require 'spec_helper' describe IssuesFinder do set(:user) { create(:user) } set(:user2) { create(:user) } set(:project1) { create(:project) } set(:project2) { create(:project) } set(:milestone) { create(:milestone, project: project1) } set(:label) { create(:label, project: project2) } set(:issue1) { create(:issue, author: user, assignees: [user], project: project1, milestone: milestone, title: 'gitlab', created_at: 1.week.ago) } set(:issue2) { create(:issue, author: user, assignees: [user], project: project2, description: 'gitlab') } set(:issue3) { create(:issue, author: user2, assignees: [user2], project: project2, title: 'tanuki', description: 'tanuki', created_at: 1.week.from_now) } set(:award_emoji1) { create(:award_emoji, name: 'thumbsup', user: user, awardable: issue1) } set(:award_emoji2) { create(:award_emoji, name: 'thumbsup', user: user2, awardable: issue2) } set(:award_emoji3) { create(:award_emoji, name: 'thumbsdown', user: user, awardable: issue3) } describe '#execute' do set(:closed_issue) { create(:issue, author: user2, assignees: [user2], project: project2, state: 'closed') } set(:label_link) { create(:label_link, label: label, target: issue2) } let(:search_user) { user } let(:params) { {} } let(:issues) {, params.reverse_merge(scope: scope, state: 'opened')).execute } before(:context) do << [user, :master] << [user, :developer] << [user2, :developer] issue1 issue2 issue3 award_emoji1 award_emoji2 award_emoji3 end context 'scope: all' do let(:scope) { 'all' } it 'returns all issues' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue1, issue2, issue3) end context 'filtering by assignee ID' do let(:params) { { assignee_id: } } it 'returns issues assigned to that user' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue1, issue2) end end context 'filtering by author ID' do let(:params) { { author_id: } } it 'returns issues created by that user' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue3) end end context 'filtering by milestone' do let(:params) { { milestone_title: milestone.title } } it 'returns issues assigned to that milestone' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue1) end end context 'filtering by group milestone' do let!(:group) { create(:group, :public) } let(:group_milestone) { create(:milestone, group: group) } let!(:group_member) { create(:group_member, group: group, user: user) } let(:params) { { milestone_title: group_milestone.title } } before do project2.update(namespace: group) issue2.update(milestone: group_milestone) issue3.update(milestone: group_milestone) end it 'returns issues assigned to that group milestone' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue2, issue3) end end context 'filtering by no milestone' do let(:params) { { milestone_title: Milestone::None.title } } it 'returns issues with no milestone' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue2, issue3) end end context 'filtering by upcoming milestone' do let(:params) { { milestone_title: } } let(:project_no_upcoming_milestones) { create(:project, :public) } let(:project_next_1_1) { create(:project, :public) } let(:project_next_8_8) { create(:project, :public) } let(:yesterday) { - } let(:tomorrow) { + } let(:two_days_from_now) { + 2.days } let(:ten_days_from_now) { + 10.days } let(:milestones) do [ create(:milestone, :closed, project: project_no_upcoming_milestones), create(:milestone, project: project_next_1_1, title: '1.1', due_date: two_days_from_now), create(:milestone, project: project_next_1_1, title: '8.8', due_date: ten_days_from_now), create(:milestone, project: project_next_8_8, title: '1.1', due_date: yesterday), create(:milestone, project: project_next_8_8, title: '8.8', due_date: tomorrow) ] end before do milestones.each do |milestone| create(:issue, project: milestone.project, milestone: milestone, author: user, assignees: [user]) end end it 'returns issues in the upcoming milestone for each project' do expect( { |issue| issue.milestone.title }).to contain_exactly('1.1', '8.8') expect( { |issue| issue.milestone.due_date }).to contain_exactly(tomorrow, two_days_from_now) end end context 'filtering by started milestone' do let(:params) { { milestone_title: } } let(:project_no_started_milestones) { create(:project, :public) } let(:project_started_1_and_2) { create(:project, :public) } let(:project_started_8) { create(:project, :public) } let(:yesterday) { - } let(:tomorrow) { + } let(:two_days_ago) { - 2.days } let(:milestones) do [ create(:milestone, project: project_no_started_milestones, start_date: tomorrow), create(:milestone, project: project_started_1_and_2, title: '1.0', start_date: two_days_ago), create(:milestone, project: project_started_1_and_2, title: '2.0', start_date: yesterday), create(:milestone, project: project_started_1_and_2, title: '3.0', start_date: tomorrow), create(:milestone, project: project_started_8, title: '7.0'), create(:milestone, project: project_started_8, title: '8.0', start_date: yesterday), create(:milestone, project: project_started_8, title: '9.0', start_date: tomorrow) ] end before do milestones.each do |milestone| create(:issue, project: milestone.project, milestone: milestone, author: user, assignees: [user]) end end it 'returns issues in the started milestones for each project' do expect( { |issue| issue.milestone.title }).to contain_exactly('1.0', '2.0', '8.0') expect( { |issue| issue.milestone.start_date }).to contain_exactly(two_days_ago, yesterday, yesterday) end end context 'filtering by label' do let(:params) { { label_name: label.title } } it 'returns issues with that label' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue2) end end context 'filtering by multiple labels' do let(:params) { { label_name: [label.title, label2.title].join(',') } } let(:label2) { create(:label, project: project2) } before do create(:label_link, label: label2, target: issue2) end it 'returns the unique issues with any of those labels' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue2) end end context 'filtering by no label' do let(:params) { { label_name: Label::None.title } } it 'returns issues with no labels' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue1, issue3) end end context 'filtering by issue term' do let(:params) { { search: 'git' } } it 'returns issues with title and description match for search term' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue1, issue2) end end context 'filtering by issues iids' do let(:params) { { iids: issue3.iid } } it 'returns issues with iids match' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue3) end end context 'filtering by state' do context 'with opened' do let(:params) { { state: 'opened' } } it 'returns only opened issues' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue1, issue2, issue3) end end context 'with closed' do let(:params) { { state: 'closed' } } it 'returns only closed issues' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(closed_issue) end end context 'with all' do let(:params) { { state: 'all' } } it 'returns all issues' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue1, issue2, issue3, closed_issue) end end context 'with invalid state' do let(:params) { { state: 'invalid_state' } } it 'returns all issues' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue1, issue2, issue3, closed_issue) end end end context 'filtering by created_at' do context 'through created_after' do let(:params) { { created_after: issue3.created_at } } it 'returns issues created on or after the given date' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue3) end end context 'through created_before' do let(:params) { { created_before: issue1.created_at + 1.second } } it 'returns issues created on or before the given date' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue1) end end end context 'filtering by reaction name' do context 'user searches by "thumbsup" reaction' do let(:params) { { my_reaction_emoji: 'thumbsup' } } it 'returns issues that the user thumbsup to' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue1) end end context 'user2 searches by "thumbsup" reaction' do let(:search_user) { user2 } let(:params) { { my_reaction_emoji: 'thumbsup' } } it 'returns issues that the user2 thumbsup to' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue2) end end context 'user searches by "thumbsdown" reaction' do let(:params) { { my_reaction_emoji: 'thumbsdown' } } it 'returns issues that the user thumbsdown to' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue3) end end end context 'when the user is unauthorized' do let(:search_user) { nil } it 'returns no results' do expect(issues).to be_empty end end context 'when the user can see some, but not all, issues' do let(:search_user) { user2 } it 'returns only issues they can see' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue2, issue3) end end it 'finds issues user can access due to group' do group = create(:group) project = create(:project, group: group) issue = create(:issue, project: project) group.add_user(user, :owner) expect(issues).to include(issue) end end context 'personal scope' do let(:scope) { 'assigned-to-me' } it 'returns issue assigned to the user' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue1, issue2) end context 'filtering by project' do let(:params) { { project_id: } } it 'returns issues assigned to the user in that project' do expect(issues).to contain_exactly(issue1) end end end context 'when project restricts issues' do let(:scope) { nil } it "doesn't return team-only issues to non team members" do project = create(:project, :public, :issues_private) issue = create(:issue, project: project) expect(issues).not_to include(issue) end it "doesn't return issues if feature disabled" do [project1, project2].each do |project| project.project_feature.update!(issues_access_level: ProjectFeature::DISABLED) end expect(issues.count).to eq 0 end end end describe '#with_confidentiality_access_check' do let(:guest) { create(:user) } set(:authorized_user) { create(:user) } set(:project) { create(:project, namespace: authorized_user.namespace) } set(:public_issue) { create(:issue, project: project) } set(:confidential_issue) { create(:issue, project: project, confidential: true) } context 'when no project filter is given' do let(:params) { {} } context 'for an anonymous user' do subject {, params).with_confidentiality_access_check } it 'returns only public issues' do expect(subject).to include(public_issue) expect(subject).not_to include(confidential_issue) end end context 'for a user without project membership' do subject {, params).with_confidentiality_access_check } it 'returns only public issues' do expect(subject).to include(public_issue) expect(subject).not_to include(confidential_issue) end end context 'for a guest user' do subject {, params).with_confidentiality_access_check } before do project.add_guest(guest) end it 'returns only public issues' do expect(subject).to include(public_issue) expect(subject).not_to include(confidential_issue) end end context 'for a project member with access to view confidential issues' do subject {, params).with_confidentiality_access_check } it 'returns all issues' do expect(subject).to include(public_issue, confidential_issue) end end end context 'when searching within a specific project' do let(:params) { { project_id: } } context 'for an anonymous user' do subject {, params).with_confidentiality_access_check } it 'returns only public issues' do expect(subject).to include(public_issue) expect(subject).not_to include(confidential_issue) end it 'does not filter by confidentiality' do expect(Issue).not_to receive(:where).with(a_string_matching('confidential'), anything) subject end end context 'for a user without project membership' do subject {, params).with_confidentiality_access_check } it 'returns only public issues' do expect(subject).to include(public_issue) expect(subject).not_to include(confidential_issue) end it 'filters by confidentiality' do expect(Issue).to receive(:where).with(a_string_matching('confidential'), anything) subject end end context 'for a guest user' do subject {, params).with_confidentiality_access_check } before do project.add_guest(guest) end it 'returns only public issues' do expect(subject).to include(public_issue) expect(subject).not_to include(confidential_issue) end it 'filters by confidentiality' do expect(Issue).to receive(:where).with(a_string_matching('confidential'), anything) subject end end context 'for a project member with access to view confidential issues' do subject {, params).with_confidentiality_access_check } it 'returns all issues' do expect(subject).to include(public_issue, confidential_issue) end it 'does not filter by confidentiality' do expect(Issue).not_to receive(:where).with(a_string_matching('confidential'), anything) subject end end end end end