module Gitlab module GoogleCodeImport class Importer attr_reader :project, :repo def initialize(project) @project = project import_data = project.import_data.try(:data) repo_data = import_data["repo"] if import_data @repo = @closed_statuses = [] @known_labels = end def execute return true unless repo.valid? import_status_labels import_labels import_issues true end private def user_map @user_map ||= begin user_map = do |hash, user| # Replace ... by \.\.\., so `` isn't autolinked. Client.mask_email(user).sub("...", "\\.\\.\\.") end import_data = project.import_data.try(:data) stored_user_map = import_data["user_map"] if import_data user_map.update(stored_user_map) if stored_user_map user_map end end def import_status_labels repo.raw_data["issuesConfig"]["statuses"].each do |status| closed = !status["meansOpen"] @closed_statuses << status["status"] if closed name = nice_status_name(status["status"]) create_label(name) @known_labels << name end end def import_labels repo.raw_data["issuesConfig"]["labels"].each do |label| name = nice_label_name(label["label"]) create_label(name) @known_labels << name end end def import_issues return unless repo.issues while raw_issue = repo.issues.shift author = user_map[raw_issue["author"]["name"]] date = DateTime.parse(raw_issue["published"]).to_formatted_s(:long) comments = raw_issue["comments"]["items"] issue_comment = comments.shift content = format_content(issue_comment["content"]) attachments = format_attachments(raw_issue["id"], 0, issue_comment["attachments"]) body = format_issue_body(author, date, content, attachments) labels = import_issue_labels(raw_issue) assignee_id = nil if raw_issue.has_key?("owner") username = user_map[raw_issue["owner"]["name"]] if username.start_with?("@") username = username[1..-1] if user = User.find_by(username: username) assignee_id = end end end issue = Issue.create!( project_id:, title: raw_issue["title"], description: body, author_id: project.creator_id, assignee_id: assignee_id, state: raw_issue["state"] == "closed" ? "closed" : "opened" ) issue.add_labels_by_names(labels, project.creator) if issue.iid != raw_issue["id"] issue.update_attribute(:iid, raw_issue["id"]) end import_issue_comments(issue, comments) end end def import_issue_labels(raw_issue) labels = [] raw_issue["labels"].each do |label| name = nice_label_name(label) labels << name unless @known_labels.include?(name) create_label(name) @known_labels << name end end labels << nice_status_name(raw_issue["status"]) labels end def import_issue_comments(issue, comments) Note.transaction do while raw_comment = comments.shift next if raw_comment.has_key?("deletedBy") content = format_content(raw_comment["content"]) updates = format_updates(raw_comment["updates"]) attachments = format_attachments(issue.iid, raw_comment["id"], raw_comment["attachments"]) next if content.blank? && updates.blank? && attachments.blank? author = user_map[raw_comment["author"]["name"]] date = DateTime.parse(raw_comment["published"]).to_formatted_s(:long) body = format_issue_comment_body( raw_comment["id"], author, date, content, updates, attachments ) # Needs to match order of `comment_columns` below. Note.create!( project_id:, noteable_type: "Issue", noteable_id:, author_id: project.creator_id, note: body ) end end end def nice_label_color(name) case name when /\AComponent:/ "#fff39e" when /\AOpSys:/ "#e2e2e2" when /\AMilestone:/ "#fee3ff" when "Status: New" "#428bca" when "Status: Accepted" "#5cb85c" when "Status: Started" "#8e44ad" when "Priority: Critical" "#ffcfcf" when "Priority: High" "#deffcf" when "Priority: Medium" "#fff5cc" when "Priority: Low" "#cfe9ff" when "Type: Defect" "#d9534f" when "Type: Enhancement" "#44ad8e" when "Type: Task" "#4b6dd0" when "Type: Review" "#8e44ad" when "Type: Other" "#7f8c8d" when * { |s| nice_status_name(s) } "#cfcfcf" else "#e2e2e2" end end def nice_label_name(name) name.sub("-", ": ") end def nice_status_name(name) "Status: #{name}" end def linkify_issues(s) s = s.gsub(/([Ii]ssue) ([0-9]+)/, '\1 #\2') s = s.gsub(/([Cc]omment) #([0-9]+)/, '\1 \2') s end def escape_for_markdown(s) # No headings and lists s = s.gsub(/^#/, "\\#") s = s.gsub(/^-/, "\\-") # No inline code s = s.gsub("`", "\\`") # Carriage returns make me sad s = s.delete("\r") # Markdown ignores single newlines, but we need them as
. s = s.gsub("\n", " \n") s end def create_label(name) color = nice_label_color(name) project.labels.create!(name: name, color: color) end def format_content(raw_content) linkify_issues(escape_for_markdown(raw_content)) end def format_updates(raw_updates) updates = [] if raw_updates.has_key?("status") updates << "*Status: #{raw_updates["status"]}*" end if raw_updates.has_key?("owner") updates << "*Owner: #{user_map[raw_updates["owner"]]}*" end if raw_updates.has_key?("cc") cc = raw_updates["cc"].map do |l| deleted = l.start_with?("-") l = l[1..-1] if deleted l = user_map[l] l = "~~#{l}~~" if deleted l end updates << "*Cc: #{cc.join(", ")}*" end if raw_updates.has_key?("labels") labels = raw_updates["labels"].map do |l| deleted = l.start_with?("-") l = l[1..-1] if deleted l = nice_label_name(l) l = "~~#{l}~~" if deleted l end updates << "*Labels: #{labels.join(", ")}*" end if raw_updates.has_key?("mergedInto") updates << "*Merged into: ##{raw_updates["mergedInto"]}*" end if raw_updates.has_key?("blockedOn") blocked_ons = raw_updates["blockedOn"].map do |raw_blocked_on| format_blocking_updates(raw_blocked_on) end updates << "*Blocked on: #{blocked_ons.join(", ")}*" end if raw_updates.has_key?("blocking") blockings = raw_updates["blocking"].map do |raw_blocked_on| format_blocking_updates(raw_blocked_on) end updates << "*Blocking: #{blockings.join(", ")}*" end updates end def format_blocking_updates(raw_blocked_on) name, id = raw_blocked_on.split(":", 2) deleted = name.start_with?("-") name = name[1..-1] if deleted text = if name == project.import_source "##{id}" else "#{project.namespace.path}/#{name}##{id}" end text = "~~#{text}~~" if deleted text end def format_attachments(issue_id, comment_id, raw_attachments) return [] unless raw_attachments do |attachment| next if attachment["isDeleted"] filename = attachment["fileName"] link = "{}/issue-#{issue_id}/comment-#{comment_id}/#{filename}" text = "[#{filename}](#{link})" text = "!#{text}" if filename =~ /\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp|tiff)\z/i text end.compact end def format_issue_comment_body(id, author, date, content, updates, attachments) body = [] body << "*Comment #{id} by #{author} on #{date}*" body << "---" if content.blank? content = "*(No comment has been entered for this change)*" end body << content if updates.any? body << "---" body += updates end if attachments.any? body << "---" body += attachments end body.join("\n\n") end def format_issue_body(author, date, content, attachments) body = [] body << "*By #{author} on #{date} (imported from Google Code)*" body << "---" if content.blank? content = "*(No description has been entered for this issue)*" end body << content if attachments.any? body << "---" body += attachments end body.join("\n\n") end end end end