# frozen_string_literal: true module Ci module RunnersHelper include IconsHelper def runner_status_icon(runner, size: 16, icon_class: '') status = runner.status contacted_at = runner.contacted_at title = '' icon = 'warning-solid' span_class = '' case status when :online title = s_("Runners|Runner is online; last contact was %{runner_contact} ago") % { runner_contact: time_ago_in_words(contacted_at) } icon = 'status-active' span_class = 'gl-text-green-500' when :not_connected, :never_contacted title = s_("Runners|Runner has never contacted this instance") icon = 'warning-solid' when :offline title = s_("Runners|Runner is offline; last contact was %{runner_contact} ago") % { runner_contact: time_ago_in_words(contacted_at) } icon = 'status-failed' span_class = 'gl-text-red-500' when :stale # runner may have contacted (or not) and be stale: consider both cases. title = contacted_at ? s_("Runners|Runner is stale; last contact was %{runner_contact} ago") % { runner_contact: time_ago_in_words(contacted_at) } : s_("Runners|Runner is stale; it has never contacted this instance") icon = 'warning-solid' end content_tag(:span, class: span_class, title: title, data: { toggle: 'tooltip', container: 'body', testid: 'runner_status_icon', qa_selector: "runner_status_#{status}_content" }) do sprite_icon(icon, size: size, css_class: icon_class) end end def runner_link(runner) display_name = truncate(runner.display_name, length: 15) id = "\##{runner.id}" if current_user && current_user.admin link_to admin_runner_path(runner) do display_name + id end else display_name + id end end # Due to inability of performing sorting of runners by cached "contacted_at" values we have to show uncached values if sorting by "contacted_asc" is requested. # Please refer to the following issue for more details: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/issues/55920 def runner_contacted_at(runner) if params[:sort] == 'contacted_asc' runner.uncached_contacted_at else runner.contacted_at end end def admin_runners_data_attributes { # Runner install help page is external, located at # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner runner_install_help_page: 'https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/install/', registration_token: Gitlab::CurrentSettings.runners_registration_token } end def group_shared_runners_settings_data(group) { update_path: api_v4_groups_path(id: group.id), shared_runners_availability: group.shared_runners_setting, parent_shared_runners_availability: group.parent&.shared_runners_setting, runner_enabled: Namespace::SR_ENABLED, runner_disabled: Namespace::SR_DISABLED_AND_UNOVERRIDABLE, runner_allow_override: Namespace::SR_DISABLED_WITH_OVERRIDE } end def group_runners_data_attributes(group) { registration_token: group.runners_token, group_id: group.id, group_full_path: group.full_path, runner_install_help_page: 'https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/install/' } end def toggle_shared_runners_settings_data(project) { is_enabled: "#{project.shared_runners_enabled?}", is_disabled_and_unoverridable: "#{project.group&.shared_runners_setting == Namespace::SR_DISABLED_AND_UNOVERRIDABLE}", update_path: toggle_shared_runners_project_runners_path(project) } end end end Ci::RunnersHelper.prepend_mod_with('Ci::RunnersHelper')