# frozen_string_literal: true # Extending this module will give you the ability of defining # enum values in a declarative way. # # module DismissalReasons # extend DeclarativeEnum # # key :dismissal_reason # name 'DismissalReasonOfVulnerability' # # description <<~TEXT # This enum holds the user selected dismissal reason # when they are dismissing the vulnerabilities # TEXT # # define do # acceptable_risk value: 0, description: 'The vulnerability is known but is considered to be an acceptable business risk.' # false_positive value: 1, description: 'An error in reporting the presence of a vulnerability in a system when the vulnerability is not present.' # used_in_tests value: 2, description: 'The finding is not a vulnerability because it is part of a test or is test data.' # end # # Then we can use this module to register enums for our Active Record models like so, # # class VulnerabilityFeedback # declarative_enum DismissalReasons # end # # Also we can use this module to create GraphQL Enum types like so, # # module Types # module Vulnerabilities # class DismissalReasonEnum < BaseEnum # declarative_enum DismissalReasons # end # end # end # # rubocop:disable Gitlab/ModuleWithInstanceVariables module DeclarativeEnum # This `prepended` hook will merge the enum definition # of the prepended module into the base module to be # used by `prepend_mod_with` helper method. def prepended(base) base.definition.merge!(definition) end def key(new_key = nil) @key = new_key if new_key @key end def name(new_name = nil) @name = new_name if new_name @name end def description(new_description = nil) @description = new_description if new_description @description end def define(&block) raise LocalJumpError, 'No block given' unless block @definition = Builder.new(definition, block).build end # We can use this method later to apply some sanity checks # but for now, returning a Hash without any check is enough. def definition @definition.to_h end class Builder KeyCollisionError = Class.new(StandardError) def initialize(definition, block) @definition = definition @block = block end def build instance_exec(&@block) @definition end private def method_missing(name, *arguments, value: nil, description: nil, &block) key = name.downcase.to_sym raise KeyCollisionError, "'#{key}' collides with an existing enum key!" if @definition[key] @definition[key] = { value: value, description: description } end end end # rubocop:enable Gitlab/ModuleWithInstanceVariables