module Gitlab module ImportExport class FileImporter include Gitlab::ImportExport::CommandLineUtil MAX_RETRIES = 8 def self.import(*args) new(*args).import end def initialize(archive_file:, shared:) @archive_file = archive_file @shared = shared end def import mkdir_p(@shared.export_path) wait_for_archived_file do decompress_archive end rescue => e @shared.error(e) false end private # Exponentially sleep until I/O finishes copying the file def wait_for_archived_file MAX_RETRIES.times do |retry_number| break if File.exist?(@archive_file) sleep(2**retry_number) end yield end def decompress_archive result = untar_zxf(archive: @archive_file, dir: @shared.export_path) raise"Unable to decompress #{@archive_file} into #{@shared.export_path}") unless result remove_symlinks! end def remove_symlinks! Dir["#{@shared.export_path}/**/*"].each do |path| FileUtils.rm(path) if File.lstat(path).symlink? end true end end end end