# == Schema Information # # Table name: projects # # id :integer not null, primary key # name :string(255) # path :string(255) # description :text # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # creator_id :integer # default_branch :string(255) # issues_enabled :boolean default(TRUE), not null # wall_enabled :boolean default(TRUE), not null # merge_requests_enabled :boolean default(TRUE), not null # wiki_enabled :boolean default(TRUE), not null # namespace_id :integer # public :boolean default(FALSE), not null # issues_tracker :string(255) default("gitlab"), not null # issues_tracker_id :string(255) # snippets_enabled :boolean default(TRUE), not null # last_activity_at :datetime # require "grit" class Project < ActiveRecord::Base include Gitlab::ShellAdapter extend Enumerize attr_accessible :name, :path, :description, :default_branch, :issues_tracker, :label_list, :issues_enabled, :wall_enabled, :merge_requests_enabled, :snippets_enabled, :issues_tracker_id, :wiki_enabled, :public, :import_url, :last_activity_at, as: [:default, :admin] attr_accessible :namespace_id, :creator_id, as: :admin acts_as_taggable_on :labels attr_accessor :import_url # Relations belongs_to :creator, foreign_key: "creator_id", class_name: "User" belongs_to :group, foreign_key: "namespace_id", conditions: "type = 'Group'" belongs_to :namespace has_one :last_event, class_name: 'Event', order: 'events.created_at DESC', foreign_key: 'project_id' has_one :gitlab_ci_service, dependent: :destroy has_many :events, dependent: :destroy has_many :merge_requests, dependent: :destroy has_many :issues, dependent: :destroy, order: "state DESC, created_at DESC" has_many :milestones, dependent: :destroy has_many :users_projects, dependent: :destroy has_many :notes, dependent: :destroy has_many :snippets, dependent: :destroy has_many :deploy_keys, dependent: :destroy, class_name: "Key", foreign_key: "project_id" has_many :hooks, dependent: :destroy, class_name: "ProjectHook" has_many :protected_branches, dependent: :destroy has_many :user_team_project_relationships, dependent: :destroy has_many :users, through: :users_projects has_many :user_teams, through: :user_team_project_relationships has_many :user_team_user_relationships, through: :user_teams has_many :user_teams_members, through: :user_team_user_relationships delegate :name, to: :owner, allow_nil: true, prefix: true # Validations validates :creator, presence: true validates :description, length: { within: 0..2000 } validates :name, presence: true, length: { within: 0..255 }, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.project_name_regex, message: "only letters, digits, spaces & '_' '-' '.' allowed. Letter should be first" } validates :path, presence: true, length: { within: 0..255 }, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.path_regex, message: "only letters, digits & '_' '-' '.' allowed. Letter should be first" } validates :issues_enabled, :wall_enabled, :merge_requests_enabled, :wiki_enabled, inclusion: { in: [true, false] } validates :issues_tracker_id, length: { within: 0..255 } validates_uniqueness_of :name, scope: :namespace_id validates_uniqueness_of :path, scope: :namespace_id validates :import_url, format: { with: URI::regexp(%w(http https)), message: "should be a valid url" }, if: :import? validate :check_limit, :repo_name # Scopes scope :without_user, ->(user) { where("projects.id NOT IN (:ids)", ids: user.authorized_projects.map(&:id) ) } scope :without_team, ->(team) { team.projects.present? ? where("projects.id NOT IN (:ids)", ids: team.projects.map(&:id)) : scoped } scope :not_in_group, ->(group) { where("projects.id NOT IN (:ids)", ids: group.project_ids ) } scope :in_team, ->(team) { where("projects.id IN (:ids)", ids: team.projects.map(&:id)) } scope :in_namespace, ->(namespace) { where(namespace_id: namespace.id) } scope :in_group_namespace, -> { joins(:group) } scope :sorted_by_activity, -> { order("projects.last_activity_at DESC") } scope :personal, ->(user) { where(namespace_id: user.namespace_id) } scope :joined, ->(user) { where("namespace_id != ?", user.namespace_id) } scope :public_only, -> { where(public: true) } enumerize :issues_tracker, in: (Gitlab.config.issues_tracker.keys).append(:gitlab), default: :gitlab class << self def abandoned project_ids = Event.select('max(created_at) as latest_date, project_id'). group('project_id'). having('latest_date < ?', 6.months.ago).map(&:project_id) where(id: project_ids) end def with_push includes(:events).where('events.action = ?', Event::PUSHED) end def active joins(:issues, :notes, :merge_requests).order("issues.created_at, notes.created_at, merge_requests.created_at DESC") end def search query where("projects.name LIKE :query OR projects.path LIKE :query", query: "%#{query}%") end def find_with_namespace(id) if id.include?("/") id = id.split("/") namespace = Namespace.find_by_path(id.first) return nil unless namespace where(namespace_id: namespace.id).find_by_path(id.second) else where(path: id, namespace_id: nil).last end end def access_options UsersProject.access_roles end end def team @team ||= ProjectTeam.new(self) end def repository @repository ||= Repository.new(path_with_namespace, default_branch) end def saved? id && persisted? end def import? import_url.present? end def check_limit unless creator.can_create_project? errors[:limit_reached] << ("Your own projects limit is #{creator.projects_limit}! Please contact administrator to increase it") end rescue errors[:base] << ("Can't check your ability to create project") end def repo_name denied_paths = %w(admin dashboard groups help profile projects search) if denied_paths.include?(path) errors.add(:path, "like #{path} is not allowed") end end def to_param if namespace namespace.path + "/" + path else path end end def web_url [Gitlab.config.gitlab.url, path_with_namespace].join("/") end def build_commit_note(commit) notes.new(commit_id: commit.id, noteable_type: "Commit") end def last_activity last_event end def last_activity_date last_activity_at || updated_at end def project_id self.id end def issues_labels issues.tag_counts_on(:labels) end def issue_exists?(issue_id) if used_default_issues_tracker? self.issues.where(id: issue_id).first.present? else true end end def used_default_issues_tracker? self.issues_tracker == Project.issues_tracker.default_value end def can_have_issues_tracker_id? self.issues_enabled && !self.used_default_issues_tracker? end def services [gitlab_ci_service].compact end def gitlab_ci? gitlab_ci_service && gitlab_ci_service.active end # For compatibility with old code def code path end def items_for entity case entity when 'issue' then issues when 'merge_request' then merge_requests end end def send_move_instructions self.users_projects.each do |member| Notify.delay.project_was_moved_email(member.id) end end def owner if namespace namespace_owner else creator end end def team_member_by_name_or_email(name = nil, email = nil) user = users.where("name like ? or email like ?", name, email).first users_projects.where(user: user) if user end # Get Team Member record by user id def team_member_by_id(user_id) users_projects.find_by_user_id(user_id) end def name_with_namespace @name_with_namespace ||= begin if namespace namespace.human_name + " / " + name else name end end end def namespace_owner namespace.try(:owner) end def path_with_namespace if namespace namespace.path + '/' + path else path end end def transfer(new_namespace) ProjectTransferService.new.transfer(self, new_namespace) end def execute_hooks(data) hooks.each { |hook| hook.async_execute(data) } end def execute_services(data) services.each do |service| # Call service hook only if it is active service.execute(data) if service.active end end def discover_default_branch # Discover the default branch, but only if it hasn't already been set to # something else if repository && default_branch.nil? update_attributes(default_branch: self.repository.discover_default_branch) end end def update_merge_requests(oldrev, newrev, ref, user) return true unless ref =~ /heads/ branch_name = ref.gsub("refs/heads/", "") c_ids = self.repository.commits_between(oldrev, newrev).map(&:id) # Update code for merge requests mrs = self.merge_requests.opened.by_branch(branch_name).all mrs.each { |merge_request| merge_request.reload_code; merge_request.mark_as_unchecked } # Close merge requests mrs = self.merge_requests.opened.where(target_branch: branch_name).all mrs = mrs.select(&:last_commit).select { |mr| c_ids.include?(mr.last_commit.id) } mrs.each { |merge_request| merge_request.merge!(user.id) } true end def valid_repo? repository.exists? rescue errors.add(:path, "Invalid repository path") false end def empty_repo? !repository.exists? || repository.empty? end def ensure_satellite_exists self.satellite.create unless self.satellite.exists? end def satellite @satellite ||= Gitlab::Satellite::Satellite.new(self) end def repo repository.raw end def url_to_repo gitlab_shell.url_to_repo(path_with_namespace) end def namespace_dir namespace.try(:path) || '' end def repo_exists? @repo_exists ||= repository.exists? rescue @repo_exists = false end def open_branches all_branches = repository.branches if protected_branches.present? all_branches.reject! do |branch| protected_branches_names.include?(branch.name) end end all_branches end def protected_branches_names @protected_branches_names ||= protected_branches.map(&:name) end def root_ref?(branch) repository.root_ref == branch end def ssh_url_to_repo url_to_repo end def http_url_to_repo http_url = [Gitlab.config.gitlab.url, "/", path_with_namespace, ".git"].join('') end def project_access_human(member) project_user_relation = self.users_projects.find_by_user_id(member.id) self.class.access_options.key(project_user_relation.project_access) end # Check if current branch name is marked as protected in the system def protected_branch? branch_name protected_branches_names.include?(branch_name) end end