module Files class BaseService < ::BaseService class ValidationError < StandardError; end def execute @current_branch = params[:current_branch] @target_branch = params[:target_branch] @commit_message = params[:commit_message] @file_path = params[:file_path] @file_content = if params[:file_content_encoding] == 'base64' Base64.decode64(params[:file_content]) else params[:file_content] end # Validate parameters validate # Create new branch if it different from current_branch if @target_branch != @current_branch create_target_branch end if sha = commit after_commit(sha, @target_branch) success else error("Something went wrong. Your changes were not committed") end rescue ValidationError => ex error(ex.message) end private def repository project.repository end def after_commit(sha, branch) commit = repository.commit(sha) full_ref = "#{Gitlab::Git::BRANCH_REF_PREFIX}#{branch}" old_sha = commit.parent_id || Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA, current_user, old_sha, sha, full_ref) end def current_branch @current_branch ||= params[:current_branch] end def target_branch @target_branch ||= params[:target_branch] end def raise_error(message) raise end def validate allowed =, project).can_push_to_branch?(@target_branch) unless allowed raise_error("You are not allowed to push into this branch") end unless project.empty_repo? unless repository.branch_names.include?(@current_branch) raise_error("You can only create files if you are on top of a branch") end if @current_branch != @target_branch if repository.branch_names.include?(@target_branch) raise_error("Branch with such name already exists. You need to switch to this branch in order to make changes") end end end end def create_target_branch result =, current_user).execute(@target_branch, @current_branch) unless result[:status] == :success raise_error("Something went wrong when we tried to create #{@target_branch} for you") end end end end