# frozen_string_literal: true require 'base64' require 'gitaly' require 'grpc/health/v1/health_pb' require 'grpc/health/v1/health_services_pb' module Gitlab module GitalyClient include Gitlab::Metrics::Methods class TooManyInvocationsError < StandardError attr_reader :call_site, :invocation_count, :max_call_stack def initialize(call_site, invocation_count, max_call_stack, most_invoked_stack) @call_site = call_site @invocation_count = invocation_count @max_call_stack = max_call_stack stacks = most_invoked_stack.join('\n') if most_invoked_stack msg = "GitalyClient##{call_site} called #{invocation_count} times from single request. Potential n+1?" msg = "#{msg}\nThe following call site called into Gitaly #{max_call_stack} times:\n#{stacks}\n" if stacks super(msg) end end PEM_REGEX = /\-+BEGIN CERTIFICATE\-+.+?\-+END CERTIFICATE\-+/m.freeze SERVER_VERSION_FILE = 'GITALY_SERVER_VERSION' MAXIMUM_GITALY_CALLS = 30 CLIENT_NAME = (Sidekiq.server? ? 'gitlab-sidekiq' : 'gitlab-web').freeze GITALY_METADATA_FILENAME = '.gitaly-metadata' MUTEX = Mutex.new def self.stub(name, storage) MUTEX.synchronize do @stubs ||= {} @stubs[storage] ||= {} @stubs[storage][name] ||= begin klass = stub_class(name) addr = stub_address(storage) creds = stub_creds(storage) klass.new(addr, creds, interceptors: interceptors) end end end def self.interceptors return [] unless Labkit::Tracing.enabled? [Labkit::Tracing::GRPCInterceptor.instance] end private_class_method :interceptors def self.stub_cert_paths cert_paths = Dir["#{OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_DIR}/*"] cert_paths << OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE if File.exist? OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE cert_paths end def self.stub_certs return @certs if @certs @certs = stub_cert_paths.flat_map do |cert_file| File.read(cert_file).scan(PEM_REGEX).map do |cert| OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(cert).to_pem rescue OpenSSL::OpenSSLError => e Rails.logger.error "Could not load certificate #{cert_file} #{e}" Gitlab::Sentry.track_exception(e, extra: { cert_file: cert_file }) nil end.compact end.uniq.join("\n") end def self.stub_creds(storage) if URI(address(storage)).scheme == 'tls' GRPC::Core::ChannelCredentials.new stub_certs else :this_channel_is_insecure end end def self.stub_class(name) if name == :health_check Grpc::Health::V1::Health::Stub else Gitaly.const_get(name.to_s.camelcase.to_sym).const_get(:Stub) end end def self.stub_address(storage) address(storage).sub(%r{^tcp://|^tls://}, '') end def self.clear_stubs! MUTEX.synchronize do @stubs = nil end end def self.random_storage Gitlab.config.repositories.storages.keys.sample end def self.address(storage) params = Gitlab.config.repositories.storages[storage] raise "storage not found: #{storage.inspect}" if params.nil? address = params['gitaly_address'] unless address.present? raise "storage #{storage.inspect} is missing a gitaly_address" end unless URI(address).scheme.in?(%w(tcp unix tls)) raise "Unsupported Gitaly address: #{address.inspect} does not use URL scheme 'tcp' or 'unix' or 'tls'" end address end def self.address_metadata(storage) Base64.strict_encode64(JSON.dump(storage => connection_data(storage))) end def self.connection_data(storage) { 'address' => address(storage), 'token' => token(storage) } end # All Gitaly RPC call sites should use GitalyClient.call. This method # makes sure that per-request authentication headers are set. # # This method optionally takes a block which receives the keyword # arguments hash 'kwargs' that will be passed to gRPC. This allows the # caller to modify or augment the keyword arguments. The block must # return a hash. # # For example: # # GitalyClient.call(storage, service, rpc, request) do |kwargs| # kwargs.merge(deadline: Time.now + 10) # end # def self.call(storage, service, rpc, request, remote_storage: nil, timeout: nil) start = Gitlab::Metrics::System.monotonic_time request_hash = request.is_a?(Google::Protobuf::MessageExts) ? request.to_h : {} enforce_gitaly_request_limits(:call) kwargs = request_kwargs(storage, timeout, remote_storage: remote_storage) kwargs = yield(kwargs) if block_given? stub(service, storage).__send__(rpc, request, kwargs) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend ensure duration = Gitlab::Metrics::System.monotonic_time - start # Keep track, separately, for the performance bar self.query_time += duration if peek_enabled? add_call_details(feature: "#{service}##{rpc}", duration: duration, request: request_hash, rpc: rpc, backtrace: Gitlab::Profiler.clean_backtrace(caller)) end end def self.query_time SafeRequestStore[:gitaly_query_time] ||= 0 end def self.query_time=(duration) SafeRequestStore[:gitaly_query_time] = duration end def self.query_time_ms (self.query_time * 1000).round(2) end def self.current_transaction_labels Gitlab::Metrics::Transaction.current&.labels || {} end private_class_method :current_transaction_labels # For some time related tasks we can't rely on `Time.now` since it will be # affected by Timecop in some tests, and the clock of some gitaly-related # components (grpc's c-core and gitaly server) use system time instead of # timecop's time, so tests will fail. # `Time.at(Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_REALTIME))` will circumvent # timecop. def self.real_time Time.at(Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_REALTIME)) end private_class_method :real_time def self.authorization_token(storage) token = token(storage).to_s issued_at = real_time.to_i.to_s hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new, token, issued_at) "v2.#{hmac}.#{issued_at}" end private_class_method :authorization_token def self.request_kwargs(storage, timeout, remote_storage: nil) metadata = { 'authorization' => "Bearer #{authorization_token(storage)}", 'client_name' => CLIENT_NAME } feature_stack = Thread.current[:gitaly_feature_stack] feature = feature_stack && feature_stack[0] metadata['call_site'] = feature.to_s if feature metadata['gitaly-servers'] = address_metadata(remote_storage) if remote_storage metadata['x-gitlab-correlation-id'] = Labkit::Correlation::CorrelationId.current_id if Labkit::Correlation::CorrelationId.current_id metadata['gitaly-session-id'] = session_id if Feature::Gitaly.enabled?(Feature::Gitaly::CATFILE_CACHE) metadata.merge!(Feature::Gitaly.server_feature_flags) result = { metadata: metadata } # nil timeout indicates that we should use the default timeout = default_timeout if timeout.nil? return result unless timeout > 0 deadline = real_time + timeout result[:deadline] = deadline result end def self.session_id Gitlab::SafeRequestStore[:gitaly_session_id] ||= SecureRandom.uuid end def self.token(storage) params = Gitlab.config.repositories.storages[storage] raise "storage not found: #{storage.inspect}" if params.nil? params['gitaly_token'].presence || Gitlab.config.gitaly['token'] end # Ensures that Gitaly is not being abuse through n+1 misuse etc def self.enforce_gitaly_request_limits(call_site) # Only count limits in request-response environments (not sidekiq for example) return unless Gitlab::SafeRequestStore.active? # This is this actual number of times this call was made. Used for information purposes only actual_call_count = increment_call_count("gitaly_#{call_site}_actual") return unless enforce_gitaly_request_limits? # Check if this call is nested within a allow_n_plus_1_calls # block and skip check if it is return if get_call_count(:gitaly_call_count_exception_block_depth) > 0 # This is the count of calls outside of a `allow_n_plus_1_calls` block # It is used for enforcement but not statistics permitted_call_count = increment_call_count("gitaly_#{call_site}_permitted") count_stack return if permitted_call_count <= MAXIMUM_GITALY_CALLS raise TooManyInvocationsError.new(call_site, actual_call_count, max_call_count, max_stacks) end def self.enforce_gitaly_request_limits? # We typically don't want to enforce request limits in production # However, we have some production-like test environments, i.e., ones # where `Rails.env.production?` returns `true`. We do want to be able to # check if the limit is being exceeded while testing in those environments # In that case we can use a feature flag to indicate that we do want to # enforce request limits. return true if Feature::Gitaly.enabled?('enforce_requests_limits') !(Rails.env.production? || ENV["GITALY_DISABLE_REQUEST_LIMITS"]) end private_class_method :enforce_gitaly_request_limits? def self.allow_n_plus_1_calls return yield unless Gitlab::SafeRequestStore.active? begin increment_call_count(:gitaly_call_count_exception_block_depth) yield ensure decrement_call_count(:gitaly_call_count_exception_block_depth) end end # Normally a FindCommit RPC will cache the commit with its SHA # instead of a ref name, since it's possible the branch is mutated # afterwards. However, for read-only requests that never mutate the # branch, this method allows caching of the ref name directly. def self.allow_ref_name_caching return yield unless Gitlab::SafeRequestStore.active? return yield if ref_name_caching_allowed? begin Gitlab::SafeRequestStore[:allow_ref_name_caching] = true yield ensure Gitlab::SafeRequestStore[:allow_ref_name_caching] = false end end def self.ref_name_caching_allowed? Gitlab::SafeRequestStore[:allow_ref_name_caching] end def self.get_call_count(key) Gitlab::SafeRequestStore[key] || 0 end private_class_method :get_call_count def self.increment_call_count(key) Gitlab::SafeRequestStore[key] ||= 0 Gitlab::SafeRequestStore[key] += 1 end private_class_method :increment_call_count def self.decrement_call_count(key) Gitlab::SafeRequestStore[key] -= 1 end private_class_method :decrement_call_count # Returns the of the number of Gitaly calls made for this request def self.get_request_count get_call_count("gitaly_call_actual") end def self.reset_counts return unless Gitlab::SafeRequestStore.active? Gitlab::SafeRequestStore["gitaly_call_actual"] = 0 Gitlab::SafeRequestStore["gitaly_call_permitted"] = 0 end def self.peek_enabled? Gitlab::SafeRequestStore[:peek_enabled] end def self.add_call_details(details) Gitlab::SafeRequestStore['gitaly_call_details'] ||= [] Gitlab::SafeRequestStore['gitaly_call_details'] << details end def self.list_call_details return [] unless peek_enabled? Gitlab::SafeRequestStore['gitaly_call_details'] || [] end def self.expected_server_version path = Rails.root.join(SERVER_VERSION_FILE) path.read.chomp end def self.timestamp(time) Google::Protobuf::Timestamp.new(seconds: time.to_i) end # The default timeout on all Gitaly calls def self.default_timeout return no_timeout if Sidekiq.server? timeout(:gitaly_timeout_default) end def self.fast_timeout timeout(:gitaly_timeout_fast) end def self.medium_timeout timeout(:gitaly_timeout_medium) end def self.no_timeout 0 end def self.storage_metadata_file_path(storage) Gitlab::GitalyClient::StorageSettings.allow_disk_access do File.join( Gitlab.config.repositories.storages[storage].legacy_disk_path, GITALY_METADATA_FILENAME ) end end def self.can_use_disk?(storage) cached_value = MUTEX.synchronize do @can_use_disk ||= {} @can_use_disk[storage] end return cached_value unless cached_value.nil? gitaly_filesystem_id = filesystem_id(storage) direct_filesystem_id = filesystem_id_from_disk(storage) MUTEX.synchronize do @can_use_disk[storage] = gitaly_filesystem_id.present? && gitaly_filesystem_id == direct_filesystem_id end end def self.filesystem_id(storage) response = Gitlab::GitalyClient::ServerService.new(storage).info storage_status = response.storage_statuses.find { |status| status.storage_name == storage } storage_status.filesystem_id end def self.filesystem_id_from_disk(storage) metadata_file = File.read(storage_metadata_file_path(storage)) metadata_hash = JSON.parse(metadata_file) metadata_hash['gitaly_filesystem_id'] rescue Errno::ENOENT, JSON::ParserError nil end def self.timeout(timeout_name) Gitlab::CurrentSettings.current_application_settings[timeout_name] end private_class_method :timeout # Count a stack. Used for n+1 detection def self.count_stack return unless Gitlab::SafeRequestStore.active? stack_string = Gitlab::Profiler.clean_backtrace(caller).drop(1).join("\n") Gitlab::SafeRequestStore[:stack_counter] ||= Hash.new count = Gitlab::SafeRequestStore[:stack_counter][stack_string] || 0 Gitlab::SafeRequestStore[:stack_counter][stack_string] = count + 1 end private_class_method :count_stack # Returns a count for the stack which called Gitaly the most times. Used for n+1 detection def self.max_call_count return 0 unless Gitlab::SafeRequestStore.active? stack_counter = Gitlab::SafeRequestStore[:stack_counter] return 0 unless stack_counter stack_counter.values.max end private_class_method :max_call_count # Returns the stacks that calls Gitaly the most times. Used for n+1 detection def self.max_stacks return unless Gitlab::SafeRequestStore.active? stack_counter = Gitlab::SafeRequestStore[:stack_counter] return unless stack_counter max = max_call_count return if max.zero? stack_counter.select { |_, v| v == max }.keys end private_class_method :max_stacks end end