1' ) end def file_paths_in_mutation(mutation) paths = [] find_uploads(paths, [], mutation.variables) paths end # Depth first search for UploadedFile values def find_uploads(paths, path, value) case value when Rack::Test::UploadedFile paths << path when Hash value.each do |k, v| find_uploads(paths, path + [k], v) end when Array value.each_with_index do |v, i| find_uploads(paths, path + [i], v) end end end # this implements GraphQL multipart request v2 # https://github.com/jaydenseric/graphql-multipart-request-spec/tree/v2.0.0-alpha.2 # this is simplified and do not support file deduplication def mutation_to_apollo_uploads_param(mutation, files: []) operations = { 'query' => mutation.query, 'variables' => mutation.variables } map = {} extracted_files = {} files.each_with_index do |file_path, idx| apollo_idx = (idx + 1).to_s parent_dig_path = file_path[0..-2] file_key = file_path[-1] parent = operations['variables'] parent = parent.dig(*parent_dig_path) unless parent_dig_path.empty? extracted_files[apollo_idx] = parent[file_key] parent[file_key] = nil map[apollo_idx] = ["variables.#{file_path.join('.')}"] end { operations: operations.to_json, map: map.to_json }.merge(extracted_files) end def fresh_response_data Gitlab::Json.parse(response.body) end # Raises an error if no data is found # NB: We use fresh_response_data to support tests that make multiple requests. def graphql_data(body = fresh_response_data) body['data'] || (raise NoData, graphql_errors(body)) end def graphql_data_at(*path) graphql_dig_at(graphql_data, *path) end # Slightly more powerful than just `dig`: # - also supports implicit flat-mapping (.e.g. :foo :nodes :bar :nodes) def graphql_dig_at(data, *path) keys = path.map { |segment| segment.is_a?(Integer) ? segment : GraphqlHelpers.fieldnamerize(segment) } # Allows for array indexing, like this # ['project', 'boards', 'edges', 0, 'node', 'lists'] keys.reduce(data) do |memo, key| if memo.is_a?(Array) key.is_a?(Integer) ? memo[key] : memo.flat_map { |e| Array.wrap(e[key]) } else memo&.dig(key) end end end # See note at graphql_data about memoization and multiple requests def graphql_errors(body = json_response) case body when Hash # regular query body['errors'] when Array # multiplexed queries body.map { |response| response['errors'] } else raise "Unknown GraphQL response type #{body.class}" end end def expect_graphql_errors_to_include(regexes_to_match) raise "No errors. Was expecting to match #{regexes_to_match}" if graphql_errors.nil? || graphql_errors.empty? error_messages = flattened_errors.collect { |error_hash| error_hash["message"] } Array.wrap(regexes_to_match).flatten.each do |regex| expect(error_messages).to include a_string_matching regex end end def expect_graphql_errors_to_be_empty expect(flattened_errors).to be_empty end def flattened_errors Array.wrap(graphql_errors).flatten.compact end # Raises an error if no response is found def graphql_mutation_response(mutation_name) graphql_data.fetch(GraphqlHelpers.fieldnamerize(mutation_name)) end def scalar_fields_of(type_name) GitlabSchema.types[type_name].fields.map do |name, field| next if nested_fields?(field) || required_arguments?(field) name end.compact end def nested_fields_of(type_name) GitlabSchema.types[type_name].fields.map do |name, field| next if !nested_fields?(field) || required_arguments?(field) [name, field] end.compact end def nested_fields?(field) ::Graphql::FieldInspection.new(field).nested_fields? end def scalar?(field) ::Graphql::FieldInspection.new(field).scalar? end def enum?(field) ::Graphql::FieldInspection.new(field).enum? end # There are a few non BaseField fields in our schema (pageInfo for one). # None of them require arguments. def required_arguments?(field) return field.requires_argument? if field.is_a?(::Types::BaseField) if (meta = field.try(:metadata)) && meta[:type_class] required_arguments?(meta[:type_class]) elsif args = field.try(:arguments) args.values.any? { |argument| argument.type.non_null? } else false end end def io_value?(value) Array.wrap(value).any? { |v| v.respond_to?(:to_io) } end def field_type(field) ::Graphql::FieldInspection.new(field).type end # for most tests, we want to allow unlimited complexity def allow_unlimited_graphql_complexity allow_any_instance_of(GitlabSchema).to receive(:max_complexity).and_return nil allow(GitlabSchema).to receive(:max_query_complexity).with(any_args).and_return nil end def allow_unlimited_graphql_depth allow_any_instance_of(GitlabSchema).to receive(:max_depth).and_return nil allow(GitlabSchema).to receive(:max_query_depth).with(any_args).and_return nil end def allow_high_graphql_recursion allow_any_instance_of(Gitlab::Graphql::QueryAnalyzers::RecursionAnalyzer).to receive(:recursion_threshold).and_return 1000 end def allow_high_graphql_transaction_threshold stub_const("Gitlab::QueryLimiting::Transaction::THRESHOLD", 1000) end def node_array(data, extract_attribute = nil) data.map do |item| extract_attribute ? item['node'][extract_attribute] : item['node'] end end def global_id_of(model, id: nil, model_name: nil) if id || model_name ::Gitlab::GlobalId.build(model, id: id, model_name: model_name).to_s else model.to_global_id.to_s end end def missing_required_argument(path, argument) a_hash_including( 'path' => ['query'].concat(path), 'extensions' => a_hash_including('code' => 'missingRequiredArguments', 'arguments' => argument.to_s) ) end def custom_graphql_error(path, msg) a_hash_including('path' => path, 'message' => msg) end def type_factory Class.new(Types::BaseObject) do graphql_name 'TestType' field :name, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE, null: true yield(self) if block_given? end end def query_factory Class.new(Types::BaseObject) do graphql_name 'TestQuery' yield(self) if block_given? end end # assumes query_string to be let-bound in the current context def execute_query(query_type, schema: empty_schema, graphql: query_string) schema.query(query_type) schema.execute( graphql, context: { current_user: user }, variables: {} ) end def empty_schema Class.new(GraphQL::Schema) do use GraphQL::Pagination::Connections use Gitlab::Graphql::Pagination::Connections lazy_resolve ::Gitlab::Graphql::Lazy, :force end end # A lookahead that selects everything def positive_lookahead double(selects?: true).tap do |selection| allow(selection).to receive(:selection).and_return(selection) end end # A lookahead that selects nothing def negative_lookahead double(selects?: false).tap do |selection| allow(selection).to receive(:selection).and_return(selection) end end private def to_base_field(name_or_field, object_type) case name_or_field when ::Types::BaseField name_or_field else field_by_name(name_or_field, object_type) end end def field_by_name(name, object_type) name = ::GraphqlHelpers.fieldnamerize(name) object_type.fields[name] || (raise ArgumentError, "Unknown field #{name} for #{described_class.graphql_name}") end end # This warms our schema, doing this as part of loading the helpers to avoid # duplicate loading error when Rails tries autoload the types. GitlabSchema.graphql_definition