require 'carrierwave/orm/activerecord' class Project < ActiveRecord::Base include Gitlab::ConfigHelper include Gitlab::ShellAdapter include Gitlab::VisibilityLevel include Gitlab::CurrentSettings include AccessRequestable include Referable include Sortable include AfterCommitQueue include CaseSensitivity include TokenAuthenticatable extend Gitlab::ConfigHelper UNKNOWN_IMPORT_URL = 'http://unknown.git' default_value_for :archived, false default_value_for :visibility_level, gitlab_config_features.visibility_level default_value_for :issues_enabled, gitlab_config_features.issues default_value_for :merge_requests_enabled, gitlab_config_features.merge_requests default_value_for :builds_enabled, gitlab_config_features.builds default_value_for :wiki_enabled, default_value_for :snippets_enabled, gitlab_config_features.snippets default_value_for :container_registry_enabled, gitlab_config_features.container_registry default_value_for(:repository_storage) { current_application_settings.repository_storage } default_value_for(:shared_runners_enabled) { current_application_settings.shared_runners_enabled } after_create :ensure_dir_exist after_save :ensure_dir_exist, if: :namespace_id_changed? # set last_activity_at to the same as created_at after_create :set_last_activity_at def set_last_activity_at update_column(:last_activity_at, self.created_at) end # update visibility_level of forks after_update :update_forks_visibility_level def update_forks_visibility_level return unless visibility_level < visibility_level_was forks.each do |forked_project| if forked_project.visibility_level > visibility_level forked_project.visibility_level = visibility_level! end end end ActsAsTaggableOn.strict_case_match = true acts_as_taggable_on :tags attr_accessor :new_default_branch attr_accessor :old_path_with_namespace alias_attribute :title, :name # Relations belongs_to :creator, foreign_key: 'creator_id', class_name: 'User' belongs_to :group, -> { where(type: Group) }, foreign_key: 'namespace_id' belongs_to :namespace has_one :board, dependent: :destroy has_one :last_event, -> {order 'events.created_at DESC'}, class_name: 'Event', foreign_key: 'project_id' # Project services has_many :services has_one :campfire_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :drone_ci_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :emails_on_push_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :builds_email_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :irker_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :pivotaltracker_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :hipchat_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :flowdock_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :assembla_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :asana_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :gemnasium_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :slack_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :buildkite_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :bamboo_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :teamcity_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :pushover_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :jira_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :redmine_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :custom_issue_tracker_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :bugzilla_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :gitlab_issue_tracker_service, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :project has_one :external_wiki_service, dependent: :destroy has_one :forked_project_link, dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: "forked_to_project_id" has_one :forked_from_project, through: :forked_project_link has_many :forked_project_links, foreign_key: "forked_from_project_id" has_many :forks, through: :forked_project_links, source: :forked_to_project # Merge Requests for target project should be removed with it has_many :merge_requests, dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: 'target_project_id' # Merge requests from source project should be kept when source project was removed has_many :fork_merge_requests, foreign_key: 'source_project_id', class_name: MergeRequest has_many :issues, dependent: :destroy has_many :labels, dependent: :destroy has_many :services, dependent: :destroy has_many :events, dependent: :destroy has_many :milestones, dependent: :destroy has_many :notes, dependent: :destroy has_many :snippets, dependent: :destroy, class_name: 'ProjectSnippet' has_many :hooks, dependent: :destroy, class_name: 'ProjectHook' has_many :protected_branches, dependent: :destroy has_many :project_members, -> { where(requested_at: nil) }, dependent: :destroy, as: :source, class_name: 'ProjectMember' alias_method :members, :project_members has_many :users, through: :project_members has_many :requesters, -> { where.not(requested_at: nil) }, dependent: :destroy, as: :source, class_name: 'ProjectMember' has_many :deploy_keys_projects, dependent: :destroy has_many :deploy_keys, through: :deploy_keys_projects has_many :users_star_projects, dependent: :destroy has_many :starrers, through: :users_star_projects, source: :user has_many :releases, dependent: :destroy has_many :lfs_objects_projects, dependent: :destroy has_many :lfs_objects, through: :lfs_objects_projects has_many :project_group_links, dependent: :destroy has_many :invited_groups, through: :project_group_links, source: :group has_many :todos, dependent: :destroy has_many :notification_settings, dependent: :destroy, as: :source has_one :import_data, dependent: :destroy, class_name: "ProjectImportData" has_many :commit_statuses, dependent: :destroy, class_name: 'CommitStatus', foreign_key: :gl_project_id has_many :pipelines, dependent: :destroy, class_name: 'Ci::Pipeline', foreign_key: :gl_project_id has_many :builds, class_name: 'Ci::Build', foreign_key: :gl_project_id # the builds are created from the commit_statuses has_many :runner_projects, dependent: :destroy, class_name: 'Ci::RunnerProject', foreign_key: :gl_project_id has_many :runners, through: :runner_projects, source: :runner, class_name: 'Ci::Runner' has_many :variables, dependent: :destroy, class_name: 'Ci::Variable', foreign_key: :gl_project_id has_many :triggers, dependent: :destroy, class_name: 'Ci::Trigger', foreign_key: :gl_project_id has_many :environments, dependent: :destroy has_many :deployments, dependent: :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :variables, allow_destroy: true delegate :name, to: :owner, allow_nil: true, prefix: true delegate :members, to: :team, prefix: true # Validations validates :creator, presence: true, on: :create validates :description, length: { maximum: 2000 }, allow_blank: true validates :name, presence: true, length: { within: 0..255 }, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.project_name_regex, message: Gitlab::Regex.project_name_regex_message } validates :path, presence: true, length: { within: 0..255 }, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.project_path_regex, message: Gitlab::Regex.project_path_regex_message } validates :issues_enabled, :merge_requests_enabled, :wiki_enabled, inclusion: { in: [true, false] } validates :namespace, presence: true validates_uniqueness_of :name, scope: :namespace_id validates_uniqueness_of :path, scope: :namespace_id validates :import_url, addressable_url: true, if: :external_import? validates :star_count, numericality: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 } validate :check_limit, on: :create validate :avatar_type, if: ->(project) { project.avatar.present? && project.avatar_changed? } validates :avatar, file_size: { maximum: 200.kilobytes.to_i } validate :visibility_level_allowed_by_group validate :visibility_level_allowed_as_fork validate :check_wiki_path_conflict validates :repository_storage, presence: true, inclusion: { in: ->(_object) { Gitlab.config.repositories.storages.keys } } add_authentication_token_field :runners_token before_save :ensure_runners_token mount_uploader :avatar, AvatarUploader # Scopes default_scope { where(pending_delete: false) } scope :sorted_by_activity, -> { reorder(last_activity_at: :desc) } scope :sorted_by_stars, -> { reorder('projects.star_count DESC') } scope :in_namespace, ->(namespace_ids) { where(namespace_id: namespace_ids) } scope :personal, ->(user) { where(namespace_id: user.namespace_id) } scope :joined, ->(user) { where('namespace_id != ?', user.namespace_id) } scope :visible_to_user, ->(user) { where(id: } scope :non_archived, -> { where(archived: false) } scope :for_milestones, ->(ids) { joins(:milestones).where('' => ids).distinct } scope :with_push, -> { joins(:events).where('events.action = ?', Event::PUSHED) } scope :active, -> { joins(:issues, :notes, :merge_requests).order('issues.created_at, notes.created_at, merge_requests.created_at DESC') } scope :abandoned, -> { where('projects.last_activity_at < ?', 6.months.ago) } scope :excluding_project, ->(project) { where.not(id: project) } state_machine :import_status, initial: :none do event :import_start do transition [:none, :finished] => :started end event :import_finish do transition started: :finished end event :import_fail do transition started: :failed end event :import_retry do transition failed: :started end state :started state :finished state :failed after_transition any => :finished, do: :reset_cache_and_import_attrs end class << self # Searches for a list of projects based on the query given in `query`. # # On PostgreSQL this method uses "ILIKE" to perform a case-insensitive # search. On MySQL a regular "LIKE" is used as it's already # case-insensitive. # # query - The search query as a String. def search(query) ptable = arel_table ntable = Namespace.arel_table pattern = "%#{query}%" projects = select(:id).where( ptable[:path].matches(pattern). or(ptable[:name].matches(pattern)). or(ptable[:description].matches(pattern)) ) # We explicitly remove any eager loading clauses as they're: # # 1. Not needed by this query # 2. Combined with .joins(:namespace) lead to all columns from the # projects & namespaces tables being selected, leading to a SQL error # due to the columns of all UNION'd queries no longer being the same. namespaces = select(:id). except(:includes). joins(:namespace). where(ntable[:name].matches(pattern)) union =[projects, namespaces]) where(" IN (#{union.to_sql})") end def search_by_visibility(level) where(visibility_level: Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.const_get(level.upcase)) end def search_by_title(query) pattern = "%#{query}%" table = Project.arel_table non_archived.where(table[:name].matches(pattern)) end # Finds a single project for the given path. # # path - The full project path (including namespace path). # # Returns a Project, or nil if no project could be found. def find_with_namespace(path) namespace_path, project_path = path.split('/', 2) return unless namespace_path && project_path namespace_path = connection.quote(namespace_path) project_path = connection.quote(project_path) # On MySQL we want to ensure the ORDER BY uses a case-sensitive match so # any literal matches come first, for this we have to use "BINARY". # Without this there's still no guarantee in what order MySQL will return # rows. binary = Gitlab::Database.mysql? ? 'BINARY' : '' order_sql = "(CASE WHEN #{binary} namespaces.path = #{namespace_path} " \ "AND #{binary} projects.path = #{project_path} THEN 0 ELSE 1 END)" where_paths_in([path]).reorder(order_sql).take end # Builds a relation to find multiple projects by their full paths. # # Each path must be in the following format: # # namespace_path/project_path # # For example: # # gitlab-org/gitlab-ce # # Usage: # # Project.where_paths_in(%w{gitlab-org/gitlab-ce gitlab-org/gitlab-ee}) # # This would return the projects with the full paths matching the values # given. # # paths - An Array of full paths (namespace path + project path) for which # to find the projects. # # Returns an ActiveRecord::Relation. def where_paths_in(paths) wheres = [] cast_lower = Gitlab::Database.postgresql? paths.each do |path| namespace_path, project_path = path.split('/', 2) next unless namespace_path && project_path namespace_path = connection.quote(namespace_path) project_path = connection.quote(project_path) where = "(namespaces.path = #{namespace_path} AND projects.path = #{project_path})" if cast_lower where = "( #{where} OR ( LOWER(namespaces.path) = LOWER(#{namespace_path}) AND LOWER(projects.path) = LOWER(#{project_path}) ) )" end wheres << where end if wheres.empty? none else joins(:namespace).where(wheres.join(' OR ')) end end def visibility_levels Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.options end def sort(method) if method == 'repository_size_desc' reorder(repository_size: :desc, id: :desc) else order_by(method) end end def reference_pattern name_pattern = Gitlab::Regex::NAMESPACE_REGEX_STR %r{(?#{name_pattern}/#{name_pattern})} end def trending(since = 1.month.ago) # By counting in the JOIN we don't expose the GROUP BY to the outer query. # This means that calls such as "any?" and "count" just return a number of # the total count, instead of the counts grouped per project as a Hash. join_body = "INNER JOIN ( SELECT project_id, COUNT(*) AS amount FROM notes WHERE created_at >= #{sanitize(since)} GROUP BY project_id ) join_note_counts ON = join_note_counts.project_id" joins(join_body).reorder('join_note_counts.amount DESC') end def cached_count Rails.cache.fetch('total_project_count', expires_in: 5.minutes) do Project.count end end end def repository_storage_path Gitlab.config.repositories.storages[repository_storage] end def team @team ||= end def repository @repository ||=, self) end def container_registry_path_with_namespace path_with_namespace.downcase end def container_registry_repository return unless Gitlab.config.registry.enabled @container_registry_repository ||= begin token = Auth::ContainerRegistryAuthenticationService.full_access_token(container_registry_path_with_namespace) url = Gitlab.config.registry.api_url host_port = Gitlab.config.registry.host_port registry =, token: token, path: host_port) registry.repository(container_registry_path_with_namespace) end end def container_registry_repository_url if Gitlab.config.registry.enabled "#{Gitlab.config.registry.host_port}/#{container_registry_path_with_namespace}" end end def has_container_registry_tags? return unless container_registry_repository container_registry_repository.tags.any? end def commit(ref = 'HEAD') repository.commit(ref) end # ref can't be HEAD, can only be branch/tag name or SHA def latest_successful_builds_for(ref = default_branch) latest_pipeline = pipelines.latest_successful_for(ref) if latest_pipeline latest_pipeline.builds.latest.with_artifacts else builds.none end end def merge_base_commit(first_commit_id, second_commit_id) sha = repository.merge_base(first_commit_id, second_commit_id) repository.commit(sha) if sha end def saved? id && persisted? end def add_import_job if forked? job_id = RepositoryForkWorker.perform_async(id, forked_from_project.repository_storage_path, forked_from_project.path_with_namespace, self.namespace.path) else job_id = RepositoryImportWorker.perform_async( end if job_id "Import job started for #{path_with_namespace} with job ID #{job_id}" else Rails.logger.error "Import job failed to start for #{path_with_namespace}" end end def reset_cache_and_import_attrs ProjectCacheWorker.perform_async( self.import_data.destroy if self.import_data end def import_url=(value) return super(value) unless Gitlab::UrlSanitizer.valid?(value) import_url = super(import_url.sanitized_url) create_or_update_import_data(credentials: import_url.credentials) end def import_url if import_data && super import_url =, credentials: import_data.credentials) import_url.full_url else super end end def valid_import_url? valid? || errors.messages[:import_url].nil? end def create_or_update_import_data(data: nil, credentials: nil) return unless import_url.present? && valid_import_url? project_import_data = import_data || build_import_data if data ||= {} = end if credentials project_import_data.credentials ||= {} project_import_data.credentials = project_import_data.credentials.merge(credentials) end end def import? external_import? || forked? || gitlab_project_import? end def no_import? import_status == 'none' end def external_import? import_url.present? end def imported? import_finished? end def import_in_progress? import? && import_status == 'started' end def import_failed? import_status == 'failed' end def import_finished? import_status == 'finished' end def safe_import_url end def gitlab_project_import? import_type == 'gitlab_project' end def check_limit unless creator.can_create_project? or namespace.kind == 'group' projects_limit = creator.projects_limit if projects_limit == 0 self.errors.add(:limit_reached, "Personal project creation is not allowed. Please contact your administrator with questions") else self.errors.add(:limit_reached, "Your project limit is #{projects_limit} projects! Please contact your administrator to increase it") end end rescue self.errors.add(:base, "Can't check your ability to create project") end def visibility_level_allowed_by_group return if visibility_level_allowed_by_group? level_name = Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.level_name(self.visibility_level).downcase group_level_name = Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.level_name( self.errors.add(:visibility_level, "#{level_name} is not allowed in a #{group_level_name} group.") end def visibility_level_allowed_as_fork return if visibility_level_allowed_as_fork? level_name = Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.level_name(self.visibility_level).downcase self.errors.add(:visibility_level, "#{level_name} is not allowed since the fork source project has lower visibility.") end def check_wiki_path_conflict return if path.blank? path_to_check = path.ends_with?('.wiki') ? path.chomp('.wiki') : "#{path}.wiki" if Project.where(namespace_id: namespace_id, path: path_to_check).exists? errors.add(:name, 'has already been taken') end end def to_param if persisted? && errors.include?(:path) path_was else path end end def to_reference(_from_project = nil) path_with_namespace end def web_url Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.namespace_project_url(self.namespace, self) end def web_url_without_protocol web_url.split('://')[1] end def new_issue_address(author) # This feature is disabled for the time being. return nil if Gitlab::IncomingEmail.enabled? && author # rubocop:disable Lint/UnreachableCode Gitlab::IncomingEmail.reply_address( "#{path_with_namespace}+#{author.authentication_token}") end end def build_commit_note(commit), noteable_type: 'Commit') end def last_activity last_event end def last_activity_date last_activity_at || updated_at end def project_id end def get_issue(issue_id) if default_issues_tracker? issues.find_by(iid: issue_id) else, self) end end def issue_exists?(issue_id) get_issue(issue_id) end def default_issue_tracker gitlab_issue_tracker_service || create_gitlab_issue_tracker_service end def issues_tracker if external_issue_tracker external_issue_tracker else default_issue_tracker end end def default_issues_tracker? !external_issue_tracker end def external_issue_tracker if has_external_issue_tracker.nil? # To populate existing projects cache_has_external_issue_tracker end if has_external_issue_tracker? return @external_issue_tracker if defined?(@external_issue_tracker) @external_issue_tracker = services.external_issue_trackers.first else nil end end def cache_has_external_issue_tracker update_column(:has_external_issue_tracker, services.external_issue_trackers.any?) end def has_wiki? wiki_enabled? || has_external_wiki? end def external_wiki if has_external_wiki.nil? cache_has_external_wiki # Populate end if has_external_wiki @external_wiki ||= services.external_wikis.first else nil end end def cache_has_external_wiki update_column(:has_external_wiki, services.external_wikis.any?) end def build_missing_services services_templates = Service.where(template: true) Service.available_services_names.each do |service_name| service = find_service(services, service_name) # If service is available but missing in db if service.nil? # We should check if template for the service exists template = find_service(services_templates, service_name) if template.nil? # If no template, we should create an instance. Ex `create_gitlab_ci_service` self.send :"create_#{service_name}_service" else Service.create_from_template(, template) end end end end def create_labels Label.templates.each do |label| label = label.dup label.template = nil label.project_id = end end def find_service(list, name) list.find { |service| service.to_param == name } end def ci_services services.where(category: :ci) end def ci_service @ci_service ||= ci_services.reorder(nil).find_by(active: true) end def jira_tracker? issues_tracker.to_param == 'jira' end def avatar_type unless self.avatar.image? self.errors.add :avatar, 'only images allowed' end end def avatar_in_git repository.avatar end def avatar_url if self[:avatar].present? [gitlab_config.url, avatar.url].join elsif avatar_in_git Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.namespace_project_avatar_url(namespace, self) end end # For compatibility with old code def code path end def items_for(entity) case entity when 'issue' then issues when 'merge_request' then merge_requests end end def send_move_instructions(old_path_with_namespace) # New project path needs to be committed to the DB or notification will # retrieve stale information run_after_commit {, old_path_with_namespace) } end def owner if group group else namespace.try(:owner) end end def name_with_namespace @name_with_namespace ||= begin if namespace namespace.human_name + ' / ' + name else name end end end alias_method :human_name, :name_with_namespace def path_with_namespace if namespace namespace.path + '/' + path else path end end def execute_hooks(data, hooks_scope = :push_hooks) hooks.send(hooks_scope).each do |hook| hook.async_execute(data, hooks_scope.to_s) end end def execute_services(data, hooks_scope = :push_hooks) # Call only service hooks that are active for this scope services.send(hooks_scope).each do |service| service.async_execute(data) end end def update_merge_requests(oldrev, newrev, ref, user), user). execute(oldrev, newrev, ref) end def valid_repo? repository.exists? rescue errors.add(:path, 'Invalid repository path') false end def empty_repo? !repository.exists? || !repository.has_visible_content? end def repo repository.raw end def url_to_repo gitlab_shell.url_to_repo(path_with_namespace) end def namespace_dir namespace.try(:path) || '' end def repo_exists? @repo_exists ||= repository.exists? rescue @repo_exists = false end # Branches that are not _exactly_ matched by a protected branch. def open_branches exact_protected_branch_names = protected_branches.reject(&:wildcard?).map(&:name) branch_names = non_open_branch_names = repository.branches.reject { |branch| non_open_branch_names.include? } end def root_ref?(branch) repository.root_ref == branch end def ssh_url_to_repo url_to_repo end def http_url_to_repo "#{web_url}.git" end # Check if current branch name is marked as protected in the system def protected_branch?(branch_name) return true if empty_repo? && default_branch_protected? @protected_branches ||= self.protected_branches.to_a ProtectedBranch.matching(branch_name, protected_branches: @protected_branches).present? end def user_can_push_to_empty_repo?(user) !default_branch_protected? || team.max_member_access( > Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER end def forked? !(forked_project_link.nil? || forked_project_link.forked_from_project.nil?) end def personal? !group end def rename_repo path_was = previous_changes['path'].first old_path_with_namespace = File.join(namespace_dir, path_was) new_path_with_namespace = File.join(namespace_dir, path) Rails.logger.error "Attempting to rename #{old_path_with_namespace} -> #{new_path_with_namespace}" expire_caches_before_rename(old_path_with_namespace) if has_container_registry_tags? Rails.logger.error "Project #{old_path_with_namespace} cannot be renamed because container registry tags are present" # we currently doesn't support renaming repository if it contains tags in container registry raise'Project cannot be renamed, because tags are present in its container registry') end if gitlab_shell.mv_repository(repository_storage_path, old_path_with_namespace, new_path_with_namespace) # If repository moved successfully we need to send update instructions to users. # However we cannot allow rollback since we moved repository # So we basically we mute exceptions in next actions begin gitlab_shell.mv_repository(repository_storage_path, "#{old_path_with_namespace}.wiki", "#{new_path_with_namespace}.wiki") send_move_instructions(old_path_with_namespace) reset_events_cache @old_path_with_namespace = old_path_with_namespace, :rename) @repository = nil rescue => e Rails.logger.error "Exception renaming #{old_path_with_namespace} -> #{new_path_with_namespace}: #{e}" # Returning false does not rollback after_* transaction but gives # us information about failing some of tasks false end else Rails.logger.error "Repository could not be renamed: #{old_path_with_namespace} -> #{new_path_with_namespace}" # if we cannot move namespace directory we should rollback # db changes in order to prevent out of sync between db and fs raise'repository cannot be renamed') end "Project was renamed: #{old_path_with_namespace} -> #{new_path_with_namespace}", path, namespace.path) end # Expires various caches before a project is renamed. def expire_caches_before_rename(old_path) repo =, self) wiki ="#{old_path}.wiki", self) if repo.exists? repo.before_delete end if wiki.exists? wiki.before_delete end end def hook_attrs(backward: true) attrs = { name: name, description: description, web_url: web_url, avatar_url: avatar_url, git_ssh_url: ssh_url_to_repo, git_http_url: http_url_to_repo, namespace:, visibility_level: visibility_level, path_with_namespace: path_with_namespace, default_branch: default_branch, } # Backward compatibility if backward attrs.merge!({ homepage: web_url, url: url_to_repo, ssh_url: ssh_url_to_repo, http_url: http_url_to_repo }) end attrs end # Reset events cache related to this project # # Since we do cache @event we need to reset cache in special cases: # * when project was moved # * when project was renamed # * when the project avatar changes # Events cache stored like events/23-20130109142513. # The cache key includes updated_at timestamp. # Thus it will automatically generate a new fragment # when the event is updated because the key changes. def reset_events_cache Event.where(project_id: order('id DESC').limit(100). update_all(updated_at: end def project_member(user) project_members.find_by(user_id: user) end def add_user(user, access_level, current_user: nil, expires_at: nil) team.add_user(user, access_level, current_user: current_user, expires_at: expires_at) end def default_branch @default_branch ||= repository.root_ref if repository.exists? end def reload_default_branch @default_branch = nil default_branch end def visibility_level_field visibility_level end def archive! update_attribute(:archived, true) end def unarchive! update_attribute(:archived, false) end def change_head(branch) repository.before_change_head repository.rugged.references.create('HEAD', "refs/heads/#{branch}", force: true) repository.copy_gitattributes(branch) repository.expire_avatar_cache(branch) reload_default_branch end def forked_from?(project) forked? && project == forked_from_project end def update_repository_size update_attribute(:repository_size, repository.size) end def update_commit_count update_attribute(:commit_count, repository.commit_count) end def forks_count forks.count end def find_label(name) labels.find_by(name: name) end def origin_merge_requests merge_requests.where(source_project_id: end def create_repository # Forked import is handled asynchronously unless forked? if gitlab_shell.add_repository(repository_storage_path, path_with_namespace) repository.after_create true else errors.add(:base, 'Failed to create repository via gitlab-shell') false end end end def repository_exists? !!repository.exists? end def create_wiki, self.owner).wiki true rescue ProjectWiki::CouldNotCreateWikiError errors.add(:base, 'Failed create wiki') false end def jira_tracker_active? jira_tracker? && end def allowed_to_share_with_group? !namespace.share_with_group_lock end def pipeline_for(ref, sha = nil) sha ||= commit(ref).try(:sha) return unless sha pipelines.order(id: :desc).find_by(sha: sha, ref: ref) end def ensure_pipeline(ref, sha, current_user = nil) pipeline_for(ref, sha) || pipelines.create(sha: sha, ref: ref, user: current_user) end def enable_ci self.builds_enabled = true end def any_runners?(&block) if return true end shared_runners_enabled? && end def valid_runners_token?(token) self.runners_token && ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.variable_size_secure_compare(token, self.runners_token) end # TODO (ayufan): For now we use runners_token (backward compatibility) # In 8.4 every build will have its own individual token valid for time of build def valid_build_token?(token) self.builds_enabled? && self.runners_token && ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.variable_size_secure_compare(token, self.runners_token) end def build_coverage_enabled? build_coverage_regex.present? end def build_timeout_in_minutes build_timeout / 60 end def build_timeout_in_minutes=(value) self.build_timeout = value.to_i * 60 end def open_issues_count issues.opened.count end def visibility_level_allowed_as_fork?(level = self.visibility_level) return true unless forked? # self.forked_from_project will be nil before the project is saved, so # we need to go through the relation original_project = forked_project_link.forked_from_project return true unless original_project level <= original_project.visibility_level end def visibility_level_allowed_by_group?(level = self.visibility_level) return true unless group level <= group.visibility_level end def visibility_level_allowed?(level = self.visibility_level) visibility_level_allowed_as_fork?(level) && visibility_level_allowed_by_group?(level) end def runners_token ensure_runners_token! end def wiki @wiki ||=, self.owner) end def running_or_pending_build_count(force: false) Rails.cache.fetch(['projects', id, 'running_or_pending_build_count'], force: force) do builds.running_or_pending.count(:all) end end def mark_import_as_failed(error_message) original_errors = errors.dup sanitized_message = Gitlab::UrlSanitizer.sanitize(error_message) import_fail update_column(:import_error, sanitized_message) rescue ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError => e Rails.logger.error("Error setting import status to failed: #{e.message}. Original error: #{sanitized_message}") ensure @errors = original_errors end def add_export_job(current_user:) job_id = ProjectExportWorker.perform_async(, if job_id "Export job started for project ID #{} with job ID #{job_id}" else Rails.logger.error "Export job failed to start for project ID #{}" end end def export_path File.join(Gitlab::ImportExport.storage_path, path_with_namespace) end def export_project_path Dir.glob("#{export_path}/*export.tar.gz").max_by { |f| File.ctime(f) } end def remove_exports _, status = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%W(find #{export_path} -not -path #{export_path} -delete)) end def ensure_dir_exist gitlab_shell.add_namespace(repository_storage_path, namespace.path) end def predefined_variables [ { key: 'CI_PROJECT_ID', value: id.to_s, public: true }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_NAME', value: path, public: true }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_PATH', value: path_with_namespace, public: true }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE', value: namespace.path, public: true }, { key: 'CI_PROJECT_URL', value: web_url, public: true } ] end def container_registry_variables return [] unless Gitlab.config.registry.enabled variables = [ { key: 'CI_REGISTRY', value: Gitlab.config.registry.host_port, public: true } ] if container_registry_enabled? variables << { key: 'CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE', value: container_registry_repository_url, public: true } end variables end def secret_variables do |variable| { key: variable.key, value: variable.value, public: false } end end # Checks if `user` is authorized for this project, with at least the # `min_access_level` (if given). # # If you change the logic of this method, please also update `User#authorized_projects` def authorized_for_user?(user, min_access_level = nil) return false unless user return true if personal? && namespace_id == user.namespace_id authorized_for_user_by_group?(user, min_access_level) || authorized_for_user_by_members?(user, min_access_level) || authorized_for_user_by_shared_projects?(user, min_access_level) end def append_or_update_attribute(name, value) old_values = public_send(name.to_s) if Project.reflect_on_association(name).try(:macro) == :has_many && old_values.any? update_attribute(name, old_values + value) else update_attribute(name, value) end end private def default_branch_protected? current_application_settings.default_branch_protection == Gitlab::Access::PROTECTION_FULL || current_application_settings.default_branch_protection == Gitlab::Access::PROTECTION_DEV_CAN_MERGE end def authorized_for_user_by_group?(user, min_access_level) member = user.group_members.find_by(source_id: group) member && (!min_access_level || member.access_level >= min_access_level) end def authorized_for_user_by_members?(user, min_access_level) member = members.find_by(user_id: user) member && (!min_access_level || member.access_level >= min_access_level) end def authorized_for_user_by_shared_projects?(user, min_access_level) shared_projects = user.group_members.joins(group: :shared_projects). where(project_group_links: { project_id: self }) if min_access_level members_scope = { access_level: { |access| access >= min_access_level } } shared_projects = shared_projects.where(members: members_scope) end shared_projects.any? end end