import Vuex from 'vuex'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { getJSONFixture } from 'helpers/fixtures'; import SuiteTable from '~/pipelines/components/test_reports/test_suite_table.vue'; import * as getters from '~/pipelines/stores/test_reports/getters'; import { TestStatus } from '~/pipelines/constants'; import skippedTestCases from './mock_data'; describe('Test reports suite table', () => { let wrapper; let store; const { test_suites: [testSuite], } = getJSONFixture('pipelines/test_report.json'); testSuite.test_cases = [...testSuite.test_cases, ...skippedTestCases]; const testCases = testSuite.test_cases; const noCasesMessage = () => wrapper.find('.js-no-test-cases'); const allCaseRows = () => wrapper.findAll('.js-case-row'); const findCaseRowAtIndex = index => wrapper.findAll('.js-case-row').at(index); const findIconForRow = (row, status) => row.find(`.ci-status-icon-${status}`); const createComponent = (suite = testSuite) => { store = new Vuex.Store({ state: { selectedSuite: suite, }, getters, }); wrapper = shallowMount(SuiteTable, { store, }); }; afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); describe('should not render', () => { beforeEach(() => createComponent([])); it('a table when there are no test cases', () => { expect(noCasesMessage().exists()).toBe(true); }); }); describe('when a test suite is supplied', () => { beforeEach(() => createComponent()); it('renders the correct number of rows', () => { expect(allCaseRows().length).toBe(testCases.length); }); it('renders the failed tests first', () => { const failedCaseNames = testCases .filter(x => x.status === TestStatus.FAILED) .map(x =>; const skippedCaseNames = testCases .filter(x => x.status === TestStatus.SKIPPED) .map(x =>; expect(findCaseRowAtIndex(0).text()).toContain(failedCaseNames[0]); expect(findCaseRowAtIndex(1).text()).toContain(failedCaseNames[1]); expect(findCaseRowAtIndex(2).text()).toContain(skippedCaseNames[0]); }); it('renders the correct icon for each status', () => { const failedTest = testCases.findIndex(x => x.status === TestStatus.FAILED); const skippedTest = testCases.findIndex(x => x.status === TestStatus.SKIPPED); const successTest = testCases.findIndex(x => x.status === TestStatus.SUCCESS); const failedRow = findCaseRowAtIndex(failedTest); const skippedRow = findCaseRowAtIndex(skippedTest); const successRow = findCaseRowAtIndex(successTest); expect(findIconForRow(failedRow, TestStatus.FAILED).exists()).toBe(true); expect(findIconForRow(skippedRow, TestStatus.SKIPPED).exists()).toBe(true); expect(findIconForRow(successRow, TestStatus.SUCCESS).exists()).toBe(true); }); }); });