--- stage: none group: unassigned info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments --- # Review Apps Review Apps are deployed using the `start-review-app-pipeline` job. This job triggers a child pipeline containing a series of jobs to perform the various tasks needed to deploy a Review App. ![start-review-app-pipeline job](img/review-app-parent-pipeline.png) For any of the following scenarios, the `start-review-app-pipeline` job would be automatically started: - for merge requests with CI configuration changes - for merge requests with frontend changes - for merge requests with changes to `{,ee/,jh/}{app/controllers}/**/*` - for merge requests with changes to `{,ee/,jh/}{app/models}/**/*` - for merge requests with changes to `{,ee/,jh/}lib/{,ee/,jh/}gitlab/**/*` - for merge requests with QA changes - for scheduled pipelines - the MR has the `pipeline:run-review-app` label set ## QA runs on Review Apps On every [pipeline](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/pipelines/125315730) in the `qa` stage (which comes after the `review` stage), the `review-qa-smoke` and `review-qa-reliable` jobs are automatically started. The `review-qa-smoke` runs the QA smoke suite and the `review-qa-reliable` executes E2E tests identified as [reliable](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/quality/quality-engineering/reliable-tests). You can also manually start the `review-qa-all`: it runs the full QA suite. After the end-to-end test runs have finished, [Allure reports](https://github.com/allure-framework/allure2) are generated and published by the `allure-report-qa-smoke`, `allure-report-qa-reliable`, and `allure-report-qa-all` jobs. A comment with links to the reports are added to the merge request. Errors can be found in the `gitlab-review-apps` Sentry project and [filterable by Review App URL](https://sentry.gitlab.net/gitlab/gitlab-review-apps/?query=url%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fgitlab-review-require-ve-u92nn2.gitlab-review.app%2F%22) or [commit SHA](https://sentry.gitlab.net/gitlab/gitlab-review-apps/releases/6095b501da7/all-events/). ## Performance Metrics On every [pipeline](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/pipelines/125315730) in the `qa` stage, the `review-performance` job is automatically started: this job does basic browser performance testing using a [Sitespeed.io Container](../../user/project/merge_requests/browser_performance_testing.md). ## Sample Data for Review Apps Upon deployment of a review app, project data is created from the [`sample-gitlab-project`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/sample-data-templates/sample-gitlab-project) template project. This aims to provide projects with prepopulated resources to facilitate manual and exploratory testing. The sample projects will be created in the `root` user namespace and can be accessed from the personal projects list for that user. ## How to ### Redeploy Review App from a clean slate To reset Review App and redeploy from a clean slate, do the following: 1. Run `review-stop` job. 1. Re-deploy by running or retrying `review-deploy` job. Doing this will remove all existing data from a previously deployed Review App. ### Get access to the GCP Review Apps cluster You need to [open an access request (internal link)](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/access-requests/-/issues/new) for the `gcp-review-apps-dev` GCP group and role. This grants you the following permissions for: - [Retrieving pod logs](#dig-into-a-pods-logs). Granted by [Viewer (`roles/viewer`)](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/understanding-roles#kubernetes-engine-roles). - [Running a Rails console](#run-a-rails-console). Granted by [Kubernetes Engine Developer (`roles/container.pods.exec`)](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/understanding-roles#kubernetes-engine-roles). ### Log into my Review App For GitLab Team Members only. If you want to sign in to the review app, review the GitLab handbook information for the [shared 1Password account](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/security/#1password-for-teams). - The default username is `root`. - The password can be found in the 1Password login item named `GitLab EE Review App`. ### Enable a feature flag for my Review App 1. Open your Review App and log in as documented above. 1. Create a personal access token. 1. Enable the feature flag using the [Feature flag API](../../api/features.md). ### Find my Review App slug 1. Open the `review-deploy` job. 1. Look for `** Deploying review-*`. 1. For instance for `** Deploying review-1234-abc-defg... **`, your Review App slug would be `review-1234-abc-defg` in this case. ### Run a Rails console 1. Make sure you [have access to the cluster](#get-access-to-the-gcp-review-apps-cluster) and the `container.pods.exec` permission first. 1. [Filter Workloads by your Review App slug](https://console.cloud.google.com/kubernetes/workload?project=gitlab-review-apps). For example, `review-qa-raise-e-12chm0`. 1. Find and open the `toolbox` Deployment. For example, `review-qa-raise-e-12chm0-toolbox`. 1. Click on the Pod in the "Managed pods" section. For example, `review-qa-raise-e-12chm0-toolbox-d5455cc8-2lsvz`. 1. Click on the `KUBECTL` dropdown, then `Exec` -> `toolbox`. 1. Replace `-c toolbox -- ls` with `-it -- gitlab-rails console` from the default command or - Run `kubectl exec --namespace review-qa-raise-e-12chm0 review-qa-raise-e-12chm0-toolbox-d5455cc8-2lsvz -it -- gitlab-rails console` and - Replace `review-qa-raise-e-12chm0-toolbox-d5455cc8-2lsvz` with your Pod's name. ### Dig into a Pod's logs 1. Make sure you [have access to the cluster](#get-access-to-the-gcp-review-apps-cluster) and the `container.pods.getLogs` permission first. 1. [Filter Workloads by your Review App slug](https://console.cloud.google.com/kubernetes/workload?project=gitlab-review-apps). For example, `review-qa-raise-e-12chm0`. 1. Find and open the `migrations` Deployment. For example, `review-qa-raise-e-12chm0-migrations.1`. 1. Click on the Pod in the "Managed pods" section. For example, `review-qa-raise-e-12chm0-migrations.1-nqwtx`. 1. Click on the `Container logs` link. Alternatively, you could use the [Logs Explorer](https://console.cloud.google.com/logs/query;query=?project=gitlab-review-apps) which provides more utility to search logs. An example query for a pod name is as follows: ```shell resource.labels.pod_name:"review-qa-raise-e-12chm0-migrations" ``` ## How does it work? ### CI/CD architecture diagram ```mermaid graph TD A["build-qa-image, compile-production-assets
(canonical default refs only)"]; B[review-build-cng]; C[review-deploy]; D[CNG-mirror]; E[review-qa-smoke, review-qa-reliable]; A -->|once the `prepare` stage is done| B B -.->|triggers a CNG-mirror pipeline and wait for it to be done| D D -.->|polls until completed| B B -->|once the `review-build-cng` job is done| C C -->|once the `review-deploy` job is done| E subgraph "1. gitlab `prepare` stage" A end subgraph "2. gitlab `review-prepare` stage" B end subgraph "3. gitlab `review` stage" C["review-deploy

Helm deploys the Review App using the Cloud
Native images built by the CNG-mirror pipeline.

Cloud Native images are deployed to the `review-apps`
Kubernetes (GKE) cluster, in the GCP `gitlab-review-apps` project."] end subgraph "4. gitlab `qa` stage" E[review-qa-smoke, review-qa-reliable

gitlab-qa runs the smoke and reliable suites against the Review App.] end subgraph "CNG-mirror pipeline" D>Cloud Native images are built]; end ``` ### Detailed explanation 1. On every [pipeline](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/pipelines/125315730) during the `prepare` stage, the [`compile-production-assets`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/jobs/641770154) job is automatically started. - Once it's done, the [`review-build-cng`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/jobs/467724808) job starts since the [`CNG-mirror`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/build/CNG-mirror) pipeline triggered in the following step depends on it. 1. Once `compile-production-assets` is done, the [`review-build-cng`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/jobs/467724808) job [triggers a pipeline](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/build/CNG-mirror/pipelines/44364657) in the [`CNG-mirror`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/build/CNG-mirror) project. - The `review-build-cng` job automatically starts only if your MR includes [CI or frontend changes](../pipelines.md#changes-patterns). In other cases, the job is manual. - The [`CNG-mirror`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/build/CNG-mirror/pipelines/44364657) pipeline creates the Docker images of each component (for example, `gitlab-rails-ee`, `gitlab-shell`, `gitaly` etc.) based on the commit from the [GitLab pipeline](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/pipelines/125315730) and stores them in its [registry](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/build/CNG-mirror/container_registry). - We use the [`CNG-mirror`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/build/CNG-mirror) project so that the `CNG`, (Cloud Native GitLab), project's registry is not overloaded with a lot of transient Docker images. 1. Once `review-build-cng` is done, the [`review-deploy`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/jobs/467724810) job deploys the Review App using [the official GitLab Helm chart](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/charts/gitlab/) to the [`review-apps`](https://console.cloud.google.com/kubernetes/clusters/details/us-central1-b/review-apps?project=gitlab-review-apps) Kubernetes cluster on GCP. - The actual scripts used to deploy the Review App can be found at [`scripts/review_apps/review-apps.sh`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/scripts/review_apps/review-apps.sh). - These scripts are basically [our official Auto DevOps scripts](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Auto-DevOps.gitlab-ci.yml) where the default CNG images are overridden with the images built and stored in the [`CNG-mirror` project's registry](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/build/CNG-mirror/container_registry). - Since we're using [the official GitLab Helm chart](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/charts/gitlab/), this means you get a dedicated environment for your branch that's very close to what it would look in production. - Each review app is deployed to its own Kubernetes namespace. The namespace is based on the Review App slug that is unique to each branch. 1. Once the [`review-deploy`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/jobs/467724810) job succeeds, you should be able to use your Review App thanks to the direct link to it from the MR widget. To log into the Review App, see "Log into my Review App?" below. **Additional notes:** - If the `review-deploy` job keeps failing (and a manual retry didn't help), please post a message in the `#g_qe_engineering_productivity` channel and/or create a `~"Engineering Productivity"` `~"ep::review apps"` `~"type::bug"` issue with a link to your merge request. Note that the deployment failure can reveal an actual problem introduced in your merge request (that is, this isn't necessarily a transient failure)! - If the `review-qa-smoke` or `review-qa-reliable` job keeps failing, please check the job's logs: you could discover an actual problem introduced in your merge request. You can also download the artifacts to see screenshots of the page at the time the failures occurred. If you don't find the cause of the failure or if it seems unrelated to your change, please post a message in the `#quality` channel and/or create a ~Quality ~"type::bug" issue with a link to your merge request. - The manual `review-stop` can be used to stop a Review App manually, and is also started by GitLab once a merge request's branch is deleted after being merged. - The Kubernetes cluster is connected to the `gitlab` projects using the [GitLab Kubernetes integration](../../user/infrastructure/clusters/index.md). This basically allows to have a link to the Review App directly from the merge request widget. ### Auto-stopping of Review Apps Review Apps are automatically stopped 2 days after the last deployment thanks to the [Environment auto-stop](../../ci/environments/index.md#stop-an-environment-after-a-certain-time-period) feature. If you need your Review App to stay up for a longer time, you can [pin its environment](../../ci/environments/index.md#override-a-deployments-scheduled-stop-time) or retry the `review-deploy` job to update the "latest deployed at" time. The `review-cleanup` job that automatically runs in scheduled pipelines stops stale Review Apps after 5 days, deletes their environment after 6 days, and cleans up any dangling Helm releases and Kubernetes resources after 7 days. ## Cluster configuration The cluster is configured via Terraform in the [`engineering-productivity-infrastructure`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/quality/engineering-productivity-infrastructure) project. Node pool image type must be `Container-Optimized OS (cos)`, not `Container-Optimized OS with Containerd (cos_containerd)`, due to this [known issue on the Kubernetes executor for GitLab Runner](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/4755) ### Helm The Helm version used is defined in the [`registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-build-images:gitlab-helm3-kubectl1.14` image](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-build-images/-/blob/master/Dockerfile.gitlab-helm3-kubectl1.14#L7) used by the `review-deploy` and `review-stop` jobs. ## Diagnosing unhealthy Review App releases If [Review App Stability](https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/496118/Engineering-Productivity-Sandbox?widget=6690556&udv=785399) dips this may be a signal that the `review-apps` cluster is unhealthy. Leading indicators may be health check failures leading to restarts or majority failure for Review App deployments. The [Review Apps Overview dashboard](https://console.cloud.google.com/monitoring/classic/dashboards/6798952013815386466?project=gitlab-review-apps&timeDomain=1d) aids in identifying load spikes on the cluster, and if nodes are problematic or the entire cluster is trending towards unhealthy. See the [review apps page of the Engineering Productivity Runbook](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/quality/engineering-productivity/team/-/blob/main/runbook/review-apps.md) for troubleshooting review app releases. ## Frequently Asked Questions **Isn't it too much to trigger CNG image builds on every test run? This creates thousands of unused Docker images.** > We have to start somewhere and improve later. Also, we're using the > CNG-mirror project to store these Docker images so that we can just wipe out > the registry at some point, and use a new fresh, empty one. **How do we secure this from abuse? Apps are open to the world so we need to find a way to limit it to only us.** > This isn't enabled for forks. ## Other resources - [Review Apps integration for CE/EE (presentation)](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1QPLr6FO4LduROU8pQIPkX1yfGvD13GEJIBOenqoKxR8/edit?usp=sharing) - [Stability issues](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/quality/team-tasks/-/issues/212) ### Helpful command line tools - [K9s](https://github.com/derailed/k9s) - enables CLI dashboard across pods and enabling filtering by labels - [Stern](https://github.com/wercker/stern) - enables cross pod log tailing based on label/field selectors --- [Return to Testing documentation](index.md)