export default { toHaveSpriteIcon: (element, iconName) => { if (!iconName) { throw new Error('toHaveSpriteIcon is missing iconName argument!'); } if (!(element instanceof HTMLElement)) { throw new Error(`${element} is not a DOM element!`); } const iconReferences = [].slice.apply(element.querySelectorAll('svg use')); const matchingIcon = iconReferences.find( reference => reference.parentNode.getAttribute('data-testid') === `${iconName}-icon`, ); const pass = Boolean(matchingIcon); let message; if (pass) { message = `${element.outerHTML} contains the sprite icon "${iconName}"!`; } else { message = `${element.outerHTML} does not contain the sprite icon "${iconName}"!`; const existingIcons = iconReferences.map(reference => { const iconUrl = reference.getAttribute('href'); return `"${iconUrl.replace(/^.+#/, '')}"`; }); if (existingIcons.length > 0) { message += ` (only found ${existingIcons.join(',')})`; } } return { pass, message: () => message, }; }, toMatchInterpolatedText(received, match) { let clearReceived; let clearMatch; try { clearReceived = received.replace(/\s\s+/gm, ' ').replace(/\s\./gm, '.').trim(); } catch (e) { return { actual: received, message: 'The received value is not a string', pass: false }; } try { clearMatch = match.replace(/%{\w+}/gm, '').trim(); } catch (e) { return { message: 'The comparator value is not a string', pass: false }; } const pass = clearReceived === clearMatch; const message = pass ? () => ` \n\n Expected: ${this.utils.printExpected(clearReceived)} To not equal: ${this.utils.printReceived(clearMatch)} ` : () => ` \n\n Expected: ${this.utils.printExpected(clearReceived)} To equal: ${this.utils.printReceived(clearMatch)} `; return { actual: received, message, pass }; }, };