/* eslint-disable */ ((global) => { var indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }; const DEPLOYMENT_TEMPLATE = `
<%= ci_success_icon %> Deployed to <%- name %> <%- deployed_at %> View on <%- external_url_formatted %> Stop environment
`; global.MergeRequestWidget = (function() { function MergeRequestWidget(opts) { // Initialize MergeRequestWidget behavior // // check_enable - Boolean, whether to check automerge status // merge_check_url - String, URL to use to check automerge status // ci_status_url - String, URL to use to check CI status // this.opts = opts; this.$widgetBody = $('.mr-widget-body'); $('#modal_merge_info').modal({ show: false }); this.firstCICheck = true; this.readyForCICheck = false; this.readyForCIEnvironmentCheck = false; this.cancel = false; clearInterval(this.fetchBuildStatusInterval); clearInterval(this.fetchBuildEnvironmentStatusInterval); this.clearEventListeners(); this.addEventListeners(); this.getCIStatus(false); this.getCIEnvironmentsStatus(); this.retrieveSuccessIcon(); this.pollCIStatus(); this.pollCIEnvironmentsStatus(); notifyPermissions(); } MergeRequestWidget.prototype.clearEventListeners = function() { return $(document).off('page:change.merge_request'); }; MergeRequestWidget.prototype.cancelPolling = function() { return this.cancel = true; }; MergeRequestWidget.prototype.addEventListeners = function() { var allowedPages; allowedPages = ['show', 'commits', 'builds', 'pipelines', 'changes']; $(document).on('page:change.merge_request', (function(_this) { return function() { var page; page = $('body').data('page').split(':').last(); if (allowedPages.indexOf(page) < 0) { clearInterval(_this.fetchBuildStatusInterval); clearInterval(_this.fetchBuildEnvironmentStatusInterval); _this.cancelPolling(); return _this.clearEventListeners(); } }; })(this)); }; MergeRequestWidget.prototype.retrieveSuccessIcon = function() { const $ciSuccessIcon = $('.js-success-icon'); this.$ciSuccessIcon = $ciSuccessIcon.html(); $ciSuccessIcon.remove(); } MergeRequestWidget.prototype.mergeInProgress = function(deleteSourceBranch) { if (deleteSourceBranch == null) { deleteSourceBranch = false; } return $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: $('.merge-request').data('url'), success: (function(_this) { return function(data) { var callback, urlSuffix; if (data.state === "merged") { urlSuffix = deleteSourceBranch ? '?deleted_source_branch=true' : ''; return window.location.href = window.location.pathname + urlSuffix; } else if (data.merge_error) { return _this.$widgetBody.html("

" + data.merge_error + "

"); } else { callback = function() { return merge_request_widget.mergeInProgress(deleteSourceBranch); }; return setTimeout(callback, 2000); } }; })(this), dataType: 'json' }); }; MergeRequestWidget.prototype.getMergeStatus = function() { return $.get(this.opts.merge_check_url, function(data) { return $('.mr-state-widget').replaceWith(data); }); }; MergeRequestWidget.prototype.ciLabelForStatus = function(status) { switch (status) { case 'success': return 'passed'; case 'success_with_warnings': return 'passed with warnings'; default: return status; } }; MergeRequestWidget.prototype.pollCIStatus = function() { return this.fetchBuildStatusInterval = setInterval(((function(_this) { return function() { if (!_this.readyForCICheck) { return; } _this.getCIStatus(true); return _this.readyForCICheck = false; }; })(this)), 10000); }; MergeRequestWidget.prototype.getCIStatus = function(showNotification) { var _this; _this = this; $('.ci-widget-fetching').show(); return $.getJSON(this.opts.ci_status_url, (function(_this) { return function(data) { var message, status, title; if (_this.cancel) { return; } _this.readyForCICheck = true; if (data.status === '') { return; } if (data.environments && data.environments.length) _this.renderEnvironments(data.environments); if (_this.firstCICheck || data.status !== _this.opts.ci_status && (data.status != null)) { _this.opts.ci_status = data.status; _this.showCIStatus(data.status); if (data.coverage) { _this.showCICoverage(data.coverage); } // The first check should only update the UI, a notification // should only be displayed on status changes if (showNotification && !_this.firstCICheck) { status = _this.ciLabelForStatus(data.status); if (status === "preparing") { title = _this.opts.ci_title.preparing; status = status.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + status.slice(1); message = _this.opts.ci_message.preparing.replace('{{status}}', status); } else { title = _this.opts.ci_title.normal; message = _this.opts.ci_message.normal.replace('{{status}}', status); } title = title.replace('{{status}}', status); message = message.replace('{{sha}}', data.sha); message = message.replace('{{title}}', data.title); notify(title, message, _this.opts.gitlab_icon, function() { this.close(); return Turbolinks.visit(_this.opts.builds_path); }); } return _this.firstCICheck = false; } }; })(this)); }; MergeRequestWidget.prototype.pollCIEnvironmentsStatus = function() { this.fetchBuildEnvironmentStatusInterval = setInterval(() => { if (!this.readyForCIEnvironmentCheck) return; this.getCIEnvironmentsStatus(); this.readyForCIEnvironmentCheck = false; }, 300000); }; MergeRequestWidget.prototype.getCIEnvironmentsStatus = function() { $.getJSON(this.opts.ci_environments_status_url, (environments) => { if (this.cancel) return; this.readyForCIEnvironmentCheck = true; if (environments && environments.length) this.renderEnvironments(environments); }); }; MergeRequestWidget.prototype.renderEnvironments = function(environments) { for (let i = 0; i < environments.length; i++) { const environment = environments[i]; if ($(`.mr-state-widget #${ environment.id }`).length) return; const $template = $(DEPLOYMENT_TEMPLATE); if (!environment.external_url || !environment.external_url_formatted) $('.js-environment-link', $template).remove(); if (!environment.stop_url) { $('.js-stop-env-link', $template).remove(); } if (environment.deployed_at && environment.deployed_at_formatted) { environment.deployed_at = gl.utils.getTimeago().format(environment.deployed_at, 'gl_en') + '.'; } else { $('.js-environment-timeago', $template).remove(); environment.name += '.'; } environment.ci_success_icon = this.$ciSuccessIcon; const templateString = _.unescape($template[0].outerHTML); const template = _.template(templateString)(environment) this.$widgetBody.before(template); } }; MergeRequestWidget.prototype.showCIStatus = function(state) { var allowed_states; if (state == null) { return; } $('.ci_widget').hide(); allowed_states = ["failed", "canceled", "running", "pending", "success", "success_with_warnings", "skipped", "not_found"]; if (indexOf.call(allowed_states, state) >= 0) { $('.ci_widget.ci-' + state).show(); switch (state) { case "failed": case "canceled": case "not_found": return this.setMergeButtonClass('btn-danger'); case "running": return this.setMergeButtonClass('btn-info'); case "success": case "success_with_warnings": return this.setMergeButtonClass('btn-create'); } } else { $('.ci_widget.ci-error').show(); return this.setMergeButtonClass('btn-danger'); } }; MergeRequestWidget.prototype.showCICoverage = function(coverage) { var text; text = 'Coverage ' + coverage + '%'; return $('.ci_widget:visible .ci-coverage').text(text); }; MergeRequestWidget.prototype.setMergeButtonClass = function(css_class) { return $('.js-merge-button,.accept-action .dropdown-toggle').removeClass('btn-danger btn-info btn-create').addClass(css_class); }; return MergeRequestWidget; })(); })(window.gl || (window.gl = {}));